Chapter 5

I Miss You? I do




Since the house owner, Kim Myungsoo moving back to live in, everyone getting excitable. Kim Myungsoo moved in already a month but haven't decided wether going or not. Other people hoped him to stay. but with Jiyeon, she don't want to see Myungsoo face.

After back to the room, people told her IU already leaving in silent by forced, that was upsetting her because Myungsoo doesn't make his promised. He doesn't cared how hard she tried to drinks those bitter liquids, doesn't understand how people's situation, or he never cares.

That day Jiyeon locking her room sitting on her bed, doesn't wanted to go out to see anyone. IU left, no one else beside her to talking with. Jiyeon laughed sardonically, She must know from the start. A high class like Kim Myungsoo, how would he'll be cared of what she said? she's nothing with him, she's just a maid. Kim Myungsoo and her are living in different world, one's like a star, and the other's just like a sand, whoever can step on it.

Wiped the tears away, Jiyeon on the bed hugging her knee while eyes looking at the sky from the window, Lips curves into a little smile.

'Lee Ji Eun, sorry... I can't help anything...'

After IU incident, working like normal but the only diffrent that Jiyeon always hiding away from Myungsoo, disappeared whenever he around. Even saw him, Jiyeon only bowed her head until Myungsoo walk pass. She tried to forgot everything what he'd done for her, and doing what an exact a maid do. Because after IU gone, few days later Jiyeon begging Mr Kang letting her moving downstairs, lived in where IU stayed before.

At least, she could feel a little bit better.

Seeing Jiyeon consident words, Mr Kang cannot do anything but agreed for her to lived in.

After knowing Jiyeon moved downstairs, Myungsoo only nodded his head and said "just do what she want". But looked in Myungsoo eyes, Mr Kang know what he thought. Mouth said "do what Jiyeon wants", but inside Myungsoo mind it... He mind it...


It's been nearly a month since Jiyeon stayed at downstairs, and less seeing Myungsoo around. Jiyeon choose the hard things to do, always in the kitchen or the maids working area. Because she know a person like Myungsoo will never step on place.

Within a month Jiyeon felt like living in a different person, people from the second floor because of Jiyeon not around making the the more time spent with Myungsoo, and because of that they didn't come to Jiyeon for fight.

Didn't know the reason why Mr Kang letting her continued to studied, that makes Jiyeon cannot sleep in happiness. Because long time haven't back to school Jiyeon get more excited than ever. With her knowledge Jiyeon can continued studied with other people without difficulties.

Studying is the things Jiyeon loved and she really focus on what the teacher said, staying in the library after school everyday. Using public transport like other students, Jiyeon felt like she back in her school time, where she and Hyomin used to do it before.

But not because of studied jiyeon forgetting to do house stuffs, Jiyeon woke up in the reall early morning to done her work before heading to school, but people in the house didn't think like that, the reason she can studied because of using her body to extranges that grace. recieving the hate from others everyday, even got bullied from the 2nd floor people but no one care. even though Kim Myungsoo saw it, but he didn't said a word, walking away as he haven't seen anything.

Jiyeon laughed bitterly, that's right. she's nothing with him then what will the reason he'll help her? it's just a misunderstood between workers, why whould he cared?

Park Jiyeon, you must be strong, just a little things won't knocked you down. you're a dinasour, a little dino will beat everything...

Thinking of that Jiyeon smiled looked up the sky, 'life goes on. Just enjoy the beautiful day first if tomorrow would be storm...'

But Jiyeon didn't know, a storm coming next will be changing her life... dragged her into another twist...


In a summer time, After went out from the library Jiyeon not like other day goes straight home but heading to a different direction. her old house. Because of none people living in for a qouple of times, everything covered in dust. Jiyeon smile when sawing the photo of her family hanging on the wall with their bright smile.

Yes, Jiyeon very happy today... In the morning Mr Kang suddenly give her a key, Jiyeon will never forgot that key entire of her life, because that was her home key. SHe was shocked by Mr Kang action. But he only smile and Jiyeon also smiling take it. Because this house have many memories between her family, if not because of Hyomin sickness, they'll never sell their memories, the place they called home...

