


It would be hard to say that Jieun was good being.


There was a time that just by hearing what kind of creature she was, fear would creep up anyone's gut. Her nature prevented her from being a “good person” and there was no use trying to go against it – well, at least, it was what she had convinced herself of. So, having that thirst to see others in pain or trembling with fear was more than understandable.


She simply love it.


In the community she was a part of, it was more than natural. The “weird” and “out of place” was actually feeling some kind of sympathy towards any other creature – even those of their kind.

She was a witch; witches were mocking, cruel, dangerous and unforgiving, and she wouldn't be one of those who stepped on the reputation their ancestors had built over the millenniums.


Even less now, in that modern society that had dared to make of their existence legends and myths – bedtime stories –, forgetting how powerful they were. That unconscious society that would laugh at their faces and ignore the pain they could be inflicted just because of that.


Yet, she couldn't act freely like the twisted creature she was, because there were damned witch-hunters all around them and she knew they were waiting just for the right opportunity to strike.


Oh, but she didn't fear them, hell forbid!


She knew how to get rid of one, but knew better than to do it. These creeps were like rabbits-parasites, two born for one dead; and truth to be told, those like her had become some kind of rarity after the witch hunt centuries back. She had lost count of how many of them were dead fighting or had converted themselves to white magic, so she couldn't risk provoking another one of these massive hunt and risking the survival of many of them – including herself.


To think she was the only one in her family to think like this. The only one to have actually grasped the nature of what she was and accepted it... Anger was what she felt when thinking about this, still, she knew her anger wouldn't change a thing.


She sighed, her cold eyes piercing holes at the woman that called herself her mother. There were no words to describe how much she hated that person. That traitor that hadn't hesitated to give up on their principal values – if it could be called that – for a mere human.


A human, the simple thought made her want to puke.


Witches had always despised these beings and she was positive her carrier also had before meeting her spawner.


Jieun-ah,” the woman called gently, taking a step towards her. “aren't you coming with me?”


She rose a questioning eye-brow at her mother.


He wants to see you.” the latter kept on. “He's dying...”


The words left out as a whisper, Jieun knew her mother was struggling to fight back her emotions and she almost laughed at the woman's pathetic state.

Of course, she thought. The woman had gotten so weak because of those human things, she couldn't have expected anything else.


Let him die then,” she said uninterested as she crossed her arms before her chest in a detached manner. “that's what humans do.”


He's your father!” her mother retorted, tears b at the edges of her eyes. “He loves you...Don't talk like that...”


See if I care.” Jieun sighed. “I don't even know how he survived that long...”


You should be happy he did,” her mother said, hurt obvious in her voice.


She sniffled, looking away from Jieun.


Her only daughter was her biggest disappointment. She couldn't understand how Jieun had grown up to be like the others when she had done her best to raise her like a normal kid, like a normal good kid.

Her coldness never failed to surprise Ara, even more when her husband was involved. She didn't understand how and why Jieun hated humans so much, to the point where she even despised her own father.


The man her mother loved so much, she had given up on the power she had.


I don't even know how I'll survive without him...” she whispered, more to herself than for her daughter.


That didn't prevent the young witch from listening though and it did provoke the mocking smirk that stretched her lips.


Don't exaggerate,” she said. “you married him knowing he would eventually die. Accept it or kill yourself. Your choice mummy.”


I probably will.” the older woman replied.


Jieun snorted. Of course she would, that woman was a fool, making her own life depend on a man's.


Ara took another step forward, raising her hand, her fingers lightly brushing against the smooth skin of her daughter's cheek in an attempted caress, but Jieun pulled back with an exasperated sigh before the touch made itself firmer.


Just go.” she said coldly.


Why are you so heartless?” Ara asked, disappointed.


Because that's what we are supposed to be, Ara.”


The older woman gritted her teeth, she would never get used to Jieun calling her by her first name. The words “mother” or “mum” always ever living her daughter's mouth with a tone of sarcasm or mocking.


She shook her head slightly before turning away and walking to the door. She stopped however, as she was about to step outside.


You don't understand, do you?” she asked, gripping tightly the door-handle.


Jieun frowned confusedly.




Ara looked at her.


You're too naïve Jieun-ah,” she said. “you still have so much to learn...”


Jieun scoffed and Ara took it as her sign to leave, but not before saying her last words even though knowing her daughter wouldn't listen to her.



Be careful baby, these...things you play with, they're dangerous. There's always a price to pay.”


But Jieun wasn't even listening. She rolled her eyes and returned to her bedroom. She didn't need that coward's advice, she never had.

She made her way to her closet, making sure to avoid her reflection. It was never good to see the state her body was in.


