Let's Make Up

L of Infinite is MY Boyfriend!

At 8:30 L was waiting in front of my house with his motorbike. Wearing all black, leaning against his bike, and a smirk on his face made me squeal like a high school girl. He tapped the seat behind him,"Come on, let's go take you to school."

I skipped to him and gave him a good morning hug and kiss,"Myungsoo oppa~!" I smiled up at him,"This reminds me of when you'd take me to school last year. You'd wake up so early to take me."

He helped me up his bike and sat in front,"I didn't mind. I liked you hugging me so early in the morning." he winked at me and started the engine, "You ready?" he asked.

"Always." I said, hugging his waist.

He grinned and sped away quickly. I laughed behind him and hugged him tighter. 


We arrived quicker than ever and he parked near Sungjong's bike. The whole group was there waiting, impressed to see L.

L.Joe smirked and greeted him with their handshake and semi-bro-hug. "Yo, what are you doing here, you punk!" L.Joe eyed L. "Couldn't last a day without her?"

"Shut up, Byunghun." L snorted.

L.Joe srunched his face and scratched his head,"You're lucky you're my friend." he sighed and glanced at me,"My sweet darling, your boyfriend is being mean to me, the love of your life! Do something!" he pouted and dodged L's foot. He snickered and hid behind Hyuna.

I slapped L's arm slightly,"Don't be like that to L.Joe. You know he doesn't like his first name." L.Joe stuck his tongue out at L, who tried to reach after him with his hands. I held him back by his waist and smiled,"Oppa! Stop, please."

L glanced down at him and pointed to L.Joe,"I'm going to get you. You better be ready."

L.Joe smiled and blew kisses at him. I rolled my eyes and glanced at my watch,"Okay, I have class in 10 minutes. I'll see you after school, right oppa?" I hugged him. 

I heard Hyuna and Key make gushy noises and L.Joe and Sungjong pretended to puke. Only Taemin remained normal, looking over a book. L grinned and whispered sweet words into my ear and I giggled.

Hyuna rolled her eyes,"What is this? Senior year all over again? I don't need this to repeat this year too! Please be considerate for the single people over here." she scolded and huffed to Key,"I need to capture that Chanyeol boy."

Key hugged her and cooed,"I know sweety."

L climbed his bike and kissed my cheek,"Have a good day, okay? Hopefully it won't be so eventful." he winked and sped off quickly. 

Hyuna snorted and I lightly slapped her,"Oh be quiet."

L.Joe hugged my shoulders,"Let's go baby girl, we have biology." he wiggled,"We're going to learn about the body and stuff. You know what that means, right?"

I patiently looked up at him,"L.Joe I think you're talking about Anatomy. We're learning about life science. Come on. We'll see you guys later for lunch." I smiled at the group and waved at them. I pulled L.Joe quickly,"Let's go, we're going to be late."

"Baby girl, pull me harder!" L.Joe grinned, totally having fun messing with me. I just ignored him, as usual, and tried to get us to class on time.

Being with L.Joe, made it hard for us to get there on time, but it was a miracle we did. The both of us sat down on some seats in the middle section of the class, which was almost full. There was about 100 students in the class and I nearly had a heart attack. Luckily, we got some good seats.

L.Joe whistled,"Some lecture hall."

I got my things ready and waited patiently for the professor to come. L.Joe kept looking around the class and I did the same. I noticed the handful of girls looking at L.Joe, who didn't even care about them. He was too busy eyeing all the boring interior and snorting at a few kids he called nerds. I slapped his arm for being rude.

"Oh princess, I didn't mean you." he puckered his lips and I pushed his face away with a small smile. "You know I love you."

I rolled my eyes,"I know, you tell me it whenever you get the chance." L.Joe started cursing under his breath and I frowned at him,"What's the matter? Are you getting ill or scared about class?"

He shot me a look,"Like I'd get scared of a class, That rude is in our class, again. I can't believe this." he rubbed his face,"If I see that pretty boy's face in one more of our classes..." he growled and crossed his arms,"And here he comes."

I followed L.Joe's intense glare and did see Kai with one of his friends, I think his name was Kyungsoo. I patted L.Joe's arm to calm him down when the two of them sat besides me.

L.Joe let out a dry laugh,"You've got to be kidding me." I felt his arm's flex from anger and I whispered,"L.Joe, calm down or else get some air if you can't take it. You can't do anything rash and get yourself in trouble on the second day."

He sighed through his nose and kept his face forward,"He better not talk to you, or us." he whispered back,"Or else I'm going to punch him."

I squeezed his arm,"It's fine."

L.Joe motioned me to take his seat,"I'm not letting you sit next to him." I eyed Kai next to me and L.Joe. I shot him a look,"You think that's the best idea? Because I feel like if you hear him breathe you're going to knock him out."

"I wasn't going to do it..." he trailed off.

