
Love Don't Cost a Thing


A girl sits in a coffee shop, alone, on a gloomy rainy day.  She takes a sip of her coffee before setting it down.  Her
thoughts roam around her head as she was just in a fight with her boyfriend of, what is now, 2 years.  Her name 
was Jang Yuri, and she was the girlfriend of the famous Jung "U-Know" Yunho.  2 hours ago, the two had a fight 
that might've ended their long lasting relationship.  "Would you like a refill, miss?"  the Barista said holding a 
pot of freshly brewed coffee.  Yuri just nodded her head.  "Thank you."  the Barista just smiled and walked back 
behind the counter to serve other incoming customers.  Yuri started looking out the window, thinking of what to 
do about the situation she was in.  She knew that her boyfriend was the most famous artist in Asia, but she didn't 
think they would spend as little time as they did.  A little text message saying, "Good Morning, baby." or "I miss you, 
babe."  would've been fine.  At least it would seem like he was trying.  Now lately, she hasn't talked to her boyfriend 
since the fight.  The worst part was that they couldn't even reconcile afterwards because he had yet another appearance
to go to in his busy schedule.  After finishing her second cup of coffee, she paid the barista and left the coffee shop. As
she walked out of the shop, she opened up her black umbrella and started walking off into nothingness.  Her head was
still cloudy from all the thinking she did.  She wanted to go somewhere to clear her head from all the thoughts running
through her mind.  She decided to walk to a local theatre and watch a movie, a comedy probably, to lighten up her mood.
"What movie should I watch?"  She muttered to herself as she scanned through the movie titles.  She finally decided to
just watch "Paranormal Activity."  She loved watching scary movies, because she didn't get scared easily.  Apparently this
movie was suppose to be the scary movie of the year.  She bought her ticket, and sat down in her seat.  When the movie was
over, everyone came out clutching onto the other person they came with.  Yuri just walked out normally thinking of where
to go next.  Since she couldn't think of anything, she decided just to head home.  She waved her hand out into the street
in hopes of catching a cab.  Finally a taxi stops right in front of her.  She gets in and tells the taxi driver the address of her
destination.  As she was heading home, the rain had stopped.  Yuri placed her umbrella in her tote bag and walked up the
apartment.  She opened the door and took her shoes off.  Then she took off her jacket and placed her keys in the bowl next to
door.  "What should I do now?"  Looking around the room, she found nothing that interested her.  She decided to watch some
TV for the rest of the night.  Luckily, Family Outing had just come on.  Finally something she can laugh to.  As the show went
on, it showed who the special guest would be.  Right when they showed who it was, her eyes widened.  It was Yunho and Junsu.
Not wanting to watch this episode, she decided to make some ramen since she was hungry.  She added the noodles, then the spices
and finally the meat and vegetables.  Her food was almost done, but she had to stir it a little longer.  Suddenly, two strong arms
wrapped around her waist making her jump a little.  When she turned around to see who it was, she turned back around and
focused on making her dinner.  "Are you still mad at me, honey?"  Yunho said as he nuzzled up to his girlfriend's neck.  Yuri didn't
answer and just kept on cooking.  "Let go of me, I have to plate the ramen."  She said in a cold voice.  Yunho let go and stepped back
a little so he would get "accidently" burned by the hot pot.  "Yuri-ah, how long are you gonna be mad at me? C'mon, turn around. I
have a present for you."  Yuri kept her composure and kept on doing what she was doing.  Yunho was getting a tad bit irritated, so he
took her arm and spinned her around so they had eye contact.  "Just see what I got you, babe. Hmm?"  Yuri just looked away.  Yunho
rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a red rectangle box.  He opened the box and held it out to her.
She turned her head to see what it was.  It was a beautiful diamond crested bracelet.  "It's a 50K bracelet, hun.  Do you like it?"
The girl took the bracelet and examined it.  She closed the box and looked up at her boyfriend.  In the next second, Yuri threw 
the box to the kitchen floor.  "W-what's wrong Yuri?  You don't like it?"  She just scoffed.  "Do I like it?!  What do you think Yunho?!
Did you think you could just buy me off?"  Yunho just stared at his feet.  Yuri scoffed again and stormed off to her bedroom.
The rest of the boys peeked their heads out of their bedrooms.  
"What's wrong with those two?"  Changmin said.  
"Obviously, they just had a fight, Changmin."  Jaejoong said.  
"It was a retorical question, dummy."  Jaejoong just rolled his eyes.  
