December 17th

December 17th

"If only you weren't such an insensitive boyfriend then maybe we aren't arguing right now."

"No Jongin. If only you didn't act like such an immature moron then everything must be alright by now."

"Don't put the blame on me Kyungsoo! You're the one who started this!"

"I wouldn't get mad if you didn't act so childish."

"I wouldn't act like that if only you'll be more sensitive about me and my feelings."

"God Jongin! How many times should I prove to you that I am completely aware of your emotions and I am definitely not insensitive?! I seriously don't know what to do with you anymore."

"Well I am not seeing it or feeling it. I'm not seeing your effort of showing care for what I feel."

"That's because you're the one who's insensitive. Not me, Jongin."

"Look, let's just call this stupid relationship off. We're no longer going anywhere, Kyungsoo. Let's just call everything off."

The other was taken aback by Jongin's sudden words. They're standing at the side of an alleyway, ignoring all curious glances and stares from people passing by as they continue bickering at each other with full-blown anger and confidence. They're just too caught in their fight they no longer care about the world around them.

"...Fine with me. You know what, I'm too fed up with you and your childishness anyway so have it your way." said the angry Kyungsoo who is trying his best to control his tears from falling. He won't cry. He will definitely not cry, at least not now in front of Jongin.

Kyungsoo turned around to leave when Jongin suddenly grabbed his hand. The shorter boy turned around with eyes glaring at the other while blurting out "What?! You're splitting up with me, right? So will you please let go of my hand?!"

"F-Fine!" and Jongin removed his grip in Kyungsoo's hand. "G-Go away!"

Kyungsoo had enough. He turned away again from Jongin and let his tears finally fall down as he started running away from his goddamn boyfriend. How dare dare you push me away like that...bastard. Kyungsoo thought as he wipes his tears away and continued running.

Jongin stood there, dumbfounded at the sudden happenings. He just broke off with Kyungsoo, with his boyfriend. He watched the other run away from him and he can't help but rewind his last words in his mind. Fine! Go away! the words continued to ring in his mind as guilt slowly creeps in him. But then he remembered Kyungsoo's words; how Kyungsoo got mad when he only wanted to have his attention, and the guilt was suddenly devoured by anger again.

Crap. This is so ed up. Jongin thought, rubbing the back of his neck while sighing.




Kyungsoo stopped running and stood at the sides of an intersection in the streets. He sighed and settled his back on one of the walls near him, trying to calm himself down and clear his mind a little.

The chill in the air is actually too strong; it's not really a good time to take a stroll outside, epecially at this time where the sun's gonna set anytime soon. Christmas is near approaching and the chill of winter is far from tolerable in this particular day, despite having thick coats and gloves and scarves.

This is so lame. Kyungsoo thought as he brought out his gloved hands form his jacket's pockets and tried to warm them up by rubbing his hands together. He puffs air in his hands in between rubbings to warm himself more, because even the gloves do little good in warming him up.

If only Jongin's here to hold my hand and warm me up... he thought, but he quickly brushed it off and remembered how angry he is right now. The guy just broke up with him. And he didn't only dump him; he even pushed him away. That bastard... maybe I should've punched him in the face first before I ran away. He deserves it so much. Kyungsoo thought as he stood up straight and started walking again.

He has nowhere to go, actually. But he still continued walking anyway, hoping that the cold december breeze can clear his mind a little.




Jongin started walking on the other direction. His hands tightly knuckled in a fist while inside his pockets to at least minimize the coldness in the air. He's the one who asked Kyungsoo out today to hang out with him and treat him dinner later, but everything's ruined now.

And it's all because of Kyungsoo; that's what Jongin's been convincing himself ever since Kyungsoo ran away from him teary eyed. He didn't mean everything he said. Jongin's always been a mouthy brat especially when his mad; he didn't really want to break up with him.

But he did. He said those things and even pushed his boyfriend away. He knows he ed up big time. But he kept on convincing himself he's innocent; that he's not the one at fault here. He's feeling guilty, but he's also angry. And there's no way he'll apologize. It's all Kyungsoo's fault, Jongin hissed in his mind, it's Kyungsoo's fault.

He continued walking until he surprisingly reached the restaurant where he's supposed to treat Kyungsoo tonight. Apparently he didn't know this particular road will lead to that restaurant; if only he knew then he wouldn't walk himself here and slap on his own face how he messed up and--

Wait, I'm not the one who messed up! Jongin protested in his mind, as if contradicting his own thoughts. It's Kyungsoo's fault. He wouldn't even notice me, that insensitive er.