I scoffed and quietly said,"Like I'd believe that. Just sit quietly and ignore them"

The professor walked in, a tall, middle age man with a nice tie. He introduced himself as Professor Song, and to only refer to him as so. L.Joe snorted quietly with a small smirk on his face. I knew that look and I snarled softly,"Don't even think about doing anything stupid, Byunghun." 

L.Joe pouted and stuffed his hands in his pockets. I felt tired already and class hasn't even fully begun. I glanced at Kai and he was already staring at me. I gave him a little nod and looked back to Professor Song. He started passing out big stacks of papers to the ends of each aisle.

"The syllabus for this class. Read it. Love it. Remember it. This will be your best friend. It has all the dates you'll want to never forget. Exams, study seminars, midterms, quizzes, etc. There will be days we won't have classes too, and I know you'll definitely want to remember those." he walked along the front of the room,"I do not tolerate disruptive behavior, late work, and plagiarism. I do not take attendance, good for you, but heads up, missing one class can be threatening. This class is two hours long and I can teach a lot within that time period. I do say you can record my sessions, but no video recordings. It would be best if you guys get together for study groups. I don't give much homework, but I do give one hell of a exam." Professor Song stood behind the desk,"Do you guys really want to listen to me recite my own syllabus, or could you just read it on your own? I'm pretty sure you guys can do that right?" he grinned.

The class laughed and everyone started to pack up and leave.

"This dude seems cool." L.Joe nodded. "I like him. Let's get A's in this class."  I smiled, amused at L.Joe's sudden motivation. Everyone stood up and I stuffed the syllabus in my folder and packed up. L.Joe shoved the packet in his backpack and waited patiently for me. He started talking about how we could have adorable study dates like the in the dramas and finally realize he was the man I was supposedly really in love with and not L.

"I'm totally the love of your life." L.Joe stated confidently,"I mean look at me." he gestured to himself.

I did look at him and I admit that L.Joe was definitely handsome,"Of course you are. But you know, L.Joe. you really do need to find a girlfriend. Maybe you can find one in our biology class. There's a bunch of them in our class who couldn't stop staring and drooling."

L.Joe glared,"They don't even know me. Girls throw themselves at me all the time just for my handsome face. Not for me."

"Okay, don't go all kdrama on me. I'm sure someone will love you for you. And I hope they stay with you when they find out you're such a dork." I giggled and hugged his arm,"Now that we have two hours free, let's grab something at the cafe."

L.Joe glanced at me warily,"You just want me for my money."

"Oh, did I get caught?" I laughed and pulled him along,"Come on my pretend boyfriend-bodyguard."

One step outside the class, L.Joe was already growling and snapping like a enraged chihuahua. I held him tightly,"Down pookie. No biting." I joked lightly. L.Joe growled at me this time and I pinched his cheeks,"Stop it."

"Darling!" L.Joe whined.

I ignored him and stared at Kai and his friend. Kyungsoo looked kind of nervous and Kai just looked desperate for a chance to talk. I nodded my head to him,"Sup."

"Sup?!" L.Joe exclaimed furiously, I rolled my eyes again, L.Joe pointed at them while looking at me,"You're saying 'Sup' to him? Are you kidding me, baby girl? After how rude he was?"

"L.Joe, you're rude all the time to people too." I pointed out. L.Joe was about to talk back, but he realized I was right. I looked at Kai,"You've got something to say?"

Kai sighed and rubbed his neck,"Look, yesterday morning was kind of bad time for me. I was in a bad mood and I didn't mean to be so...rude. I'm not usually that horribly mean and it's not that I'm very nice either. What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry. It was my bad. Can't we like, I don't know, make up or something?"

L.Joe and I stared at him. Then we burst into laughter. L.Joe snickered at him,"He said make up. What are we? Dating? How cute."

I laughed harder and wiped the tears falling from my eyes,"This is great. You're great. Kai, we accept your apology and we can totally make up." I smirked at them. 

Kai looked like he was blushing and he cleared his throat,"I'm Kai." he held out his hand. "And that's my best friend Kyungsoo, but we call him D.O" Kai motioned to D.O who waved his hand.

L.Joe stopped laughing, but grinned,"L.Joe." And the two of them shook hands.

"L.Joe?" Kai and D.O eyed him.

"Unique, I know." L.Joe grinned. "The 'L' stands for Lee. And 'Joe' is my English name, don't ask about that." L.Joe freely laughed. He smiled and hugged me,"And you know my darling, Yoonji."

"Darling? I thought you said he wasn't your...boyfriend." D.O shyly asked.

I smiled and pinched L.Joe's sides, he yelped, and I ignored him, "He's one of my best friends. He's always like this. L.Joe's very touchy, but he's harmless. Like this idiot said, I'm Jung Yoonji." I waved.

"Her real boyfriend is scary though, so watch out!" L.Joe smirked and ruffled my hair. "I'm going to tell him your first college friends are boys."

