Fatal Steps

Fatal Steps

Fatal Steps


The cold brisk air froze every single breath she breathed out of her body. “Jae! Jae stop!” Every call from her lovers concerned voice caused her body to step into a faster pace with more anger growing under her skin then she ever thought could be possible. She took harder breaths and ripped off her scarf, leaving it left on the cold icy ground. “You don’t know what your doing! Your just angry Jae! Stop!” He tried his best to convince her but all he could do was confuse her train of thoughts, she wanted to take a turn but the packs of snow covered the paths and now all she could think of was getting rid of him. He yelled again, calling, trying to convince her but at this moment; not even the most powerful thing in this world could stop her. Jaeli stripped off her coat intending to slow him down a little more. Daniel clenched onto her wrist.

“You couldn’t help me Daniel!” She stopped. “I called for you that night! I called for you and you didn’t come! Cap gave you the mission to protect me and you failed! You failed your leader and you failed me! I went through it alone, I cried alone and I can face them alone!” Jaeli freed herself from his grip and began stomping away again.

Daniel sighed, easing the pain of his bruised heart. He knew every step she took was fatal and he could never see her again. Jaeli kicked open the front door and brought herself before her worst fear. The seven of them took their eyes away from their focus and shot over their sickening smiles. “Well look who came back.” One of them dared to break silence. “She must’ve liked it” He joked, slipping back his silky brown hair.

Jaeli ignored their obnoxious laughter. She stood straight, her eyes bulging with rage, and stared at her opponents; seven rookie gang members---right in their shifty little eyes. She plotted which one to go for first. The boys sat looking at each other, questioning her lack of actions. Jaeli had them right where she wanted them. She shot a glance to the first three she planned to attack first. On the third look

Pop pop pop

She triggered a bullet into each of their heads. One fell after the other and two others came to her attack. She dodged the first punch and then the second.

Pop pop

She killed off each in a second and pointed the weapon towards the last one. He observed the bodies around him and giggled. “Nice job.” He clapped twice. The girl took a panting breath. “You don’t even care?” Her enemy shrugged. “Eh, their all just burdens anyway, especially my brother.”

He sighed and began to clean up the mess of cards on the table. “I thought you’d kill me first.” He started a small talk. “I want to see you suffer.” She pulled back the hammer click the gun set. He laughed again, sorting the cards into number order slowly with just a single thought in his mind. Suddenly a burning sensation sent excruciating pain into her shoulder blade and shot through her body. He held out his hidden weapon towards her and watched her collapse to the ground. She yelped at the pain and dropped her gun. He kicked it to the side away from her reach and hovered over her, holding the tip of his gun against her abdomen. “Looks like you’re the only one suffering tonight.” He whispered into her ear, the man glided his finger down the side of her face gently, smirking as he made eye contact. “Your so cute, I almost feel bad killing you.” Jaeli took another terrified breath, trying her all to push the bad memories away.

Out of all things, she didn’t expect something like this to happen again, but this time she couldn’t be weak, she had to end strong, not only for her, but for all those other girls who couldn’t escape before he sent them off to their death holes. Jaeli gave a kick to his groin, the kick was faint, she knew the second she dodged it, but it was strong enough to get him to fall in pain. She pushed him off and picked herself up off the ground as quickly as she could with her good arm, then pushing the gun out of his reach before he could go for it. The spry, evil rookie caught her ankle quickly enough before she could register her actions. However, her other leg shot one into his face which sent fresh ripples of pain through to his neck. Jaeli rushed up again making sure she couldn’t fail, this time she could not fail.

The boy went for another shot, Jaeli shoved him off, seeing him scoot back so far against the weight of it gave her a second wind. She covered the distance between them, threw three more punches that landed. The rookie fell. Jaeli ran for the gun and with one last pop he fell again, into complete and utter silence. The girl fell to her knees and cried out her last tears of relief yet complete guilt. She drove away the person that could comfort her most just to revenge on her enemy’s. She couldn’t believe the evil in her heart. She hit the ground when she heard a sound from behind a desk. Jaeli jumped at the sudden noise and saw a moving body shaking in fear. He looked out from his hiding spot, and stepped out as soon as he was sure everything was safe again. Jaeli gently began to grab the gun again in caution as she noticed around her that she had only murdered six but the young boy waved his hands to assure her everything was ok.

“I..safe..” He somewhat spoke and sent out hand signals in a form of communication. It was the same boy that tried to save her that night, He was the youngest of the group, but he was taken away before he could do anything effective. He limped over and gently took the gun away. Sirens sounded in the background sending her into slight panic. “Shh.” He shushed. He laid the gun against his chest. “Go.” He shooed her away, Jaeli stood numb, she shook her head in rejection but he didn’t take it as an answer. He pushed her out the back door and shooed her again. “Go! Go!” He shut the door.

“Get down! Get down!” A firm voice shouted. “Jae…” Jaeli turned her head at what sounded like…Daniel. “W-What happened?” He calmly questioned though he looked as if he already knew. The girl kept silent and pulled him into a fast run by his wrist. “J-Jae!” He yelped, but all she could do was run, run, run



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kpopmaniic #1
Chapter 1: sadddddddd