The other thing Jiyeon happy today... Hyomin successfully safty after an operations, after hearing that from Mr Kang Jiyeon cannot controled her tears but crying. crying for happiness... waiting for so long, finally Hyomin can be like a normal people. not always based on medical to lived. and not for long... Jiyeon will meet her sister... They can once again living together like before, in their beloved house.

And the last happiness is... today is her birthday...

Three happiness in a day... it left like unreal...

Jiyeon placed the cake on the table, that was a piece of cake she bought on the way. She really loved sweet food, Hyomin also. But with Hyomin condition the doctor not allowed her to eat. Not different much as the sister, Jiyeon only bouth a little piece of cake with a candle for herself. This is the first time she celebrates her birthday with a cake like that after her parents died.

Jiyeon still have some money but that will spent for her and Hyomin life after Hyomin back from U.S.A. They need to buy many things, and also cake are expensive, Jiyeon cannot spent lots of money just for a cake.

After finishing wishing her wishes and enjoy the cake, Jiyeon starting cleaning up the house. (when did I heard Jiyeon cleaning?) She doesn't had any contact with Hyomin and doesn't know when will she back, better cleaning it first. Jiyeon cleaned very carefully, don't even missed a little corner of the house. Her forehead and back full of sweat but Jiyeon keet notiniously cleaning. A happiness smile shown on her face when seeing everything clean to shine.

Jiyeon surprised when looking outside, because of busy focusing on cleaning but she didn't know the sky already dark. The moon already goes up high. Quickly packed up and back home before everyone sleep.

Locking the door, keep the key in a safety place Jiyeon smile walked off. Because in a good mood, everything seems easy. The way back to Village not far anymore.

Lucky Mrs housekeeper not sleeping yet, from her Jiyeon know she was waiting for Kim Myungsoo. He haven't back hom yet.

Jiyeon looked at the the wall clock, 10:35pm already... how could he not back home yet?

"It's late, go have a shower and then sleep" Jiyeon nodded after the housekeeper word. " food is in the microwave, if hungry you can eat it" Jiyeon head up after hearing those word. A surprise eyes looking at the housekeeper? what was that mean? did she just hear wrong? The housekeeper caring for her? how could that be...

But the moment sawing her cold face, Jiyeon smile and thanks before heading back to the room. Watching Jiyeon from the back, the housekeeper sighing and shooking her head. She saw what Jiyeon did everyday and how she got bullied by the others, she just can intervened sometimes but not always. She's also just a maid, if the owner's ordering like that she only can one eye open one eye closed. Everything will based in god...


Jiyeon walked out the bathroom after shower, everyone all sleeping. sitting on the bed while drying her hair by the white towel. Looked at the Moon outside the window Jiyeon shown a bright smile. leave a towel on the side Jiyeon starting to sleep, but thinking what was happend in today Jiyeon cannot closing her eyes... She must write those happiness thing in the dairy.

dairy... dairy...

Jiyeon patted her head for being a clumsy girl, she haven't wrote anything since living downstairs, and her dairy she still left in the second floor, her old room.

It's late now, people might be all sleeping. With that thought Jiyeon walked out the room, lightly walking to the second floor. It would be ok when people's sleeping. Successed enter her old room, Jiyeon cannot turn the light on, scared people might see it. Uses the moon as light Jiyeon slowly walking to her bed, because of dark Jiyeon walked careful in every step, aware to bumped into something making noises.

But Jiyeon didn't know a pair of shining eyes in the dark watching for every movement of her.

Jiyeon smile happy when her hands touch the bed, even with the moon light help but really cannot see things clearly. Sitting on the bed as it would be easy to find the shelf wood near there. But the success nearly come Jiyeon already felt something inappropriate...

a scent not from her...


it's combined with an alchohol...

Sitting on the bed Jiyeon hands tightly hold, heart beat rapidly in nervouse.that scents seems like surrounding around. That strong scents instantly make Jiyeon scared. As Jiyeon stood up from bed, a strenth of hand already pulled her back to bed.

Jiyeon widen her eyes in shocked when got pulled back to bed in a sudden. And with that, another strenghten hand grab both of her hands place above her head. A power body instantly leaning on top of her.

Everything happened within a seconds, Jiyeon felt like her heart nearly jumping out even she forgot to against, to scream out for help. Her body shakes when he breathing in her face. Jiyeon know that was a man, because a women won't have that streght. She could felt his brawny chest. Thier face close, Jiyeon only can turned her head on the side, she scared their might will touchs if she looked at him.

