
The Prince and Princess


Amber tumbled out of Krystal's bed, grunting as she hit the floor and was rudely woken up. She groaned and rubbed her head, sitting up. She turned to see Krystal sitting in the corner of her bed, the covers pulled over herself and her eyes wide in fear. She mumbled, “Krys, what's wrong?”


Krystal pointed to the wall by her bed, towards the foot of the bed.


Amber looked over to see a decent sized spider making its way down towards the covers. She sighed and grabbed a piece of paper of the bedside table, intending to get rid of it. She crawled back on the bed, her brow creased in concentration as she slowly scooped the spider onto the paper.


Krystal squealed as Amber turned around with the paper, bringing the spider closer than she ever wanted to be to a creepy crawler. She scrambled to get further back on the bed and watched as Amber went to her window, cracking it to slide the piece of paper out and shake the spider off.


Amber crumbled up the paper, tossing it in the trash and closing the window. She smiled at Krystal, “Better now?”


Krystal nodded and extended her arms to the tomboy, “Come back to bed.”


Amber teased as she slid underneath the covers, “Are you sure you aren't going to kick me out again?”


Krystal grinned, “Only if you annoy me.”


They tangled their legs together and were about to drift off to sleep when Krystal's alarm went off. Amber groaned and slammed her hand down on it, silencing the blasted thing. Krystal mumbling, “Damn spider woke me too early.”


Amber and Krystal unceremoniously crawled out of bed, stretching properly as the sun started to slowly peak through Krystal's window.


Krystal scurried into the bathroom, leaving Amber alone in her room.


Amber, as she started to take her shirt off, heard the shower turn on. She tossed her shirt on Krystal's bed, digging through the drawer of her things to pull out a slightly form fitting white shirt. She was about to slip off her pants, her thumbs tucked in the waist band of them when Jessica slammed open the door, her shrill voice travelling through almost the whole house, “Krystal, hurry up and-”


Jessica stopped when she saw Amber, a cold glare being sent her way. She said, much softer this time, “Tell Krystal not to use all the hot water.” She added before she shut the door, “And don't defile my sister while my parents are home, okay?”


Amber nodded dumbly, watching the door close. She knocked on the bathroom door, cracking it, “Hey Krys, Jessica says not to use all the hot water.”


Krystal made an affirmative sound, the outline of her body could be seen through the curtains.


Amber returned to the bedroom, slipping over her pyjama bottoms and exchanging them for a tighter than normal beige pants. She slipped some socks on and went back into the bathroom, Krystal standing by the shower, wrapped up in a towel.


Krystal blushed and complained, “Don't you have any respect for girls? Its rude to walk in when I'm !”


Amber smirked and rolled her eyes, “Since when was I not a girl?”


Krystal raised an eyebrow, “You call guys 'hyung'. I think your considered a guy.”


Amber shrugged, grabbing her spare toothbrush off the counter and brushing away her morning breath. She watched Krystal out of the corner of her eye, their eyes meeting in the mirror occasionally. She finished, rinsing her toothbrush and before laying it down on the counter.


Krystal picked up her own toothbrush, already dressed in a mid-thigh pale dress. She repeated the same process, smiling and poking at Amber every once in a while.


Amber waiting until Krystal was finished to leave the bathroom, trailing after her girlfriend. Her eyes couldn't help but follow the certain movement of Krystal's , knowing it was just the brunette's way of trying to . She leaned forward and pinched Krystal's underneath the dress, smirking at the squeak she let out.


Krystal slapped her hand away, trying to glare at Amber but failed. She failed, collapsing on the bed with her thigh high socks in her hand.


Amber leaned over, stealing a kiss from Krystal as she waited patiently.


Krystal pulled both sock up to her thighs, confident in her work. She stood up, coming face to face with Amber. She said, referencing to the disruption this morning, “Your my night in shining amour.”


Amber smirked, dropping to her knee and playing along, “And your my pretty princess.” She reached forward, taking the small hand in her own and pressing her lips to back of the pale, smooth skin. She cooed, “I'll always be there when you call, my princess.”


Krystal smiled, pulling Amber to her feet and wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's neck. She pecked Amber, “I love you.”


Amber placed her hands on Krystal's hips, swaying them gently, “I love you too.”


Jessica's echoed through the house again, ruining the moment, “Krystal! Amber! Come on or I'm leaving you!”


Amber threw a angry glance at the door before sweeping Krystal off her feet and carrying her bridal style. She struggled with the doorknob but was finally successful and carried the younger girl out into the main room where Jessica was waiting.


Jessica started to make a gagging noise, “You two are way too lovey dovey. It's grossing me out.”


Krystal smirked, tightening her arms around Amber's neck, “You know you approve of my happiness.”


Jessica rolled her eyes but her icy gaze was broken by a smile that spread across her face. “Now, come on, we're going to be late,” she said, motioning for them to leave.


They walked to Jessica's car, Krystal still in Amber's arm and they were about to the SM Building when Amber realized neither of them had shoes.

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Ash-LaoSiow #1
Chapter 1: So cute!!
Chapter 1: Lol...xD really no shoes huh???
Alerth #3
Great storie!
Bo-Remi #4
Chapter 1: What a funny ending.
wuhiunam #5
the ending so cool XD
haha i love the ending! short, but very cute
Cute but Jessica seems really mean!
hahaha Cool xDD
Nice <3
Waffles #10
Haha their so corny it's cute