Chapter 7: Hello

"Not Soon Enough" (HoyaxOC)

"Dude, hold my hand!"

"Ew, no!" said Myungsoo to Sungyeol in disgust, noticing the boy's hand before he did. Sungyeol had put chili paste on his hand.

Sungyeol laughed. "Too bad" he said as he went to washed his hands in the sink, then continue to help Woohyun cooking.

"Are we seriously doing this? Isn't this like...dangerous for us?" said Myungsoo with concern, as he sat down in one of the chairs near the kitchen.

"They don't seem dangerous to me," said Woohyun as he kept stirring and putting ingredients into the pot for the stew. "Do you think they'll like dobbukki? Should I make them? I wonder if they like it spicy?" he asked, that sounded like he was just speaking to himself.

"I'll get the rice cakes!" Sungyeol said excitedly, and went to the refrigerator. "I met them yesterday, they weren't dangerous," Sungyeol said as he went to dunk the rice cakes in water and wash some carrots. "They were quite funny actually," he gave a light chuckle.

"Maybe they were just pretending. So they could "get the scoop" about us," said Myungsoo again, being his skeptical self.

"I don't blame you, hyung. But they really seemed like nice girls," said Sungjong as he went in the living room  and started mopping. "I like them," he said and smiled while he mopped.

"Enough of that, where's Sunggyu hyung and Hoya?" Dongwoo said when he appeared from the bathroom, carrying a small wet towel. "They should be doing most of the work, not that I mind. Especially if it's those girls," Dongwoo joked, and started to wipe on the tables and leather sofa with the towel.

"Oh, Hoya hyung is in the room trying to figure out what to wear," Sungjong said, still mopping, "Sunggyu hyung...I think he went out."

Dongwoo looked at the clock, "The girls will be here in an hour, let's just finish things up"

"Okay, but if something happens, don't say I didn't warn you guys," said Myungsoo, as he started cutting up some fruits.



"So are you going to tell me how you both just happened to be together?" You asked, as you were walking up to the boys' dorm.

Jie laughed, "Hey, you're not the only one who had midnight calls."

You blushed at that, but couldn't help but grin. "So tell me Sunggyu, what happened?"

Sunggyu laughed-coughed when you directed your question at him. "who knew that our balconies were that close to each other?" he answered trying to speak in rhetorical questions, smiling shyly.

"And who knew that both of us was actually out there late at night?" Jie said, laughing, looking up at Sunggyu, who was way taller than Jie.

"Oh, brother!" you laughed, rolling your eyes. "Who knew you actually made breakfast plans and leave me behind?!" you exclaimed. You reached at the boys' door. "Should I ring the door bell?" you asked the male. He nodded.

"coming!" you heard someone say before the door opened. "Hello---?" Hoya's greet drifted off when he saw Sunggyu with you and Jie.

"Speak later," Sunggyu said, trying look nonchalant.

"Okay~" Hoya said, then directed his attention to you and Jie, but his eyes stuck onto you, "Come on in girls," he grinned.

You were frozen, your feet were super-glued to the floor. Hoya looked amazing! Even in simple T-shirt and jeans. And he wasn't wearing any makeup! (Funny how that sounds reversed.) You were pretty sure your jaw was lost somewhere on the floor when you dropped it.

Then you felt Jie tugging and then pulling you by the arms into the apartment. She then leaned in to you, "You can breathe now," she whispered, clearly amused. And so you did. Breathe that is. 

The boys were already inside and they were all in the living room, ready to greet you, like you girls some kind of royals. The boys greeted you one by one and they seemed very pleased, except Myungsoo, but he was polite. You girls greeted again and introduced yourselves.

You guys ate, talked, joked around, laughed and had fun, even Myungsoo was warming up a bit to you girls.

"So what are your majors?" Myungsoo asked, when you've all started talking about univerities.

You were sitting on the floor in the living room. Jie was sitting between Sunggyu and Sungyeol. While you, were sitting between Sungjong and Hoya. In between Hoya and Sungyeol was Dongwoo, Myungsoo and Woohyun.

"I study languages, more of a linguist," you answered, politely. You were still wary of Myungsoo, since you know know bits of his character of being skeptical.

"I'm an environmentalist major," Jie answered, grinning.

"So how long is your holiday? You said your university has different holiday periods," asked Myungsoo asked again.

