Part 1

Shrimp the Dragon
Once apon a time there was a dragon named Shrimp, she was very sick when she was a baby so she lost a lot of weight and was smaller than the other dragons. She didn't mind though, she liked being small because she could fit into small places no one else could. 
She tried to fit in with the other girl dragons and dress all pretty and talk about girly dragon things but deep down inside she didn't like all the pretty girly dragon stuff, she really just wanted to dress like a boy dragon and hang out and get in fights and do boy things with the boy dragons. 
So one day she finally got up the courage and put on her boy dragon clothes and went to hang out with the boy dragons. It was wonderful, she got to do things she had always wanted to, the boy dragons accepted her for who she was and let her hang out and fight with them. They talked about knives and did boy dragon things and played pranks on each other. Shrimp had so much fun but then she had to go home. 
When she got back to her cave and her parent dragons saw her wearing boy dragon clothes they got angry and reprimanded her and told her that she was a girl dragon and that he couldn't dress like a boy dragon because the other parent dragons would get the wrong idea and would get mad at them and say they weren't raising there daughter properly. 
Shrimp was so sad, she went to her room and cried. She had felt so comfortable dressed like a boy dragon, everything had felt so right and hadn't everyone always told her to be herself? And now her parent dragons were angry at her for trying to do that. 
Was herself wrong? 
Was there something wrong with her? 
She just couldn't understand it. 
She cried herself to sleep that night and when she woke up the next morning she put on her girl dragon clothes plastered a fake smile on her face and went to there kitchen for breakfast. Her parents smiled happily at her when they saw her dressed like a girl dragon again. 
Shrimp felt so sad inside that she couldn't be herself, she felt like she was going to break into a million pieces but She held back the tears threatening to spill out of her sad brown eyes and smiled at her parent dragons. 
She knew then that until things changed she could never be herself. 
But No matter how bad things got, no matter how horrible she felt no matter how much she felt she would break she would keep going, keep pretending because someday things would change, someone would understand and she could be herself once again.
The End
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