He stared at the restaurant from the other side of the road. It's an American-inspired place with lot's of old western movie posters and quotes from famous english novels plastered all over the walls of the restaurant. It's a haven for fans of western movies and english novels, like Kyungsoo. He told his boyfriend about this place one time when they were at school and the other was more than delighted to say yes when Jongin asked him to eat there sometime.

He asked Kyungsoo out today to surprise him; he didn't tell him his planning to take him here at this restaurant. But then s happen and now he's left here standing all alone because he just broke up with the boy he loves so much.

Maybe I really am kinda idiotic, huh? Jongin thought as he continued walking past the restaurant.




The chilly air is getting even heavier and heavier as minutes pass by, so Kyungsoo settled himself on one of the sidewalk benches and stared at the cars passing by. He's still rubbing his hands for more warmth when a couple suddenly walks in front of him.

. Kyungsoo thought as the couple happily strolls in front of him, hands intertwined with each other as they laugh and talk and cuddle while walking.

Kyungsoo seriously wanted to throw them crumbled papers or rocks or whatever to shoo them away; how dare this couple walk on him while he's sulking here about having a break-up with his own boyfriend.

And as if mocking him even more, the lovers didn't get contented with just holding hands; they even stopped right in front of Kyungsoo's field of vision as the guy faces his boyfriend and fixes his scarf for him. The other boy smiles at the kindness of his boyfriend with a twinkle in his eyes; no one can deny the oozing vibes of love these two were omitting.

Kyungsoo actually knows these two boys; they're Sehun and Luhan, one of the sweetest and cutest couple in their school. Unlike him and Jongin, these two seemed like they never had anything to argue or fight with; they fit each other so nicely, contradicting Jongin and Kyungsoo's own relationship of fighting and making up and fighting again then making up again.

Kyungsoo sulked even harder and slumped his arms, pouting at the scene in front of him. He averted his gaze from them and instead just closed his eyes; but closing his eyes seem a rather worse idea.

He find himself suddenly reminiscing that one time when he bought a scarf for Jongin. Winter was approaching back then so he decided to give the other a scarf with plaid patterns of red and black, which are his boyfriend's favorite color. He remembers that smiling face of Jongin that makes him fall in love for the other over and over again.

Then he suddenly remembered that that same scarf is the one Jongin's wearing today when the taller guy broke up with him a while ago, and the pain hit him again hard in his chest.

Oh crap, Kyungsoo thought as he stood up and tried to busy himself by walking with no destination again. He doesn't want to go home just yet.

Maybe...maybe I was wrong, too. Maybe I shouldn't have snapped at him like that... Kyungsoo suddenly thought, anger slowly giving way to guilt and realizations.

If there is someone more capable of understanding Jongin and his personality, it should've been Kyungsoo. It should've been him. He should be the one to understand his boyfriend first above anyone else. And Kyungsoo admits that he failed to do that a while ago, then he suddenly realized how bad Jongin must be feeling right now after he snapped at his boyfriend for just wanting his attention.

Tears started to prick his eyes again. Kyungsoo may be a stubborn bastard too like Jongin, but he's actually more emotional than the other. This time, the tears weren't brought by anger; it's caused by sadness. Sure, he still believes he's right and he still hates the other for saying such terrible things to him, that didn't change; but he also told him terrible stuffs, and Jongin actually has a point too, right? And he knows damn well that he really don't want to break up with him and Jongin doesn't necessarily mean what he said, yet he responded with "Fine with me!" and even bickered at the guy when the other tried to stop him from leaving.

It may be Jongin's fault, but somehow, Kyungsoo has his own faults too.

He brushed off all of his thoughts and wiped his teary eyes as he started walking again, hoping that this wouldn't be their relationship's real end.




Jongin continued walking and got himself back on the main intersection road. The bus stop and the train station is by his far right side, and this is where Kyungsoo and him walks everyday after school. Kyungsoo would ride the bus and Jongin would ride the train, but before they separate ways they would always peck each others lips and wrap arms around each other before saying their "byes" and "take cares" and other cuddles without really minding anyone who sends them weird looks and stares. But right now, there is no Kyungsoo to kiss, no Kyungsoo to hug, no Kyungsoo to wave sweet goodbyes with, because that Kyungsoo was pushed away none other by himself.

The sun already set and the chill increased tremendously as the night cast darkness to the surroundings. Jongin decided to just go home already and call it a day, because the temperature is really cold now he thinks he's going to catch a cold already.

But the temperature is not the only factor that makes him shiver down to the bones.

