Seoul High University


Seoul High University is The richest and the most prestigious school in the whole country of Korea, they only cater to the rich and never have they accepted scholarship students – and they probably never will. To top it all, all the students that have graced these glorious building have become highly respected professionals in their own fields.

And it is within these school grounds that the lives of three transfer students from different parts of the world will change.

How will that happen you may ask? Why dont you read and find out...



Adopted the plot of this from ♡ I Need A Home! » Apply Fic Ideas you can adopt a lot of stories there!

Although I completely twisted the plot that I adopted :) rest assured the main points are still there.

This fic may contain the following:

Twincest (because this and the one from above are different)

Student and Teacher relationship





May or may not contain a Psycopath

Typical school bullying

Typical sibling abuse

High School Marriage


Cliche, Cliche, Cliche because i secretly love it

and the last one:



photo promo_zpsf00a175d.png


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