Chapter 5: Yochin

"Not Soon Enough" (HoyaxOC)

You and Jie were just about to head out and sight-see, when Jie opened the door, she froze. And you froze with her.

"Uh, Hai!" Dongwoo was at the door, his fist in the air, appeared to have about to knock, grinning at them. And he wasn't alone.

"Hello~" SungYeol and SungJong greeted, friendly grinning at them. Sungjong's hands had a basket of fruits.

You haven't seen Dongwoo or any of the members since the first time about 2 days ago. You assumed that they were busy with their schedules, but to find 3 of them right in front of Jie and you, you almost hyperventilated Jie was doing at the moment.

"Oh god, are you okay?" SungYeol asked, a worry came to his face.

Jie nodded, trying to calm down, "Yeah...just a second," she raised her right hand with her index finger up to the boys and her other hand on her chest. Then, she went back to normal. "Hai!" she finally greeted them back in a happy excited way, beaming.

You can't help but laugh at her and the look on the boys faces when she did that. A few seconds later, the boys laughed as well.

"Wow, that was..." Dongwoo laughed.

"You kind of scared me!" said Sungjong, in his playful sulky voice.

Jie laughed, "Sorry, I thought I was prepared for this." she grinned, in an embarrassed kind of way. "I'm Jie, by the way!"

"And I'm Aya," you said, to the other boys, grinning at them. The boys then introduced themselves in returned.

"Do you guys want to go in?" Jie offered, hiding her excitement fairly well, beside her beaming smile that might permanently stuck to her face. To which the boys did went in.

So much for sightseeing. Shrugs


You all were laughing and conversing to the point you already felt comfortable with each other.

"So tell us, oppa, do you guys always come to fangirls' place, crack jokes and make them swoon?" Jie boldly teased. Yes, you were in a oppa-dongseng label basis now. However, they insist of calling us differently...

"Yes," Sungyeol answered, causing Jie and you kind of speechless. He noticed and quickly corrected himself, "I mean cracking jokes and swooning part, not ---"

You and Jie burst out in laughter at his flustered expression. "We get it, oppa." Jie laughed, assuring him, whom pouted a bit.

Sungjong pushed Sungyeol teasingly, "Hyung, you need to avoid misunderstandings."

"I know, I know," the teased answered, rolling his eyes.

"So now yochindeul, tell us who is your bias in Infinite," Sungjong asked, with hopeful little eyes. The other two boys also had the same shine in their eyes.. You and Jie laughed at the "yochin" nickname, which means a shorter version of 'girlfriend'.

"Yeah!" Dongwoo grinned, also having. "you first Jie!"

"Emm...Sunggyu..." she grinned, blushing. The boys groaned in disappointment, but teasingly.

"How about you Aya yochin?" Dongwoo asked, again hopeful. 

You laughed, feeling sorry to disappoint them, "Mine's Hoya..."

Confusing you and Jie, instead of groaning in disappointment like they did with Jie, they grinned wide at you as their eyes sparkled with amusement. Creepy.

Dongwoo then searched something in his pocket and handed it over to you. "What's this?" you asked, as you handled the folded piece of paper.

"A welcoming gift," Sungyeol grinned in utter amusement. Sungjong, you could see that he was trying not to giggle.

", okay." you said. and unfolded the paper.

'I want to get to know you.
xxx-xxxx-xxxx call me.
-Hoya :)'

You almost died.

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Miss_Hoya #1
Chapter 5: *die* Hahaha
Miss_Hoya #2
Chapter 4: AWWW! Hoya oppa! :3
Miss_Hoya #3
Chapter 2: I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW, K!!! :3 hahahaha. mahn! <3
Miss_Hoya #4
Chapter 1: rereading this chapter!!! <3
ilabya26 #5
Miss_Hoya #6
Chapter 13: eogomonina~!! what with those words?! =_=' Doyeon is that type of person?! hahaha.. L's fans might like how you describe her, authornim. please, be fed up with her, L oppa!!
hmmm, Jie, you're cute. just be confident, ne ne ne? hahah. Finally, Jie meets her bias! :O lucky she's not fainted on the spot. lololol.
Miss_Hoya #7
Chapter 12: 아아아아아아아~!!!! 진짜~!!!! 키스??! *faint*
Miss_Hoya #8
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaa!! authornim, why are you so good at playing with feelings?! im sooooo gonna go faint in any moment reading this!! ohmaiii... T_T thanks authornim! :3
Miss_Hoya #9
Chapter 10: 아야 씨, 그 생각을 하지마세요~!! 우리 호야 오빠는 아야에게 너무 좋아... :(
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwwww they r so cute!!!!!!
Please update soon^^