"What's up with that sandwhich?"


Hey, this is my first fanfic so sorry if it . Anyways, I'm going to be updating chapter by chapter every few days depending on my schedule/will to write. If you have any suggestions for how I could improve this story, please let me know because I want to make this as gripping as possible.  Thanks - CH 


Bigbang and 2NE1 film a new show at an amusement park when trouble arises, and drama unfolds. 


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ilabya40 #1
Chapter 2: oh wow poor dae hahaha but I cant help it, i'm laughing so hard! Kekek
lunachoi-kwon88 #3
Chapter 2: hahaha pity dae's aunt. I know I shouldn't laughed but I don't know.. I found it funny. kkkk
Liking the story so far. good job~~!
Chapter 2: I feel bad for laughing so hard at the end. I feel like a horrible person.
Jeezfiction #5
Chapter 2: Poor Daesung's aunt :( but lol. I wonder how much brainpower they use thinking about food?
Jeezfiction #6
Chapter 1: I like the title — made me read this. The story is really cute so far and I can't wait to read the rest. I would advise you to use paragraphs though because it was a little difficult to read; even just starting with each new person's line on a new row will help a lot.
Chapter 1: Everything about T.O.P is hilarious (⌒▽⌒)