Mind Stain

Continuum Polices F-ve Dolls



Sweating bullet, Hyoyoung quickly stands up, looking at her current location.

They are sleeping at an alley, but it looks a bit depressing, and seems to be mixing up as well. This could be a different type of world as well.

Turning to her back, she can see that at least she’s not alone in this weird situation.

Well, things aren’t going to be worse, right?

“Oh no, is it time already?”

She turns to her front, widening her eyes as she look at the man in front of her, “Captain.”

“Yeah…I can see which world are you from. And my name is not Ryu Kyu, it’s Han Kyu.”

Wait, what?


Kyu puts five mugs on a table as he sits on the chair behind the table, “Drink up. I’m sure travelling between worlds is annoying as hell, especially when you still not return back to your own world yet. Pretty exhausting I would say. Of course, that was the first time travelling around is made, so I felt a lot worse before.”

The five girls grab one mug each, drinking black coffee out of it.

Soomi speaks up, “Have you been to our world before?”

“Yeah. Although just for a short brief of a moment, but yes, we did.”


He stares at them for a while, before saying, “Your captain is a bad captain. He knows you all are going around the world eventually and still not telling you guys about me.”

The girls look at each other, puzzled.

He sighs, “Okay, I’ll tell you what we had known. It is appears that there are worlds with their own set of heroes available, and each of those heroes are supported by Kyu.”


“Each Kyu will act as the heroes’ supporters, helping all of you in a huge problem. So to say, if the world has no Kyu, then the world won’t have significant heroes protecting them.”

“Why Kyu?”

“That we have no idea. It’s like it is already established that they need Kyu to actually move on.”

Hyewon joins in the conversation, “What about the part where our captain knows about us travelling around the universe?”

“Each Kyu have already foretold who the heroes they are going to support. We only know the first person we are going to help and the rest is history. Your Kyu already knows that someone named Lee Soomi will be the first person he is helping, so naturally if you guys made a team, he could have guessed which team he will be supporting.”

The door opens up, as four girls in red and black enter the place.

The one with the shortest hair sees them as she smiles, “I did not know I am interfering with something fun.”

“Geez, you guys are so evil, teasing me like this.”

One of them sits beside him, wrapping her arms around his, “So, is there anything we should do? A mission, maybe?”

“Well, there’s something you guys can do. It’s about an idol.”

“Ah, protecting an idol? We don’t do mission.”

“I know. That’s why you are going to either kill her or take her most precious treasure. Get some information on her, then strike while you can.”

He shows a folder toward them as one of them grabs it and walk away from there, “See you later, Kyu~!”

He just chuckles, pointing toward the door, “Those girls are Secret Cat Buglars, the group I am supporting right now. Don’t ask me why I am giving those violent missions toward them; better not mess with the order of this world.”

The five girls nod.


Eunkyo is seen walking around the park, looking at the scenery.

She can see that the world is a combination of retro and modern lifestyle, although not as modern as her homeworld.

As she keeps on walking and walking, she sees a crowd, wondering who are those people they are covering.


Ah, such naïve kids. They have no idea what lies their lives could have for them.

She keeps on looking and looking at the dancers, seeing such magnificent moves made by those teens.

Those teens then stop and take a break for a while.

One of them suddenly stands up, walking somewhere else.

It’s not much of strangeness in there, except he moves like a zombie.

In fact, there are certain people like that.

Eunkyo feels interested in such activity and decides to follow them around.

Her feet take her into an alley, where those people who had entered there disappear without any trace.

She looks around the place, trying to locate for something but nothing is there.

That’s weird, she thinks to herself. Where are those people?

She is about to move, but then she heard a roaring noise, turning her back toward the noise.


Maybe it’s just her imagination.


The other four girls are still in there, with Kyu is seen reading a newspaper.

He then looks at the girls, “Why are you guys still here?”

They shrug.

Soomi mutters, “We have no idea what we should be doing right now.”