"Do you think it's safe to come out yet?"  Yoochun whispered to the other three curious boys still peeking their heads out of their doors.  
"I think we should just step out for a little, and have them solve this by themselves."  Junsu suggested.  
"Good idea."  The other three said in unison.  
Without Yunho noticing, the other four members snuck out of the apartment.  Back to Yunho, he didn't know what to do anymore.  Every little thing he did was wrong.  The two lovebirds
would always fight about the smallest things, it was RIDICULOUS!  He tried to do something that he thought would be special, which was
buy his number one girl a gorgeous bracelet.  He even got it engraved, to make the bracelet even more special.  Unfortunately she took it
the wrong way and just threw it away like it was a piece of trash.  Yunho's heart broke when he looked at the repudiated piece of jewelry.
He went over to the kitchen floor, knelt down and picked up the bracelet.  He then walked back to the couch, and looked at the engraved inscription.  It said, JYH ♥ JYR 11.07.07; 11:11.  The man sighed  and brushed off excess dirt from the bracelet and placed it back into the box.  Back in YuRi's room, all she could do was scream angrily into her pillow and flail her legs up in the air.  When she was done having her screaming tantrum, she sat up and started punching the pillow she was holding keeping in mind that it was Yunho's face.
"Stupid Yunho!  how dare you try to buy me off?!" 
"RiRi, open up.  I need to talk to you."
"I'm not in the mood right now, 'UKnow Yunho!' "  
"C'mon, babe.  Don't call me that.  Now open up or I swear I'll break this door down."  
"I'll call you what I want!  Plus that is your name right?!  You'll always be Uknow Yunho.  As long as I'm your girlfriend!"  
Yunho just massaged his temples.  Before Yuri could peep another word, Yunho crashed his lips onto hers.
"YUNHO I'M TIRED OF THIS!"  Yuri threw a glass at the wall.  Usually when she was mad, the thing that was closest to her was most likely to
be either injured, thrown, punched, or destroyed.  Luckily Yunho had fast reflexes and dodged the flying glass cup before it striked him.
"Yuri, I know you're mad.  But just CALM DOWN, PLEASE!"  Before Yuri could hurt something else that was in her path, Yunho grabbed her
arm and held onto it.  Fortunately, it stopped her little episode she was having recently.  Suprisingly, Yuri freed herself from his hold, and
started beating Yunho's chest with all of her might.  But no matter how strong she was, none of her strikes effected Yunho's composure.  The man embraced his girlfriend with all his might, trying to calm her down even more.  
"Babe, hear me out okay?  I know this is redundant... no, it's past redudant.  But I'm sorry.  I'm sorry that we can't spend as much time as we used to.  You know how tight my schedule is now that we just had a comeback a couple of months ago.  Please understand.  I really do wish we can just take a trip to Paris again and walk down the bridge at night time, but we can't right now.  No matter where we are,  you do know I love you with all my heart right?  If I had the option to marry you this instant, I would.  Believe my words.  Hold me to them."  
Finally the girlfriend had stopped her flying fists and niagra tears from falling.  She pushed herself away from her boyfriend and said -- more like whispered out, "Do you love me enough to stop being UKnow Yunho?"  Yunho was suprised by what his girlfriend had just said to him.  He wanted to make sure he heard her right.  "Excuse me?"  Now Yuri was on her last nerve.  "Do you love me enough to give up being UKnow Yunho?!"  Yunho was shocked.  He couldn't believe she just said that.  Give up his dream for his love?  That would make sense for some people.  But he had two loves.  He had his fantastic girlfriend who he's been with for two years.  Then he had his dream, which he's been fulfilling for the past almost 6 years now.  He didn't know what to say next.  Yuri was in complete disbelief.  She needed to leave the apartment before anything worst happens that she's going to regret.  Right when she closed the door, Yunho fell to his knees, staring off into nothingness.