I shrugged,"L oppa is fine with that." I wasn't so sure, but I could deal with it later. I pouted at him,"Are we going to go to the cafe still? I'm kind of craving a blueberry muffin. You guys want to come?" I asked Kai and D.O politely,"Yesterday, I was a and I'm not really like that. I'll buy you guys a muffin too."

Kai and D.O looked at each other and Kai nodded his head,"Sure. We have nothing to do." he smiled.

L.Joe clapped his hands on D.O's shoulders and they lead the way,"Bro, your shoulders are so thin! We need to get some muscles on you! You know how to box?"

D.O looked scared and he shook his head,"N-No. I just...sing."

"Oh! I rap! But, some of my friends sing too! You should meet them one day. You know the club Angel?" L.Joe asked.

"No." D.O shook his head again,"I don't club."

L.Joe stared at him like he was some sort of alien,"Are you serious? What kind of boy are you? No wonder you're so thin and pale, you don't go out! We're going to change that. I promise." D.O just gulped.

I smiled instantly,"Oh, leave him alone L.Joe. Don't scare the new friend we just made. But, we need to go there soon, you guys should come. One of my uncles runs the place. We could get in for free."

"You club?" Kai asked, surprised.

I smirked at him,"I totally do."

The four of us walked towards the buidling talking about ourselves. I found out Kai was actually a pretty cool, sarcastic guy. D.O and him have been best friends since elementary school. Then they met their four other friends in middle school. Kai grew up in a normal family, had a love for dance, and could sometimes be a dork too. Not to mention he was a single hottie, what a surprise.

"I can't believe someone stole your phone yesterday." I shook my head and scowled,"That's such bad luck."

Kai nodded and D.O had a small frown on his face.

"It was total bull." Kai glared at nothing,"It was rush hour on the bus, so I couldn't tell until I got off. Which was why I was in a bad mood." 

I clicked my tongue,"I would've been the same way if I was in your situation. I would've been worse actually." I admitted with a smile.

L.Joe sighed,"That , Kai. Well, if you need a new phone, I know someone. Just let me know."

Kai weirdly looked at him,"Thanks...?" 

I laughed when phone dinged and I looked at it. I gapsed and answered right away,"Oppa! What's up?" The boys all stopped, waiting patiently for me.

"Hey, I'm at the parking lot, I have your pyschology book. Your mom told me to give it to you." L said into the phone.

My eyes widened and I cursed,"Crap! You're right! I'll be there right now!" I hung up and glanced at L.Joe,"Myungsoo oppa is here with my psych book. Ugh, I'm so stupid. I can't believe I forgot about it."

L.Joe tilted his head,"We need our book?"

I sighed,"L.Joe, the teacher emailed that we needed it."

L.Joe laughed,"I don't even have it yet." he smiled when he saw my frown,"Chill, love. It's barely the second day of class and the first time we'll have this one. I don't think we'll do hardcore studying right away. I'll be fine. And if anything, I still have you babe."

I rolled my eyes,"Anyway, I'll meet you guys at the cafe. My boyfriend is here with my book and I'll pick it up." I said with an 'ok' sign.

L.Joe groaned,"Man, I just saw his ugly face a half an hour ago. Do I need to see him again." he whined like a pup.

"Oh, my little chihuahua, I didn't say you had to come." I said, walking away, leaving behind a snickering Kai and a smiling D.O and a pouting L.Joe.

L.Joe cried out loud,"Why am I a chihuahua? I'm like a doberman. Or a pitbull!"

I snorted,"In your dreams princess."


"Myungsoo oppa~" I sang happily when I spotted L,"I missed you soo much!"

He was leaning against his bike again, and he still looked y as always. I tackled him with a loving hug,"I'll make this up to you later! Thank you lots!"

L smiled and kissed my temple,"I'd do this any time if I get to see you. And if I get such a loving greeting." We parted a bit and he held me by my waist,"How was your first class? I hope I didn't bother you."

I shook my head and beamed,"No, we got out early. My bio teacher is pretty chill too."

L held out my book and I took it from him with a kiss,"Thanks oppa! I gotta meet L.Joe and my friends at the cafe! I'll see you in a while! I love you!" I waved goodbye and headed back first. 

"I love you!" he yelled back, not caring if anyone stared.

I smiled, skipping away while hearing him leave the school. My boyfriend is the best!







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ccjial #1
When are the new chapters coming? i'll be waiting!!
OkSooyeon #2
Chapter 9: YoonJi having a nice breakfast while watching the show! Food is the best while watching a show hahahhah
Chapter 9: yoonji is right lmao no matter what is going on, you've gotta finish your food! can't waste good food XD
Chapter 8: Omg! You’re back!
ChrisChen #5
Chapter 7: PLEASE UPDATE <3
Chapter 7: Are you gonna upload new chappies soon :(
jivisha28 #7
so cool
jivisha28 #8
so cool
Chapter 5: update plz
jivisha28 #10
Chapter 1: pls update pls pls