Chanmi suddenly speaks, “Hey, how about we check this world out? Maybe we can find a way back home?”

But then Hyoyoung speaks up, “I have been wondering something. How did you guys able to come and save me in the first place?”

Soomi responds, “The professor told us that the world we are in before has already marked their coordination by the scientists and that’s the only world they know. They can learn of our location from our own world but the signal would take time to reach them, they said.”

The four girls are now confused.

Hyoyoung then walks toward the door, “Let’s just get out of here…”

“Be careful!” Kyu mutters as the four walk out of there.


As they keep on walking, the four notices how some people walk as if they have no energy at all.

“Guys!” Eunkyo arrives, muttering, “You guys saw it as well, right?”

They nod.

Hyewon then points toward somewhere, “Look at that!”

Looking toward somewhere nearby, they can see the same monsters they see back in Bridge-KRWN, the one working for Muerte Syndicate. Those people with weird walk are gathering around the monsters, as one by one entering an alley.

None of the people around have any idea of such event.

The five look at each other, worried. Should they fight them? Or Shouldn’t they?

Eunkyo spots something. Those kids from back then are also there, entering the alley.

For some reason, her feet moves, running toward the gathering, putting her badge onto her bracelet, “Arrest On!”

Wearing her yellow suit, she takes out her police-issued handgun and starts shooting the monsters.

A woman walks out of the alley, shouting in anger, “What’s with all the noise?”

But then she stops, widen her eyes, looking at Eunkyo, “W-World Police? They chased after me even till this world?”

Soomi sees the woman, responds, “That’s Rosa Kurto, the ex-leader of an organization that sells people of around our world! She got caught by T-ara before and imprisoned for a year before disappeared after a prison break. She is working with Muerte now?”

The other four then don their battle suit, joining their teammate in the fight.

Rosa becomes panic, quickly shouts, “Where is my security!?”

Just then four women walk out of the alley and bring her into a car, moving away from there.

The five have finished their fight as Eunkyo looks at the car, “Those four…are those girls that work with Kyu, right? Why are they helping the criminal escaped?”


“Why are your friends just helped a criminal escaped?” Soomi asks coldly, looking at Kyu.

Kyu looks at the girls back, “A criminal? Rosa Kurto? Is she from your world?”

“Yes. She and her band of pirates have captured so many people and sell them at the black market at high prices. Looking by the situation, she is indeed doing such thing again.”

“So, that’s what she is doing.”

A woman enters the place, as Kyu speaks up, “Hyosung, anything new?”

“Well, we have been following her around, but we are still not allowed to be directly involved with her so we don’t really know where did those people disappeared into. She seems to be a strict woman, with only one man by her side.”

“Owh, and who would that be?” Kyu seems interested.

“Her son.”

“She has a son already?” Hyoyoung wonders, “But I thought she’s sterile…”

“She do has a daughter before, but her daughter has gone missing before,” Soomi explains.

Hyosung looks around, muttering, “I thought you have five people in your team. Where’s the other one?”

F-ve Dolls take a look around them.

“Hey, where’s Eunkyo?”


Eunkyo keeps on running and running all over the place, searching for the possible place where zombified people are.

Somehow, she feels the need of saving those kids. It’s not like she has any idea who they are. Of all people who had gone missing, why did she care about them the most?

Her steps stop moving, noticing that she is now in an area where zombified people are walking toward one direction.

“There…” she mutters.

Now she needs to get into that alley to whatever they are transporting people into.

Slowly, she walks like a zombie, following those people into the alley.

One of Secret sees her and is about to point her out, but she quickly signals her to be quiet.

Looking around, the girl speaks to her without any noise, “What are you doing here?”

“I am saving these people!” she also speaks without a noise.

“It’s too dangerous. We have no idea where this place led to.”

“Then this is one way to find out.”

The girl seems panic, looking around as she decides to just join Eunkyo walking among the crowd.