Jongin seriously felt like he'll die from the sudden guilt that engulfed him; any feeling of anger now washed away as he realized something. What if Kyungsoo didn't go home yet? What if... What if he's still out there like me, enduring the chill and the breeze of the night? Jongin dreaded as he thought of how weak Kyungsoo's immune system can be. The guy can literally catch a cold just from eating ice cream. He's just that weak to coldness. And Jongin's always been the one to take care of him whenever he's sick, but right now Jongin is the reason why Kyungsoo may catch a cold, and he knows he can never forgive himself if that happens.

And instead of walking to his right side where his train station is, he instead decided to walk through pass the road in front of him. It's not like he knows where Kyungsoo is or he has a certain idea in his mind where he is actually headed, but he just found himself walking along the other busy people beside him crossing the main street. He's still unsure of where to go, of what to do; then a memory suddenly came in him as he slowly walks to pass the road.

Kyungsoo and Jongin once walked through this very same road when they were headed for the malls to watch a movie. But unlike now, the road back then was empty of other passers and when they started walking to pass the road, Kyungsoo somehow walked faster than Jongin and a car was driving rather fastly at their left side. The car was seriously about to hit the oblivious Kyungsoo and Jongin's heart raced so fast back then. He ran and grabbed his boyfriend's arm to pull him back just in time when the car sweeped past the spot where Kyungsoo was before. He quickly enveloped his shorter boyfriend in his arms while continuously saying "dammit don't scare me like that Kyungie!" and was literally crying as he buries his face at Kyungsoo's shoulders. Jongin got so scared he was trembling back then and Kyungsoo hugged him in return while patting his back and saying "I'm sorry, Jongin. I'm so sorry." and cried himself too because of the crying Jongin in front of him.

As Jongin remembered those moments while walking through the same road again, he suddenly turned around and ran back as fast as he could. Reminiscing that moment made him realize one thing; he doesn't want to lose Kyungsoo. Not Kyungsoo. He definitely can't lose this guy he loves so much. He was such an idiot for breaking up with him over such a trivial fight. He was such a childish bastard for pushing him away. He was such an for hurting him and making him cry.

And as if on instincts, Jongin ran fast back through the streets and shops and instantly searches for Kyungsoo. He ran over the alleyway where they separated hours ago and started running on the way where Kyungsoo ran off after they broke up.

He continued running; searching every shop, every street where Kyungsoo might possibly be. His mind is clouded with worry; he can't think straight anymore. He just want to see Kyungsoo right now and hug him and kiss him and say how much sorry he is for being such a jerk to him, despite having no idea where the other is.

Then he suddenly thought of a place where Kyungsoo might be. The chances of his boyfriend being there is quite minimal, but somehow he just suddenly felt the urge and the instinct to check the place out.

With hopes of meeting his boyfriend in that place, he started running again; ignoring the chilly wind passing his skin as he scurries to the area where their relationship began.




Kyungsoo found himself sitting on one of the swings in the park, enjoying the serenity of the surroundings. It's probably because of the weather, but the park is as empty as an empty lot; Kyungsoo is glad he got himself here when he walked nonstop without any destination in his head.

Or maybe his feet actually brought him here on purpose, he wonders.

The swing where he is currently sitting isn't any normal swing; he realized this was the very same spot where him and Jongin started dating. It was a year ago already when Jongin was sitting at the other side of this swing, holding his hand as they shared their first kiss. It all happened here on this same place, on this same spot, and on this same day.

December 17th. Kyungsoo thought. Today was actually their 1st anniversary, and he thought he should surprise Jongin by not greeting the other at all; pretending that he forgot the day until later when he brings him here and hands him his present. But things happened and instead of celebrating their first anniversary, he was sitting alone here, waiting without really knowing what he's waiting for.

He suddenly grabbed his phone and was surprised to see the wallpaper. As if making him feel even worse, his wallpaper is a picture of his gift to Jongin that he bought yesterday; he's planning to fool the other a bit by saying he forgot their date of anniversary then would surprise the other by suddenly taking him here at the park and handing him his gift. When Jongin asked him this afternoon to have dinner somewhere, he knows the other is also playing pretend; asking as if it's only a normal day and would probably surprise him when they get to dinner. But all of his plans were ruined, and he can't help but just cry again.

He put his cellphone back in his pockets again then sighed. Jongin didn't even text him or call him. He must be really mad, Kyungsoo thought, this is the first time he ignored me this much. This is the first time he pushed me away. Why the hell did everything happen today; of all days?!