"what are you doing here?" Jiyeon widen her eyes in shocked after a voice on top of her speak out. Not hiding but Jiyeon looked into his eyes, even thought because of alchohol his voice getting deep and husky but hear it vividly...


Kim Myungsoo?

What is he doing in her room? no, in her old room.... but.... Jiyeon haven't an answer why Myungsoo here, he once again speaking up.

"I said... what are you doing here?" a cold deep voice once again breathing in Jiyeon face, instantly jiyeon face like a red tomatoe.

"I... " word have done finishing it yet, Myungsoo already leaned his lips into her. Jiyeon widen the eyes when a face got closer like that. As she trying to push Myungsoo away, he already broken the kiss. Myungsoo smirk looking at jiyeon blank face.

"I just want to try like what other people said" Jiyeon didn't know anything and Myungsoo face come once again. "and I'm gonna admit that... your taste makes people into crimes..." JIyeon speechless in what Myungsoo just said. his words are making shame on her...

Jiyeon instantly struggling from Myungsoo hand, she can't bear on what he just said. But boths of Jiyeon hands not release but got tighten, Myungsoo not happy looking at her struggling.

"wae? didn't I said unfairly to you? or that shouldn't enough to describes how abjection you are?"

"Kim Myungsoo" Jiyeon bitten her lips tried to not letting tears falling out. How could he said that to her, what've she done to make he hate him like that... His words like a knife pin in her heart. pain... so pain...

"Your acting skills so perfectly, perfect than I nearly thought everything you did are starting from your heart... but not read on the scripts"

"what do you mean?" She don't really understand what he mean.

"huh... still in your roll?" Myungsoo smile looking at Jiyeon, the other free hand slowly touchting Jiyeon's cheek gentle, like carried a precious jewel in his hand.

"If you're still don't know what I said... I then only taking action" JIyeon got scared by what Myungsoo said.

"What are you trying to do?" JIyeon trying to release her hands but the man's power so much stronger than women.

"wasn't you want to be Mrs Kim? I just want to help you a hand, for you easy to sucess" Jiyeon now know what Myungsoo mean. She tried to said "don't" but his lips once again covered her lips. That hand of him non-stop moving on her body.

Jiyeon shooking her head hoping Myungsoo stop doing like that to her, but he ignoring her. Jiyeon could felt her clothes got ripping off by a powerful hand. Tears cannot be hold anymore when the moment he enter her....

The pain is that letting her know what's going on....

The pain reminding her... she'll unable to go back like before...

As Jiyeon thought today would be her happiness day, but... it's ending her happiness day...



Because of many things happend so I didn't update this time.

So sad that Jessica and Luhan leaving their groups, also Leejoon and Thunder leaving MBLAQ as well... so sad...

But anyway, hope them successfull in the future...



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Myungyeon-4ever #1
Chapter 10: Good luck n pls update soon ☺️
Babyberry3000 #2
can you plzz update now (waiting).
Chapter 10: Andweeeeeeee!!!!
Huhuhuhuhu :'(
Good luck for your study :)
Chapter 10: Your education is more important.. Good luck!!! I believe you will do well! ^-^
I will patiently wait for you to come back after you finish or have time! :)
Chapter 10: Andwae!! Why are you doing this to me? TT are you having a big exam this year? If that so, good luck then :D a good girl must focus on study.. yeah, wish the best for you chingu :'D gonna miss this story..
Chapter 10: oh no :c this is so sad because I love this story :c
asb9214 #7
Chapter 10: Did u mean that u will never update this story anymore? Or it just a temporary?
Chapter 9: Hmm.. naeun has another plan to chase jiyeon out of the house.. btw why she ordered the stylists to dress jiyeon like that?
Chapter 9: Ugh. I knew Naeun was up to no good.. and Myungsoo, ugh.. Stupid, oblivious fool. Jiyeon deserves so much better.. Hopefully she gets scouted by some kind of agency to be an actress or a model or whatever so she doesn't need to work for them anymore. Naeun and Myungsoo, I really hope karma will get the both of you hard!
Chapter 8: So, is Myungsoo will marry Naeun for real? Of all girls why that plastic b*tch?