They can see some kind of ripple in front of them but there are so many crowds pushing that they somehow missed it, ended up in an old room.

“Where are we?” Eunkyo looks around in total confused.

The girl walks toward a window, looking outside of the place, with so many dead trees and crows, “Very far.”

She can see some tall buildings far from her location.


“What really happened just now?” Hyewon springs a question, “What’s with those people?”

Kyu looks at F-ve Dolls, “Recently there is an event where people have been missing from the record without any trace at all, as if they are erased from existence. One of these Secret Cat Burglars first found out about these zombified people and some of them are those people lost from the records.”

Hyoyoung thinks of something, “Wait, how did you guys even remember about the whole missing from records thing?”

Hyosung shines a light from her necklace while Kyu shines a light from his ring, “It is mostly from this diamond. It is a mysterious Dia of Cygnus, a magical diamond that seems to be able to repel off any small time illusions.”


Soomi seems excited, “Magic…nice…”

“Hey, there are tons of other worlds playing with magic heavily. We are just having these diamonds and use it to create the battle suits for the girls.”

Suddenly Hyosung turns around, speaking to the wall as she presses her right ear.

She then turns around, “One of my girls and one of your girls have joined the crowds secretly. They have gone somewhere else and she will be sending the location shortly after this.”


The girl is seen busy with her phone.

Eunkyo pushes the door in front of her, which creaks open with some chilly breeze flows onto her.

The girl looks at her, quickly walking toward her, “Hey, let’s do this together. It is a bad to wander off around alone.”

Eunkyo just nods, looking at her, “Seo Eunkyo.”

“Han Sunhwa.”

The two then slowly walk through the creepy looking place, not wanting to make any noise.

They then reach a tough decision; going upstairs or downstairs.

They look at each other, waiting for each to decide on something.

Sunhwa then speaks up, “It’s okay. I’ll see what I can see.”

Her white parts of her eyes turn violet as she looks at both directions. From her point of view, the whole place turns dark blue. There are some figures upstairs, looking as if two people are speaking to each other.

She turns toward downstairs. A lot of figures looking afraid of something.

She points toward downstairs, “Those people are there.”

Eunkyo quickly dashes off downstairs, ignoring the fact that her steps make the woods creaking.

Pushing the door open, she can see a lot of people in the basement, looking scared of around them. She can see those kids among them all.

Machines everywhere with some thunders on it.

“Run!” she shouts at them.

“We can’t!”

She moves forward, but feeling pain as she is pushes onto the floor.

Sunhwa arrives, already sees the event as she takes out a colt, shooting in front of her.

The bullet hits something invisible between the two and those people as some kind of colors appear in a form of waves, moving away from the impact place.

“Force field?” Eunkyo stands up taking out her police-issued handgun, shooting the barrier a lot of time, hoping for the shield to be stopped, but nothing happened.

This situation enrages her. As she keeps on shooting, the machine above them shines brightly, with an orange-colored beam is seen on the needle above.

She has no idea what will happen, but she will not stop trying. Those kids remind her of her younger self; youthful and ambitious, something she has already lost.

She cannot stop trying.

Suddenly, a hiss is heard inside her head.

“Kill it.”

Moving by instinct, she presses a button on her bracelet.

A weapon known as Kukri appears out of a purple void and into her hand as she smashes the weapon toward the barrier.

The force field tries to fight back her force, but something is pushing herself forward, slowly breaking the field, freeing those people.

Seeing such opportunity, they quickly escape from there.

Sunhwa moves closer to her, “What was that? I can feel such force coming from you.”

“I…I don’t know,” she looks at the weapon, “I really have no idea.”

Rosa and a man in suit appears at the door, looking around the nearly empty room, “Where is everyone?”

The two girls look straight toward them, “Whatever you are doing; this will stop now!”