The others didn't asked much since they clearly know already bits about you guys, since you've met them before already. And you're pretty sure Jie spoke with Sunggyu, it was just Myungsoo left to converse information with. wow, that sound "detective-ish"

"It's a month, but they're here for 2 weeks," Sungjong answered for you.

"Less than 2 weeks actually," you said sadly, but smiled.

"We're going back on Thursday," Jie said, reflecting your smile.

"Oh," Myungsoo nodded, but surprisingly he looked kind of disappointed. So was the rest of the boys. Well, you and Jie are disappointed as well, since today is Monday, and you had to go in less than 3 days.

"What's with the long faces?" Dongwoo said, "We still have time to hang out right?" He looked at you and Jie hopefully. which made you and Jie laugh.

"Yeah!" You both grinned. 

"But we're not going to bother you all day, we have practice and schedules," Sunggyu said reminding the boys, and smiled down at Jie, who looked away blushing.

They looked extremely close with each other for someone who just met each other today. Well, you weren't that different, you and Hoya are sitting extra close to each other the whole day. You'd have be so thick skulled of you didn't noticed at all. His intoxicating scent and body heat radiating from him inches from you. 

Good thing you had enough control from jumping him...or even worse, be a crazy fangirl in front of them.

The boys started to joke around again, Jie and Sunggyu were in their own little world, and Hoya just leaned in and grabbed your hand. "Come with me," he whispered.

You looked at his hand that's on top of yours in surprised, with your blushing face, you looked at him as he stood up, still holding your hand, smiling. You stood up and followed his lead to the balcony. 'Was he really this upfront with girls?' you thought, asking yourself.

When you reached the balcony outside, and he let go of your hand, and you almost pouted.

"So, Aya...what do you think...?" he asked suddenly, not looking at you, but to the night city view. He looked gorgeous!

"It's gorgeous," you said, in a half whisper. You blushed and looked away when he looked at you.

"No. I wasn't finished," he chuckled nervously, and you looked at him.


"What do you think...about long distance relationships?"

'was he serious?' you thought, shocked from your life. you can't believe it, but you laughed.

"what?" you laughed, shocking him. Maybe embarrassing him.

"Oh, umm...I'm just asking for an opinion," he said nervously, and blushing.

You giggled, "No, no. I'm sorry. I'm just surprised you actually brought me out here to ask that."

"Uhh, well," he rubbed his neck with his right hand, and put his left in his waist, emphasis that he's embarrassed.

"I'm cool with it," you smiled, trying not to giggle again.

"Oh, then," he dropped his hands, and then crossed his hands behind his back, looking at you with a nervous expression. 'Wow, that's adorable. If he starts kicking his feet, I'm going to suffocate him with hugs!' you thought

" have a boyfriend?" he asked, closing his eyes, in all hopefulness. your face dropped at the question.

"Yes, I do," you said, looking at him.

And his eyes snapped open, his arms fell to his sides and he tried to control his face from shock and disappointment, like his world just crashed down.

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Miss_Hoya #1
Chapter 5: *die* Hahaha
Miss_Hoya #2
Chapter 4: AWWW! Hoya oppa! :3
Miss_Hoya #3
Chapter 2: I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW, K!!! :3 hahahaha. mahn! <3
Miss_Hoya #4
Chapter 1: rereading this chapter!!! <3
ilabya26 #5
Miss_Hoya #6
Chapter 13: eogomonina~!! what with those words?! =_=' Doyeon is that type of person?! hahaha.. L's fans might like how you describe her, authornim. please, be fed up with her, L oppa!!
hmmm, Jie, you're cute. just be confident, ne ne ne? hahah. Finally, Jie meets her bias! :O lucky she's not fainted on the spot. lololol.
Miss_Hoya #7
Chapter 12: 아아아아아아아~!!!! 진짜~!!!! 키스??! *faint*
Miss_Hoya #8
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaa!! authornim, why are you so good at playing with feelings?! im sooooo gonna go faint in any moment reading this!! ohmaiii... T_T thanks authornim! :3
Miss_Hoya #9
Chapter 10: 아야 씨, 그 생각을 하지마세요~!! 우리 호야 오빠는 아야에게 너무 좋아... :(
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwwww they r so cute!!!!!!
Please update soon^^