If sorcery had a drawback, it certainly was the nasty effects it had on the body of its practiser. Putrefaction being its main consequence. Jieun had only been practising for a little more than ten years now, but the effects had already started showing. Her skin had lost it's beautiful porcelain aspect and was slowly turning into a dirty shade of grey, but that was it – for now – she knew that as the years would go on, some parts of her body would start rotting for real and she dreaded that moment; still she couldn't find the strength to let go of that art she had perfected over the years. She still could hide the nasty effects it had with a charm. As long as she wasn't near a mirror people around her were fooled.


She brushed the thoughts away and dressed herself. She would have some fun, she needed to. It had been some time since the last time she had made someone suffer and her body was craving for it, even more now after her mother's visit, a part of her wanted to take the thought of her dying father away.




She entered the club, feeling excited. The music was so loud she could feel the vibrations go through her body and she suddenly wanted to dance, however her excitement didn't last long, it couldn't, not with that smell.... She held back a hurl as her senses were overwhelmed by the disgusting scent of the humans all around.


How she hated them! She wouldn't let that prevent her from having her fun, though. She just had to find someone fit to be her little toy for the night.


She had started using magic when she was ten. At a very late age, compared to others like her, thanks to her parents that had hidden her inheritance from her. Of course, being the curious kid she had been, she had quickly caught on all the power inside of her.


When she met her mentor, Gain, for the first time as she mercilessly suffocated her neighbour's cat just by looking at it, she remembered feeling intimidated by the woman's strong aura and ashamed under her piercing eyes. She had felt as if the woman was reading her mind and unveiling all the dark thoughts she had.


If only that cat was the neighbour himself, she had been thinking at the time. The old man would always touch her in ways he wasn't supposed to when her parents weren't around or paying attention, and Jieun had nurtured some kind of hatred for the old ert.


She thought Gain would scold her for being a bad little girl for torturing the poor pet, but the woman had smiled at her instead.


Want to know how to get rid of the obstacles on your way little witch?” she had asked.


The young Jieun hadn't understood at first why that stranger was asking her that, nor did she understand what she meant or why she was being called a witch, but that didn't matter because she hadn't hesitated a second before nodding.


She came to understanding though, after having repeated these weird words in a foreign language Gain was telling her, as she focused on her abuser quietly sipping his tea seated on the chair on his porch. The man had suddenly left his mug fall to the ground before following suit, his body being shaken by violent spasms.


Gain had patted her head and given her a piece of paper with her name on it.


If you want to see me, just call my name.” she had said before walking away.




Mr. Park is dead.” She had heard her parents talking later that day.


A , her father had said.


She didn't really understand the meaning of the word but she had been the one who cause it. She couldn't explain the feeling of satisfaction she had felt back then, she knew she wasn't supposed to, but the only thought of being rid of that man made her laugh in glee.


The following days she had constantly thought of Gain before mustering enough courage to call her name out loud.


The woman had instantly appeared in front of her and in some years, did for her what her real mother had never dared to: she taught her how to be the creature she was born into and use all the power she had been granted for the sake of her own interests.


After learning everything she had to, Jieun had left home. A fifteen year-old witch with an enormous thirst for power.


After Mr. Park, Jieun hadn't hesitated on getting rid of whoever or whatever got on her way. She learned about her specie's past and their enemies and she came to share her fellow's hatred and goals.


Someone bumping into her brought her back to reality, and she threw a dirty look towards her aggressor, ready to throw at him a cuss for having dared to touch her. But she found no words, as the man smiled charmingly at her, uttering an apology that never got to her ears because of the loud music.


The cuss died on the tip of her tongue, her eyes now glued to that man's face.


Something happened at that moment and Jieun was unable to explain what. Something she knew wasn't right for her. Something that went against anything she had been taught and had preached to that day.


She saw the man's smile flatter, before a frown came to attempt deforming his handsome features. She saw his lips move and she knew he was talking, still she only stared; immersed in a world were nothing else mattered more than the view she had of that stranger.


His large and warm hands came to rest on her shoulders and she felt herself shiver slightly as he leaned in closer, his voice faintly reaching her ears.


Hey, are you okay?” he asked.


Jieun gulped. Where had gone her despising-self? Why couldn't she speak? Why did she feel drawn to that human?


She saw him looking around desperately, as if looking for help before he bit his lip as if making up his mind.


Come, you must sit down!” he said loud before dragging her through the crowd of dancing bodies until they reached the bar where the music wasn't that loud and made her sit down on a stool.


She observed as he ordered something before gazing awkwardly at her.


I'm really sorry,” he said. “did I hurt you or something?”


But she didn't answer. The man obviously gulped before scratching the back of his head.


Please, quit staring.” he requested. “It's... uncomfortable.”


It was only when a cocktail was placed in front of her that she snapped out of her trance took look confusedly at the filled glass. She watched from the corner of her eye as the man sighed in relief and took a big gulp of his own drink.


Drink,” he said. “it will do you good...”


An awkward silence followed before he held out a hand for her to shake.


My name is Daehyun, by the way.”


Hesitantly she shook his hand, all the while wondering why she couldn't find the strength to get away from him.


