Life 1.

Life's an endless journey

I could never understand how some teenagers are willing to blindly waste their youth away.



"Min! Join us for lunch later will you! You haven't been hanging out with us lately you know." Kyungjong whined for the umpteenth time this week.

"Sorry to disappoint, i've got practice this entire week." I replied once again with my eyes solely glued onto my math textbook.

"Again," Kyungjong mumbled under her breath.


Homework and tests has been piling up again, and i really don't wish to have Teacher Park coming after me, or even worse complaining to coach again, who knows where it would land me the next season. Season is coming up in less than half a year, plus the college entrance exams will be held next year. In exchange for good grades and a secured position in the college team, i would gladly give up my free time.


Kyungjong sat on the seat infront of me and stared, 'I really do not get why you're pushing yourself so much, i mean come on! You're 17! Have a life, go party whatever just stop facing books and balls day in day out." Calmly placing my pen on the table, i turned my body towards Kyungjong and Yuri. "Because i have a dream. Plus i wouldn't want our team to lose the championship next season, right Yuri?" Giving Yuri a pointed look. "You know Kyungjong, i can't argue with that when she brings up the team." Yuri threw her hands in the air in exasperation, throwing me a dirty look. Yuri is our team's captain, and if there's anyone who's as passionate as me or even more passionate than me about volleyball it would undoubtedly be her. We've been friends and teammates since middle school, thus being exeptionally aware of each of our passion.


"But you know what Seomin, it wouldn't hurt to get yourself a boyfriend. Look at me, i've been with Taehyun for 2 years now! It;s high time to start responding to all your suiters you know, wouldn't want them to get the impression that you're lesbian huh" Yuri retorted with a sly wink. Sensing that this is going to be another long boring lecture of getting myself a guy, i quickly packed my books and stood up, excusing myself to the library. Honestly, it's not as if i'm lesbain or do not wish to have a boyfriend, i mean all girls wishes to have a boyfriend right. It's just one, we're in a girls' school and apart from school and home i practically have no interactions or whatsoever with the opposite gender, well excluding dance practice. Two, as shocking as it may be to some others, i am in fact actually a really shy person which then again explains my limited social circle. With this two reasons itself, it pretty much sums up why i do not have a boyfriend. And also because i highly doubt it's the right time to have one.

Also, it's not as if i'm not interested in guys, i mean after being in an all girls school for practically my entire life, i do have a slight phobia towards guys. Not leaving out the fact that the first time a guy confessed to me in middle school i literally ran away, Yuri would never let me off for that. Sometimes yes i do yearn for a boyfriend a relationship just like any other teenager, but i'm too afraid to try or perhaps because i'm really a er at making new friends. If there's one thing i'm absolutely sure of, it would be thay i'm no social butterfly. I highly doubt any guys would ever take interest in me and despite how much i try to shake it off, it still saddens me.

Making my way to the library, i quickly glanced through my scheduler |volleyball practice till 7| Just the, my phone vibrated, signalling a message. Taking out my phone from the skirt pocket, i read through it'scontent from Hyoyeon our crew leader,

"Seomin ah! Instuctor Lee will be coming over this Thursday to check on our progress, plus i've some important (and exciting) news to be announced! I really need your attendance today! Practice will be as usual, 730 at the studio alright! <3"

I stood there in the middle of the hallway contemplating for awhile before coming to a decision. Sighing, i continued making my way to the library, mentally preparing myself for the long day ahead.





To say training was tiring would be the understatement of the century. However as my personal motto goes, no pain no gain. After changing out of my sports gear and keeping my shoes, i quickly made a mad dash towards the exit while throwing a quick goodbye over my shoulders. Taking multiple steps at a time i made my way down the sports hall while trying my best to not fall flat on my face. Glancing at my phone, i realised that i only had less than half an hour to get my to the studio. Looking down at my soaked sports attire, there was no way i could make it in time if i changed. Deciding to it up and bear with the sweat filled shirt i then threw on a pair of more decent shorts over my spandex shorts, i definitely do not appreciate prancing around in public with such a short bottom. 

After about 6 stops, i quickly alightted the bus and made my way to the studio. Sensing my unbearable hunger at that moment, i squeezed in some time for me to get a sandwich at the nearby bakery.

Upon entering the bakery i got welcomed by the smell of freshly made bread while spotting a group of teenage guys crowding around a table at a corner. I made my way to the sandwich section, brushing them off without a second glance like i always do. Just as i was looking though the variety of sandwiches available, i  heard hush whispers coming from that group of boys, as per usual i brushed off any suspicion and went to the counter for payment. As i turned around, i could see them staring at me from  the corners of my eyes "Oh is that her?" "Seoul Empire?" "Right it's her Seomin!" "So that's her". Feeling umcomfortable as time passed, i looked down at my shirt and instantly regretted not changing, this shirt practically spelled out "Seoul Empire Girls' . Seomin" with my name on it.Sparing them a few seconds of my time while waiting for my turn at the counter, i realised they were from Seoul Academy for Boys *oh it's them* Seoul Academy is also quite well-knowned for their volleyball team, not forgetting the fact that Taehyun -Yuri's boyfriend and my friend from middle school- is in that school.

Despite being quite good friends with Taehyun, i've never once spoken to any of his friends. Partly becasue they were guys, and also because they played volleyball. Somehow, i don't really like acquanting myself with other volleyballers.

Yet since i knew we are still going to meet someday, most probably during th next season, i tried to be as friendly and nice as possible by flashing them an affable smile. Grabbing my purchased sandwich, not before hearing someone say "No woner he likes her." Once again i brushed that comment off, thinking that they may be talking about a whole new different topic. Having my sandwich in one hand and my phone in the other, i exited the bakery while dialing Hyoyeon's number, intending to inform her that i may be slightly late. I almost collided into someone while opening the door, if it wasn't for the person's fast reflexes. Looking up to apologise, i realised it was Jungkook, part of Seoul Academy's volleyball team and also part of the underground dance crew BTS. With much coincidence, we both are also neighbours living in the same apartment block. I sheepishly apologised as he held the door open for me, chuckling at my clumsiness. After a quick thanks, i dashed towards the studio, seeing how i was already later.

Although Jungkook and i have much similiarity in our lives, we were not close friends. Technically i have known him since middle school, although he wasn't in the same school as me, he still played volleyball. Additionally, Hyoyeon once brought Joohyun and I to the underground dance club which Jungkook was part of. Of course i was attracted to him initially, but that thought got pushed away to the back of my mind, invaded by other excuses. Sadly my little crush towards him did not go unnoticed by Yuri at the start, but yet miraculously she has forgotten about it, or so i convince myself.






THERE! All done! First chapter of the story :-) Please enjoy and leave a comment below about this chapter! :-)



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Chapter 1: Please update!!!!!! I want me some kookie!!!!