flashback ends
"MMm-"  Was all that she could voice out.  She tried beating his chest again, but to no avail.  Everytime their lips met, it was like her body
would melt into a goop of lust.  No matter how strong she is, Yunho's kisses were her kryptonite.  Finally, Yunho broke off the kiss to catch a few breaths.  "Now will you talk to me in a civilized manner?"  Yuri just looked away.  Yunho took her hand and walked her over to the bed.  He closed and locked the door behind him to make sure nothing would interupt their conversation, even if there was no one home with them.  He took hold of both of his girlfriend's hands.  "Jang Yuri, you know I love you.  With ALL of my heart.  I'd take a bullet for you and die for you if I had to.   All I want.. is for you to be happy.  I miss your smile RiRi.  If that means, me leaving the group... then... I'll do it, for you."  Yuri looked Yunho straight in his eyes.  She knew he would do it too.  She couldn't believe how selfish she was being! 'What kind of girlfriend am I?  Am I that selfish to have my boyfriend give up his dreams just to be with me?'  She comtemplated in her head.  Yuri was feeling a little dizzy, enough to make her want to vomit.  She stood up and walked away, out of the bedroom.  She grabbed her coat, keys, and was about to walk out of the apartment, once again.  But something stopped her.  Her arm was being held back by someone... Yunho.  "Will you stop doing that Jang Yuri?!  If you need to say something to me, then say it!  Why do you always have to walk away from the situation?!"  Yuri didn't know what to do now.  She was so confused.  The dizziness she felt a couple of seconds ago, came back quickly.  In the next second, she fell foward into Yunho's arms.  "YURI! YURI! WAKE UP! YURII!~"  Yunho shook his girlfriend's lifeless body, hoping it would help her gain concious once again.  Quickly, he got the keys she dropped, carried her bridal style in his arms, and ran down to the car to drive to the nearest hospital.  The drive to the hospital felt like forever.  There was so much traffic. But, hey, that's Seoul for ya.  When they finally got to the hospital, the doctors put her into intensive care to check up on her.  The nurse told Yunho to wait in the lobby and wait for the doctor to come out with his girlfriend's condition.  
"She's not my girlfriend... "  The nurse looked puzzled, until Yunho spoke once again.  "She's my fiance."  
The nurse nodded and went back into the room to help the doctor heal the patient.  Yunho wanted to call the other four members to come and support him in his time of need.  But that would've probably caused a commotion at the hospital.  He was still a member of DBSK of couse.  'Maybe that's what she was trying to tell me.  We can't be a normal couple anymore.  We never were.  There's only one way to live a normal life.. I have to do it, for Yuri.'  Yunho thought to himself.  After a half an hour of waiting, the doctor came out looking for Yunho.  
"Are you a family member of Ms. Jang Yuri?"  Yunho nodded.  "I think you should come with me, sir."
The doctor led Yunho to Yuri's room.  She was still unconcious, but the doctor said she'd wake up in a couple of
minutes.  He just had to be patient.  "What's wrong with her, Doctor?  Why did she faint?"  While the doctor told him the reason, Yuri started
to wake up from her slumber.  She looked around to get familiar with the setting she was in right now.  After a couple of minutes, she noticed
she was in the hospital.  The doctor had left Yunho alone with Yuri to tell her the news.  
"Y-Yunho?  What.. am I doing here?"  
"You fainted after we had, yet another fight.  Are you feeling better, babe?"
She nodded.  "Why did I... faint?"  
"Well, it was all the stress that you put on yourself.  You have to be more careful now.  You're taking care of two lives now."
"What?!"  She nearly screamed.  
"That's right, you're pregnant babe."  
Yuri blinked a few times, trying to soak in what she just heard.  "I'm p-pregnant?"  She looked down at her stomach and rubbed it.  "So, you mean... there's a living person growing inside me now?"  Yunho nodded, and kissed his girlfriend on the forehead.  Then he sat on the bed next to her, and embraced her tightly.  "Now we can be a real family.  I've considered about what you've said, and I've made my decision."  Yuri looked at her boyfriend confused.  "What do you mean, Yunho?"  Yunho cupped Yuri's face in his soft hands so they had eye contact.  "I'll quit being a singer, and we'll live as a normal family in my hometown, Gwanju."  Yuri couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"What do you mean you want to leave DBSK?!  THAT'S YOUR DREAM!"  
Yunho shut her lips with one finger.  "Yuri, stop yelling.  It might hurt the baby."  
Yuri leaned back a bit on the bed.  This was just too much for one day.  
"But Yunho.. I don't want you to give up you dream.. just because of me."  
Yunho raised his eyebrow.  "Babe, what are you talking about?  We've been like BECAUSE you wanted me to quit being a singer, so we could have more time together."  
"I know, I know.  But, I've really thought about it.  I don't want you to give up your dream.. just because of me.  You've worked so hard, and to
throw that all away just to have a life with me?  That's just plain idiotic."  
Yunho leaned over and pulled Yuri into another tight embrace.  "I just want to show you how much I really do care about you, Yuri.  I'll do anything for you."  Tears started to run down the latter's face.  Yunho noticed,
and wiped them away.  
