Act II: Morning

You're My Favorite Body (Pillow)

morning. 7:35 am.


Aron, Minhyun, and the manager are eating breakfast in the livingroom, watching a TV show. Suddenly, they hear a shriek followed by a loud thump coming from down the hall. Then there are sounds of someone laughing long and hard and a second very angry-sounding voice yelling about something.

Minhyun gapes, looks at manager-hyung, then Aron. Manager shrugs and goes back to reading something on his phone. His bandmate's eyes twinkle a bit as he says, "Looks like Baekho rediscovered his favorite body pillow last night."

Comprehending, Minhyun smiles and laughs into his cereal bowl, "Ren is silly for thinking every time that maybe, just maybe Baekho's sleep habits had changed..."



what can i say? the idea of a cuddly baekho hugging ren like a bear while he sleeps just cracks me up! ren pretends to resist, but then again,he's even admitted to going to baekho for a sleeping it's gotta be mutual agreement lol.  

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Chapter 2: Cuddling
Yap, so true hehehehe
Pillow, we need pillows lol