

Kim Jaejoong,
God gave me you to show me what's real, that there's more to life than just the low dips.
And all that I'm worth, is right before my eyes,
And all Iive for though I didn't know why ...
now I do.
'cause God gave me you.
My miracle, my saviour, my healer, my bestfriend, my husband - my everything, you've done a good job putting up with me for eleven solid months.
Our relationship was put to test so many times, yet no matter what you still love me unconditionally. That's enough to prove that you are indeed a gift from God.
Hubs, thanks for always being there. Always without a failure.
I appreciate all that you give and I thank you, again, for accepting what I can offer, asking not for an atom more.
Today we celebrate the day we finally reach eleven months - a mere month left before that day comes when we mark our first year together in the callendar.
Today, during this cold, chilly winter wonder, I'd like to be the one to warm up your soul and your heart. So, let me.



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