Mine is Jieun.” she found herself saying.


Surprised by her own act, she quickly bit her lower-lip and looked at the untouched drink before her.


Her heart was racing in her chest and her stomach churning, but something told her that for once it wasn't because of disgust.


Long minutes of awkwardness passed before they slowly opened up to each other. Jieun didn't know what she was doing any more. Her first reason for coming to that place now long forgotten. Time passed as they talked, a strange complicity being created between them.


Slowly Jieun found herself being drawn to him even further than before. He would talk and her eyes would follow any move of his perfectly shape lips and her ears would tune off any other sound that wasn't his deep and smooth voice. He would look at her and she would lose herself in his eyes, these dark orbs that shone even in the dim lighting of the club they were in.

Every time he would take a sip of his drink she would imagine, in spite of herself, these lips on hers. Her eyes would follow his fingers holding onto the glass and she would almost unconsciously wish they were on her instead. Brushing her skin, caressing her body.


She felt like her self-control was hanging on a thin tread that would break at any moment now.


Her breath hitched as he put a hand on her forearm, his fingers electrifying her whole body. Her cheeks burnt and for moment she admitted to herself she was acting like any human would, the simple thought angering her but still very much unable to make it all stop.


Jieun, do you want me to take you home?” he asked. “You are all red, are you sick?”


I'm fine,” she replied quickly before looking away from him. “I'm... gonna go.”


She rose from her seat and made her way through the crowd, not bothering on giving a proper goodbye. Her only thoughts being on getting the farther away from there as possible. She didn't feel able either, to exchange any other words with him. She was afraid she would do something silly.


Yet, as she stepped on the pavement, the cold night air welcoming her, a hand that seemed all too familiar grasped her elbow.


Hey,” Daehyun said. “let me walk you home, it's late and it's dangerous out there.”


Jieun would've replied she could take of herself, but once again the words died on her tongue. She timidly accepted his offer as weird thoughts invaded her head: he could be a ert for all she knew, and try attacking her, but she was still going to let him walk her home...

This made her smile slightly, it wasn't as if she was an inoffensive little girl. Why was she thinking like this? Was this her human-side taking over?


They walked in silence side by side but their steps seemed to grow slower as they approached her apartment complex, as if neither were willing for the moment to end.

As they reached the building's door though, Jieun grew nervous. Should she invite him in? She hadn't had her fun, he could be a good candidate right?

Yet, the thought of putting Daehyun in pain disappeared just as fast as it had popped up in her mind.


No, for some reason, she couldn't bear that idea.






They stopped right in front of the building's entrance.


What followed, happened way to fast for understanding. A minute they were awkwardly standing there and the other, Jieun was being pushed against the wall of the elevator, Daehyun's lips caressing hers in a passionate kiss. Her hands caressed his silky hair as his held her tightly by the waist pulling her the closer she could get.


A wave of heat travelled through her body, and she let a moan escape her lips as his hand made its way under her shirt. She could feel his tongue exploring every inch of and she felt an immense pleasure just from that action, how was that possible?


You die with a smile on your face.” Gain had said.


The words crossed her mind and an alarm seemed to go off inside her head. But it was too late.


A bitter taste invaded and burnt like it was on fire.


Instantly, everything made sense. She had heard of it before, she had laughed of the ones having fallen for it, she had swore she would never be one of those. But now she understood why they were all making a big fuss out of this, no one could escape.


He was irresistible.


A hunter. A damned witch-hunter.


The Charmer, that's what the others had been calling him. Now she knew why.


By the time he pulled back, her body wasn't hers any more. She saw the sneer stretch his lips but didn't find it in her to hate him or cuss him, he was too perfect.


She really had to be out of her mind.


But still she wanted more, she wanted him to make her his.


Gotcha witch.” Daehyun whispered.


His triumphant smirk was the last thing she saw. 


Initial cards: 

prompt: " I haven’t felt this attracted to anyone in my entire life. it’s like every cell of my body is magnetically drawn to him. my mitochondria want to make friends with his mitochondria” - Augusten Burroughs

Pairing: IU & BAP's Daehyun

Table 4 (chosen) cards:

genre: supernatural

aspect: character revises their own memories to suit their current situation

ending: open


Author's note: I'm gonna cry, this is so bad T_T such a fail... I wasn't inspired at all by Daehyun (and his my bias in BAP, the hell?!), still I wanted to challenge myself and didn't use my joker... Great. I know, my fault! SHAME ON ME! Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you are not too disappointed with my last minute work (again! Yeah I know, but college is a beach (^-_-^) )

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OrangeAfternoon #1
I like this story Author-nim :D
I hardly find a daeu story and i found this, Thanks for make this story ^o^
Chapter 1: This is awesome! Please write more stories with this pairing! :)
Chapter 1: aww the witch died in the end? i hope she didn't have to die but yeah...nice story^^