No Other

No Other


Chapter 2: First Kiss



The bell rang, Math’s over. Mrs. Kyu told everyone to head off to lunch. Yesung and his friends was waiting outside the door for _____ and Sungmin. Sungmin and _____ went to their bags to grab their lunch then they saw Yesung and his friends.


‘Hi!’ Sungmin said with a smile


‘Hello.’ I said


‘So, it’s lunch time and you guys are going to have lunch with us right? Well, come on! We’ll show you where we’re going to eat.’ Eunhyuk said


‘Wait. What about, Sunny? My sister?’ Sungmin asked


‘Oh, she told us that she didn’t want to join us. She’s sitting with someone else.’ Eunhyuk said


‘I thought she was going to join us for lunch?’ Sungmin said


‘Oh well. Come on, Sungmin. It’s okay!’ _____ said


‘Yeah, it’s okay! Come on and follow us.’ Donghae said


_____’s POV

Wonder why Sunny didn’t want to join us for lunch. Anyway, I know Sungmin will have a great time!


‘We’re here!’ Yesung said


‘Now. Let’s all sit down.’ Leeteuk said


I sat down and so did everyone else. We had a nice view of the garden. Sungmin was having a great time. He was talking to Yesung and his friends. I wonder why Sungmin is acting like that.


‘So, we have gardening after lunch.’ Yesung said


‘_____, that’s when we water the plants and plant flowers and all that.’ Sungmin said


‘Oh, cool. I didn’t have one in my school.’ I said


‘Do you guys want to play Truth or Dare?!’ Leeteuk asked


‘Um, I don’t really like playing games...With boys.’ I said


‘Haha.’ Leeteuk laughed


‘We don’t have anything to talk about so why don’t we play it?’ Sungmin asked


‘Sungmin’s right. We should.’ Donghae said


‘So, if you want to play put your hands up.’ Sungmin said


Everyone got their hands up expect me. Everyone looked at me; I was embarrassed so I put my hands up straight away. Eunhyuk started and he asked Sungmin.


‘So, Sungmin... Truth or Dare?’ Eunhyuk asked


‘Um, err- Truth? Yeah. Truth.’ Sungmin said


‘Okay. Tell me the truth, did you like getting bullied by us?’ Eunhyuk asked


‘No, I didn’t really like the fact that you bullied me.’ Sungmin said as he smiled


‘Good. Now, you can ask anyone.’ Eunhyuk said


‘Um, this one for _____.’ Sungmin said


‘Cool, what is it?’ I asked


‘Okay. Do you like Yesung?’ Sungmin asked


I froze. I had nothing to say, why would Sungmin ask me that question? Well, I do kind of like him, Yesung. I just don’t have the strength to do it. I might tell him, but in front of his friends? Oh, I guess that I’m going to lie.


‘Me? Pshh! I don’t! No, no, no.’ I said as I looked around


‘Oh really?’ Leeteuk asked


‘No! Okay, now. Can we just stop? I am not feeling well and I thought we were supposed to have a normal talk and normal lunch?’ I asked


‘The lady’s right. Let’s just have a normal talk and normal lunch.’ Yesung said


‘Hey, um. Do you guys want to hang out with us?’ Donghae asked


‘Us? Me and _____?’ Sungmin asked


‘Yeah.’ Donghae replied


‘Sure. If that’s alright with _____.’ Sungmin said


‘Oh, sure. It’s alright!’ I said



_____, Sungmin, Yesung, Donghae and Leeteuk went to the garden and sat down the bench. They were talking. _____ was feeling happy for Sungmin because he’s talking to them and he’s not feeling shy at all. The bell rang. _____, Sungmin and Yesung and his friends walked to their class. Mr. Jack came in and said that they had to meet Mrs. Whai in the garden.


In the garden...

‘Hello, I’m Mrs. Whai. You guys will need a partner.’ Mrs. Whai said


_____ was about to pick Sungmin but Donghae already did. _____ had no one to go with; she looked around suddenly someone touched her on her shoulders and said if she would want to go with him. It was Yesung.


