
the wind in my hair

A few days after travelling on the road, everyone was exhausted, especially Taeil, who had to do the driving. Minhyuk studied the signboard closing up and realized it stated, “Mambo Beach up ahead”

“Excuse you people, but I think it’s time to head the beach,” Minhyuk announced and was greeted back with hollers of agreement.

Taeil pushed the pedal to the metal, and they arrived at Mambo Beach in the no time. The sun was just up in the sky at 5pm in the evening and loud music thumped out from the speakers. Many beach-goers welcomed them with open arms and within seconds, a colorful drink was pushed into Minhyuk’s hands.

Laughing, Zico managed to down a shot into P.O’s mouth and watched gleefully as the maknae choked up the shot and chased down the older for revenge. Even Taeil seemed to enjoy the company, arm already around a pretty girl and chatting up a storm. Yukwon laughed until his drink nearly spilled out his mouth from watching Kyung attempt to do the dougie along with the music. Minhyuk, a little high on the alcohol, slung an arm around Yukwon. The redhead was surprised at first, but soon both of them were belting the lyrics to Justin Bieber, ignoring the stares from some of the people. 

Giggling, Yukwon grabbed Minhyuk's hand and dragged him away from the crowd and they walked down on the beach, hand in hand. Minhyuk blushed from the wolf-whistling that Zico and P.O were making, but ignored all that as Yukwon pulled him further and further until they reached a quiet spot. As they laid on the pure sand, the only thing could be heard but the hard breathing of both of them.

"I'm so happy that you've decided to come along with us," Yukwon confessed as they stared at the night sky. Minhyuk raised an eyebrow and pretended that his phone didn't ring for the hundredth time. "I can't believe I left my home either, if that's what you're trying to say," Minhyuk chuckled and Yukwon soon joined in.

Without warning, Yukwon leaned into Minhyuk and the latter closed his eyes tightly, pulse racing crazily. The next thing he felt was Yukwon’s finger gently wiping his cheek. “You’ve got a bit of sand right there,” Yukwon smiled his dazzling eye-smile. Minhyuk mustered up a strained grin. Seeing it, Yukwon laughed and shouted, “You thought I was going to kiss you, am I right?!” Minhyuk ended up wrestling Yukwon into the sand, and the two boys’ laughter echoed through the night.

Just as Minhyuk was about to stuff sand into Yukwon’s perfect face, a voice pierced through, “Hey lovebirds! Time to pack up and go!” Both of them turned their heads and saw the gang clutching their stomachs; they basically looked like they were about to pass out from laughing. Awkwardly, Minhyuk stood up and stretched a hand to Yukwon. Minhyuk had to admit it wouldn’t be Yukwon if he hadn’t grabbed his hand and pulled him down onto the sand before gracefully leaping up and running off.

Just as the gang turned around to head back, Minhyuk’s phone buzzed again and he lifted up his phone to see the caller ID; no surprise there, it was his dad.

Minhyuk smirked at the phone before throwing the phone far far away into the ocean.


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update update :)
shineeieron #2
Chapter 2: Oops! I meant *please* ( keep it up author - ssi )
shineeieron #3
Chapter 2: It's too perfect! Update ease XD
Chapter 2: Oh damn, I like this story. I hope you'll update soon ^^
daisuki77 #5
This two chapter are very interesting, but too short for me! xD I like the story and I'm very curious about what will happen. ^^
Chapter 1: Please update soon! This is really nice :D
Chapter 1: First chapter and I already love the plot. cant wait for your next update :D