Kyungsoo buried his face in his hands and cried hard; he just can't hold back everything anymore. Jongin is all he ever wanted to be with, especially at this day. But Jongin is the one who pushed him away; the one person he would give up anything for just for another moment in his arms. But somehow he pushed his boyfriend away too; suddenly throwing everything they had just because of a stupid fight. The guilt, the sadness, the pain, the anger; they're all too overwhelming and he can't do anything but cry.

When he finally managed to stop himself from crying and decided to just go home, he was literally surprised to feel the swing move a bit backwards. He instantly grabbed the sides of the swing to support himself from falling and gazed to his back.

There, at his back, is the very person he loves so much but at the same time hates so much; Kim Jongin.

"Jongin!" he exclaimed in a shocked tone as the other holds the sides of the swing too, still pulling it backwards from Kyungsoo.

"Shh." Jongin hissed. "Just sit there and hold on to the sides, 'kay?" and he flashed his boyfriend that sweet, childish smile the other has fallen madly in love for.

Kyungsoo smiled back, brushing away all thoughts bothering him and letting the other push the swing in front of him.

The chilly wind never felt this good before, Kyungsoo thought as the air brushes his skin whenever his boyfriend pushes the swing.




"I didn't really forget our anniversary, Jongin. I was just... trying to surprise you."

"Really?" Jongin asked his boyfriend back. He's now sitting at the other side of the swing, holding hands with Kyungsoo like the last time.

And this time, no gloves or mittens; just hands. Two hands intertwined to give warmth for each other. Two hands intertwined to connect two hearts.

"Yes, of course. How could I forget something like that?"

"But that's not why I got mad, Kyungsoo. I got mad because..." Jongin trailed off, searching for the best words to say, "because you hang out with Hyunsik this morning when we're suppose to meet later."

"I told you I only meet up with him coz he was asking for my notes. And besides that was during the morning; it wouldn't ruin or plans for the whole day anyway."

Jongin pouted, realizing how dumb he truly is for being jealous over something so simple.

"But what really ruined our day..." Kyungsoo started, sounding quite resentful, "is you hanging out with Taemin to purposely make me feel jealous."

Jongin blushed hard at what Kyungsoo said, then tried to defend himself by saying "N-No! I... I mean... I mean I only did that to catch your attention. You and Hyunsik have always been so close and I hate it; so I tried to make you realize how bad it feels to be so close to your bestfriend despite having a boyfriend and..." Jongin trailed off again, "and... I... regretted doing it coz you didn't do anything wrong anyway. You don't deserve to be treated like that. I was just jealous. You know me, Kyungsoo. I do ty things when I'm jealous..."

"I know," Kyungsoo said while chuckling a little, "and I wanna say sorry too for snapping at you like that. I know I should be the one to understand you above anybody else, yet I got mad at you and started bickering at you. I'm sorry. It was my fault too." Kyungsoo continued, cheeks reddening too because of the chilly air and the embarassment. "I just... I guess I just do ty things too when I get jealous."

Jongin smiled, then suddenly remembered his harsh words of pushing Kyungsoo away, then said "And I'm sorry for... breaking up with you too. I didn't really mean it, please believe me Kyungie." Jongin said as he tries to control his tears. The taller boy's really guilty with everything he's said.

"Yeah, you should feel bad for saying that to me." Kyungsoo replied, "but... I guess I'm sorry too. For snapping like that and adding fuel to the fire. But you know I don't really mean it too, right?" the shorter boy said while looking apologetically at his boyfriend.

"Okay, baby," Jongin replied while squeezing Kyungsoo's hand a bit. "Apology accepted."

Kyungsoo laughed heartily then said "Yeah, apology accepted too, ." then leaned closer to Jongin's side to imply a kiss.

Jongin smiled and leaned closer too, shutting the distance between them as they locked their lips together.

Everything was too familiar, the two boys thought. The place, the date, the weather, even the kiss; it all trails back to that time when they first started dating. They've been through a lot already and they sure had a lot of arguments and fights together; yet they're still standing strong for each other. Sure they did break up a while ago, but is that really considered a break up? All they kept on thinking was each other and how they can make up again; maybe that can't really be considered a break up after all.

"Oh! Before I forget," Kyungsoo suddenly said, earning him a despondent pout from the other as the kiss was abruptly interrupted.

Kyungsoo grabbed something from his pockets and brought it out for Jongin to see. Jongin's jaw dropped to the floor; what he saw in Kyungsoo's hand were two silver rings, one a little smaller than the other. Kyungsoo handed to Jongin the larger one, in which the other protested something like "Hey! That's not the proper way to propose!" then chuckled lightly.

"I'm not proposing, . You're the one who should do that," Kyungsoo said, still reaching out his hand for the other to get the ring. "That cost me almost my whole savings. I promise I'll really dump you if you lose this."

