
The Boy Next Door

Sooyoungs p.o.v

"Mommy can I play outside?" My little brother Mario pleaded as he made a cute face.

"Mario, are you missing something?"


"Okay go, Soo watch Mario"

Are you kidding me? Of couse I have to watch him, not my older sister Taeyeon. =_=

"But mom!-

"I will pay-

Once I hear pay, i couldnt say no, besides how hard will it be?

Mario ran to the playground, talking to girls , and what not. For some reason he mostly gets along with girls, his 2 older sister probably explain that.

As I walked across the road, passing there game, I noticed a couple of guys looking at me...

am I that pretty? xD...I wish.

"Hey, how was your day?"

I turned around, it was one of the hotter guys!

I squeeled in my head.

Uhhh play it cool...

"Pretty good, I guess"

He smiled, which lead on to me smiling.

I walked over and sat on an old wooden picnic table. It looked like its time would be up soon.

I took a glance at Mario, he looked fine, still alive good enough.

I looked over the boys...

Hmmm, am I getting payed to look at hot guys....MAN I LOVE THIS HOUSE!

Oh my house isnt just a house, its a duplex so I share a house with someone.

I saw a small girl, walk out the door, next to my section of the house.

She rejoined, 2 other friends.

My neighbor , I think, is a short asian girl...theres a lot of those arent there? xD

She wears glasses, long-ish hair, no layers. She wears clothes that you buy at like walmart...ewwww. Another girl, looked a lot older, maybe 15 years old. She wore a floral dress, blonde hair, kinda chubby. The last girl, looked like really nerdy, big glasses, pale skin, freckles, braces, super skiny like a toothpick...

Hmm, not my type of people. Looks like the only older girls, so i'll give them a shot.

Wait, I dont want to look desperate, imma make them approach me.

Oh look there coming!

"Hi, we havent really met before-

No sherlock. =_=

"So yeah we should meet now, im Jessica, the chubbier one said, im Sunny, the nerdier one said, and im Tiffany, the smaller one said.

"Hey, im Sooyoung, but you can call me Soo"

"Hi, Soo if you have any questions, or wanna hang out with us you can." Jessica offered.

"Umm, what are the names of everyone?"

I had the say everyone because, if i said those boys, they'd know that "fancy" them.

They named all the little kids, and finally they went on to the boys.

"Thats Onew, Tiffany said as she pointed to the middle guy.

"Thats Taemin, Sunny she pointed to the boy my age."

"Thats Jonghyun and Minho, Jessica first pointed to the Eldest and the tanner one.

We all went to sit on the ledge on the road and watched them play hockey.

Onew p.o.v

Hey new girl...

Wait shes kinda cute, but she looks a couple of years younger than me. And I cant go for a younger girl, it would ruin my rep, and my friends might mock me. Maybe my chances with her arent so great...She looks like a keeper, maybe we can become good friends...

Maybe I should talk to her.

Taemins p.o.v

Oh who's that?

Hmm, shes kinda cute, maybe even pretty. Shes also my age...hmmm.

Maybe I should talk to her.

Minho's p.o.v

Woah, is this Taemins neighbor?

Shes smoking hawwwtt.

Maybe I should talk to her.

They all tried, to speak to Soo, but Onew spoke first.

Sooyoung's p.o.v

" AHH they're all looking at me again, act cool....hopefully none of them speak to me."

"Hey Superman"

Spoke to soon. >.<

Wait Superman?

I looked down and noticed I was wearing a shirt with the Superman symbol on it.

"Hey Supeman, can you pass me my stick?"

Hehe...stick. Thats what she said! xD hehehe ...stop it thats what she said jokes are lame and immature!

I grabbed the stick and walked towards him, looked at his big brown eyes, and passed him his hockey stick.

"Thanks Superman"

I rolled my eyes.

He laughed.

"I do have a name" I said coldly.

Uhhhh so lame of me.

"Really? What is it?"

"Its Sooyoung!" Jessica yelled.

Onew's p.o.v

Sooyoung eh?

Cute name, shes kinda funny too...

Taemin's p.o.v


Onew, got to talk to her first. =_=

Atleast I know her name, Sooyoung, cute name.

Minho's p.o.v


Damn you Onew and your charmingness. >.<

I got her name atleast, Sooyoung, aha cute.

Sooyoung's p.o.v

Ahh, Superman, what a cute nickname. ^-^

I think I like Onew the most out of all of them.

I know it makes me sound kinda ty to like more than one person, but i couldnt care less.

Wait, i think I forgot something...

Hmmmm...! Mario!

I looked around and saw him just sliding down the slide. PHEW.


Hoi, my spicy wasabi!

This chapter was just like a intro for most of the characters.

Thanks for reading!


















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