"Why are you crying, RiRi?"
"I don't want you to give up what you are passionate about, Yunho.  If you do, I'll regret being the reason why you gave it all up.  This doesn't only affect you, you know.  It affects the boys, your company, and a million girls around the world.  You have to think about them too.  You're not quitting being a singer."  
"Are you sure babe?  What about us?  I thought you wanted to spend more time together..."  
Yuri just sighed.  "I guess I have to accept the fact that my future husband is a international superstar."  
She gave him a peck on the lips.  "I'll just have to deal with it."  Yuri gave Yunho an assured smile,
so he wouldn't have to worry anymore.  "This is why I love you, RiRi."  Yuri giggled.  "Oh! By the way~ I think you dropped this on the floor.
Yunho pulled out the same box he had a couple hours ago.  Yuri blushed as she remembered what she had done with it.  She took the box from her boyfriend's hands and opened it.  No matter how hard she threw the beautiful piece of jewelry, there wasn't a single scratch on it.  It was still shiny as ever.  She turns over the bracelet and sees an engraved inscription.  JYH ♥ JYR 11.07.07; 11:11?  Yuri started to tear up again.  "Awh~ C'mon, don't cry now.  Here, let me put it on for you."  Yunho took the bracelet from Yuri and place it on her left wrist.  When he was done, Yuri planted a big smooch on her boyfriend's lips.  "I love it, Yunho!"  Yunho chuckled once again.  "Is there anything else you love?"  Yuri stared at random points around the room.  "Hmmm~ I loveee~... Jung Yunho."  "Hmm~ I wonder who that is."  He smiled and kissed Yuri on the lips once more.  "I'm glad everything worked for the better, babe."
16 years later
Yuri hears a slam of the front door while she was in the kitchen cooking dinner.  "YAH!  Selena!  Why are you slamming doors?!"  She didn't get an answer so she went to find her daughter.  She saw her daughter on the living room couch hugging one of the pillows with tear-stained cheeks and watery eyes.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
"My boyfriend is a retard."
"What happened, sweetie?"
"We got in another fight and he had the audacity to throw a necklace at me!"
"That bastard what?!"
Yuri stood up, but remembered she needed to be the calm one in this situation.  She gathered her thoughts of what she should say to her daughter and was about to say something until she heard the front door open again.  "Yunho, is that you, babe?"  As soon as she said that Yunho walked into the living room.  She sees Yuri embracing her crying daughter and quickly sat on the other side of Yuri.
"Baby girl, what's wrong?"
"Your daughter's having boy problems."
"What'd that little bastard do to my daughter?!"
"Babe, calm down.  I was just getting to the bottom of this.  Selena, honey, did he actually throw the necklace at you?"
"No... he just handed it to me, saying he loved me and he's sorry for being too busy to be with me."
The parents looked at each for a second, then looked down to hide their smiles.  They knew what was going on.  This exact scenario happened to them 16 years ago.  When they could control themselves, Yunho gave some advice.
"Lena, maybe you should go talk to  him.  If he says he's sorry, then he really means it.  He's not trying to buy you off so you could just forget the whole thing with a simple jewelry."
"He's right, honey.  Trust us, go talk things out with him.  You never know, he might be the one."
Yuri and Yunho looked back up at each other with love-filled eyes.  Selena looked at the two and rolled her eyes.
"Alright, alright.  I'll go talk to him; just stop being so lovey dovey when I'm in between the two of you."
"Good for you sweetie, and remember this."  Yuri took her daughter's chin so she could look straight in her eyes.  "Love doesn't cost a thing."  Selena smiled and kissed her parents on the cheek and went back out of the door to go talk with her boyfriend.
"You know, Riri.  I'm so glad to have married such a smart woman like you."
"I know, honeybunches."
The End.♥
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2030 streak #1
Chapter 1: Aww so cute... and I wasn't expecting this oneshot to show 16 years later too. A nice oneshot ^^
That was a cute one :3
koreankendi #3
So cute!!! yunRi!!!! :D
mrsb2st #4
Haha, aww cute!!! I liked the ending! But now I'm wondering what happened to Selena! Lol. <br />
Either way... It was a really good/cute story. So nice. :))
QueenB_doll #5
i think yuri is very yunho's type of girlfriend..i like her characteristics..great work girl ;D
Ohh~<br />
it's sooo cutee ^---^<br />
I love it ^^
QueenB_doll #7
wooow..sweet one shot.. :D i luv it..