‘Sure.’ I said ‘If you’re the only one left.’


‘Yeah, I’m the only one left.’ He said



‘You guys will need these gardening equipments. Each of you will need one.’ Mrs. Whai said


Everyone got the equipments. Mrs. Whai said that they have to plant flowers. Everyone searched for a spot to put them. _____ And Yesung was walking around looking for a spot.


‘Um, what about here?’ _____ asked


‘Sure.’ Yesung said


They sat down and started planting the flowers. They were digging; suddenly they accidently touched each other’s hands. They looked at each other and smiled.


‘Um. Okay then.’ _____ said


‘Uh, I think we should keep digging.’ Yesung said


‘Sure. Let’s keep digging.’ _____ said


They were both and still digging. Yesung looked at _____, and then he looked away. _____ looked at Yesung and he caught her. They stared at each other. Yesung smiled then hold _____’s hand.


‘Um, you’re really pretty.’ Yesung said


‘Ah. Um, thanks. You’re- uh, cute?’ _____ said


They kept giving each other compliments then suddenly they slowly kissed. A few seconds, they stopped.


‘Um. Okay. Uh, cool?’ Yesung said


‘Haha, let’s just keep digging.’ _____ said


After digging, they plant the seed then pour water on it. They were walking looking for Mrs. Whai. Yesung suddenly hold _____’s hand. They saw Mrs. Whai and told her that they were done.


‘We’re, uh- Done. We plant the seeds.’ Yesung said


‘Good. You guys can wait for the others. Why don’t you guys sit down on the bench?’ Mrs. Whai said


‘Sure.’ _____ said


Yesung and _____ sat down on the bench. They were both sitting so close. They weren’t talking at all. Yesung was there looking at the ground.


‘Um. So, how long do you think we have to wait?’ _____ asked


‘Not that long.’ Yesung said


‘Okay.’ _____ said


Everyone was back. They all went back to their class. They sat down and waited for Mr. Jack. Yesung and _____ was sitting there looking confused. Sungmin wanted t know what was wrong with _____.


‘Hey. What’s wrong?’ Yesung asked


‘Oh, nothing. So, um. How did it go with Donghae?’ _____ asked


‘I’m sorry that I didn’t go with you. I was just feeling so happy that I’m finally hanging out with them. I was going to go with you but then Donghae came and asked me. Trust me, next time. I won’t and never will leave you. Hey, um. When Mr. Jack comes back, schools over.’ Sungmin said


‘Okay. Thanks and it is fine.’ _____ said


‘So, who did you go with?’ Sungmin asked


‘Yesung. We were the only people left so we paired up. Oh, look. Mr. Jack’s back! I can’t wait to go home.’ _____ said


‘Okay, in about a minute the bell will ring and then you may all go home!’ Mr. Jack said


Everyone was there sitting on their chair waiting. The bell rang; everyone stood up and grabbed their bags. Everyone went home. _____ grabbed her bag and went outside, she waved bye to Sungmin and walked home.


_____’s POV

I cannot believe what just happened at school! I’m new and I just had my first kiss on my first day!


‘Oh well.’ I said



Yesung wanted to walk home suddenly he saw _____. He ran straight to her.


‘Hey _____! Wait up.’ He said




Foreword: I hope you liked it and thanks for reading! Comments are welcome and I will update soon:)

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YesungPurpleCloud #1
I will be making a new story, the same title... I will try my hardest to make it a good one:)
YesungPurpleCloud #2
I added a new character:) It's Kyuhyun. Hope you enjoy my story^^
:)good story I wonder what she will say.
YesungPurpleCloud #4
Good. I fixed it. Sorry for all the mistakes, I fixed it hours ago and forgot to put the first chapter. Well, it's all done and fixed. Hope you enjoy:)
YesungPurpleCloud #5
sorry everyone i might need to fix this<br />
YesungPurpleCloud #6
Yeh. Yesung has some feelings for her. Well, thanks for reading:)
OohShinyDistracted #7
:O they just kissed like that?!