
empty heart

Bam!Uncle John fists came down on the table."thats it!Rose,i'm sending you to a boarding school in korea!" I stared at him uncomprehending.what?my mind started working.Realisation dawned on me,he's sending me away."why?i...i don't understand!"I stuttered.my eyes wide with confusion.My eyes stung with sudden tears.Here was my only relative indirectly telling me that i don't belong and i should go away.

His face softened by only a degree."don't get mistaken Rose.I love you like my daughter.But after Brandon's death,you act like a....a... zombie.Dead inside,lifeless.it hurts and terrify me.i just think you need a clean break.start anew you know?"he scowled."NO!i don't need!what did i do wrong?!"i yelled.i winced.he's right,despite the fact i was yelling,my tone was monotonous."that's the problem!you never do anything!i prefer you getting into trouble than moping around!i bet theres a thousand boys out there wanting to get your attention!who knows if they are better than Brandon?!You lost your family,you got over it.Why must Brandon be an exception?"he retorted.

i flinched.he hit the right in the bull's eye."I GOT OVER IT BECAUSE OF BRANDON!HES MY EVERYTHING!DON"T YOU GET IT?MY LOVE..LIFE... MEANINGLESS!!!DON'T YOU GET IT?"i sobbed."Fine i'll go!i want to go away!Away from you!"And away from reality.Away from the place where my loved ones died.Leaving me stuck with my unpredictable uncle.

"tomorrow morning you will be on your way,"he clarified and bang his door shut.

End of discussion.

i stared sympathetically.i know he has been through,and it isn't pleasant.it has been months since i had talked,act with emotions.No letters,contacts,calls.i had lost contact with the outside world.i clinged on desperately for a person who will be the reason i will continue to live.And now...he's sending me away because my actions scares him.

Fine,i thought as i slam my room door shut and start packing my stuff.Including brandon's picture.I simply can't live without them.

Korea,here i come

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Sapphire456 #1
Chapter 4: Pls comment and give me some tips!!
Sapphire456 #2
Chapter 3: i hope you guys love it!i'll update as soon as possibe!
Waiting for your first chap!! fighting :)