The four F-ve Dolls and the three Secret have finally reach an old mansion as Eunkyo and Sunhwa is thrown away outside onto the ground near them.

The man and a lot of monsters of Muerte Syndicate walk out of the house as Rosa is seen at the house, looking at them, “So, I can see that not just the World Police is searching for me, but the infamous Secret Cat Burglars are also into my case. I have no idea how did you even escaped my illusions, but I won’t let anyone disturbed all those works I have done just to get those people! People from different world pays a lot of revenue!”

Soomi seems angered, “You…are actually going to sell them!?”

“Hey, I need money to stay alive, no matter where I am! Enough chatter! My son, kill those es.”

The man nods, readies in his stance.

F-ve Dolls put their badges onto their bracelets.

Secret pull the diamonds off their necklace as it shines bright, “We’ve vow to become the mistress of Burglars!” The necklace then shatters into pieces as each pieces enters their bodies, slowly hardening and become their suits of red and some other colors.

Sunhwa, in red and pink suit, walks toward Eunkyo, pulling her, let’s beat that man up!”

“Round two then!” she nods as the two run toward the man past the monsters.

The man has his skin shatters, becoming a monster that looks like a reptile.

The two girls take out their pistols shoot the man several times as he gets the hit, but the hard skin on him did not let any of the bullets to penetrate him.

So, Eunkyo takes out her newly-acquired weapon, the kukri as she charges forward hitting the reptilian a lot of time with a full force.

Each hits hurt the humanoid animal-like creature, earning a scream from him.

Eunkyo hits some more, creating some marks on his body.

Sunhwa then joins the scene with her huge pliers, flailing around, hitting the lizard hard. She then opens the pliers and grabs him on his body before closing in, scratching the scratched spot even harder.

The two join back together as Eunkyo takes out her PP90M1, setting it to shoot grenades. Sunhwa replaces her bullets in the colt with a clear crystal colored set of bullets, putting it off and spins it wildly.

The two aim at the lizard, shooting him with huge beams of light, hitting him hard till he explodes into nothingness.

They join their friends back, looking at the mansion.

Rosa is panicking even more, “My son! You…you’ve killed my son! It took me three months to finish creating him! THREE MONTHS!”

“Create?” Soomi wonders, “What are you talking about?”

She is panicking even more, running away from there, “I will get you all next time, mark my words!”

But she stops, looking at a huge hole in front of her.

Her eyes widen, kneeling down onto the hole, “My master!”

Inside the hole, a masked figure laughs, “Next time? There shall be no next time for the likes of you!”


“Why don’t you just die?”

A giant claw appears out of the hole, grabbing her and crushes her into bits, startling the two teams.

The masked figure turns toward them, “F-ve Dolls, never though you will become a nuisance. But I applaud you all for being so brave. You shall be given your rewards.”

Another hole appears nearby, the five girls into a huge vortex till they let go of their hands, moving straight into the hole.

Somewhere nearby, a young girl, one of the dancers on the street, is looking at the fight before a man shakes her shoulder, “Hey, Eunkyo. We should move! This place is too dangerous!”

She just nods, following him and her friends away from there.


The girls soon arrive on an urban city at night.

Chanmi wakes up, looking around the place. She can see thunders shooting down onto a group of girls, turning them into armored heroines.

“Where are we now?”



Sorry for forgetting about this story. I truly got stuck at some point till I decided to say no on that part and starts anew.

So, I am not gonna abandon this, and will keep on doing this story, even using this to replace T-ara who is going to finish soon.

Next: F-ve Dolls have found themselves entering another world; this time guarded by the heroes of thunder, Kara Buster Squad. Chanmi is conflicted on either saving a man resembles someone from her past or not interfere with the order of the world.

Yes, in next chapter I will be using the *spoilers* old Kara Buster Squad revealed in the currently newest chapter of Kara Buster Squad.



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1136 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wow i like it... Hope you will also update kara buster squad and T arangers... Hehehe