Jongin smiled with watery eyes. He was too moved by Kyungsoo's present that he forgot he has his own present to give. He gets the ring from Kyungsoo's small hand and scanned the little piece of silver; the word kyungsoo's is engraved from the inside of the ring. He smiled genuinely again and faced Kyungsoo, then the shorter boy showed him the other ring that has the word jongin's inside it.

"That's really cute. I'll think of this as our engagement ring." Jongin said mischievously as he grabs something from his own pockets too. "But don't forget my present for you, Kyungie."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened as Jongin brought out his own gift. It's a pair of personalized cellphone keychains with the letters J and K. Jongin hands Kyungsoo the other keychain while saying "I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you an equally expensive gift. I actually saved my money for our supposed dinner at this restaurant that you really want to go to." Jongin confessed sheepishly, "Anyway, happy 1st anniversary baby Kyungie."

"Happy 1st anniversary too, baby Jonginnie." Kyungsoo said as he takes the other's keychain.

Jongin leaned to his side again and said "Can I... get a kiss?"

Kyungsoo chuckled lightly then leaned closer too, placing his lips at the others.

But again, the kiss was abruptly interrupted as Kyungsoo pulled out then faced the other direction to sneeze quite loudly.

"Oh," Jongin said, "are... are you okay?"

"I think I'm catching a cold. I didn't notice it was already snowing," Kyungsoo said as he faced the sad-looking Jongin. "Jongin? Why?"

"You caught a cold because of me," Jongin said in a low voice, "I... It's my fault you may get sick."

"Yeah, that's right," Kyungsoo said while sniffing a bit, "and I am your responsibilty now. You'll be in charge of nursing me until I get well, you bastard."

Jongin shifted his sad face to a smile, then stood up and said "Alright then. Let nurse Jongin piggy back you until we get to your home, Kyungie."

"Yah! Who said your sleeping over to my place?!"

"I didn't say anything about sleeping over, Kyungie~"

"Hey!" Kyungsoo protested and hit Jongin jokingly.

Both boys laughed their hearts out. It's funny how things turn out for them. One moment they were arguing and bickering at each other like there's no tomorrow for them anymore then the next they were laughing and cuddling like a married couple. Their relationship may not be the best out there, and the two of them may not be the perfect couple to be lovers at all, but what makes it best and perfect is how they cope and deal with it; how they accept and understand each other's differences and continue to love each other fully and unconditionally.

Because a perfect relationship doesn't need two perfect people together; it needs two persons accepting and loving each other's imperfections.

"But hey, Kyungsoo," Jongin suddenly said, voice a little more serious than before, "it was snowing too a year ago when we shared our first kiss, right?"

Kyungsoo looked up to the sky and saw the snow falling lightly, then remembered that one time when they first exchanged their I love yous.

"Yeah, it was snowing back then, too." Kyungsoo said as he flashed his heartshaped smile to his boyfriend.

Jongin gave him a smile in return, then said "I love you so much, Kyungie."

"I love you so much too."

"Let's keep on holding on to each other, yeah? I don't wanna lose our relationship, Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo smiled with teary eyes, then said "Sure. The feeling is mutual, Jongin."

December 17th went well for the two boys, after all.




(NOTE: fluffy KaiSoo! lol. I was inspired by the TaeKai HyunSoo friendship and decided to write this. hahaha.

now if anyone is interested in reading some angsty drama KaiSoo you can check my other oneshot fic here: Too Late

*shameless promotion asdfghjkl*

anyway super thx for the comments guys! I really love y'all. xoxo!)

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Chapter 1: oh i love this~ /wipes tears/
Chapter 1: awww, my first kaisoo fic! i'm not the biggest fan of exo but this fic was so cute. :D
Chapter 1: Waaaah. I thought somethin bad was gonna happen between them like gettin into an accident due to wanderin aimlessly through the streets.. Thank god nothin bad happened and they made up in the end.. I love kaisoo too much that my kokoro might not handle if somethin bad happened.. Hahahah.. Dayum author-nim, dayum!
Chapter 1: Awwwww >////////////////< I thought they would really break up. hoooo. I'm glad they didnt.
SoSquishy #5
Chapter 1: You just put a lot of cheesy on my chilli. xD Sweeetttt~
chodoiino #6
Chapter 1: cheesy lol~~~
hunhanisreal_ot12 #7
Chapter 1: this is so qewt~ i can't ;-;
Kaisoo stubborness and childishness and dumbness is sweet xD
cassiopeialovedbsk #9
Chapter 1: I Love it!