Chapter 1

Fourteen Reasons Why ..


Author's Note: Italic means Jieun's talking on a cd.. 


Myungsoo's P.O.V
I made my way through the door leading to my room. I sighed and dumped my bag on my bed. Things at school haven't been the same without her, they really haven't. Ever since she left, nothing feels right anymore. Ever since.. Ever since she died, Nothing seems right anymore. Nothing.. 
As much as I want to walked around, pretending that everything gonna be ok, I can't because the truth is.. Eventough she is really quiet on her last few months, she still played a big part in my life. I wish things were different.
As I was about to walked out the door, I noticed something sitting on my bed that caught my attention. I walked over the bed and picked up the package, it was address to me. I turned it around and noticed there wasn't a return address, which picked my interes even more. I tore and open the package to find a number of CD's. I was confused at it first, I counted all of them. All up there was 13 CD's all marked 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. All the way of to 13. I had no idea whats going on. All I knew was I needed to listen to them. Instead of making my way out of the door. Like I had originally planned. I went to my desk and sat on the chair before placing the CD that was marked Number one. I was about to push the play, When Mom walked in.
"Myung-ah" She asked.
"Hey Mom" I smiled before looking at her. "What's up?"
"I saw that package and placed it on your bed, I was wondering what was in it."
That's what I loved about my mom, If she knew something was meant for me. She would leave it and wait for me to open it before she asked me what was in it. 
"Its a disc, Mom."  I told her.

“Oh, it’s a disc. I wonder what it plays.” My mother grins at me. I know that twinkle in her eyes. She wants me to play it out loud. No way is my mother going to listen to this. In fact, the CD looks quite old, a little scratched up as if a few people have listened to it already. On the CD someone has written the number 1 on the first disc and the number 2 on the second disc in red permanent felt. The numbers were neatly written, looking almost like a script. So the sender is a female then? I can’t be sure.

“It doesn’t actually matter.” I say, rolling my eyes. But on the inside, I really want to know what it is too.

I hadn’t asked for a CD lately.

“Go and play it. I’ll call you down for dinner.” She gives me a peck on my forehead and then walks away. I stare at the CD and then tap it against my hand before going to my room. There is a CD player there and I start it up. It is an old player, something my father had when he was younger but he gave it to me, it would probably take a few minutes. I decide to take a shower and change out.


I looked down at the CD's that were on my desk, then I turned my attention back to the CD that was placed in my CD player. I kept thinking why no one sent me a return address? Why did I suddenly get put with these CD's? Why have I got them?

I watched as I slowly moved my finger to the play button. I took in a deep breath and pushed play. It was then I listened closely, waiting for something to happen, Music? A voice? Whatever… but I needed to know now. All I heard was crackling noises before I heard that familiar voice.
Hey boys and girls, this is Lee Jieun here.
No.. No it cant be.
Well, by the time you will have gotten this, I wont be here any longer. Im here to tell the story of my life, or much rather, why it ended…
No, this cant be. I cant believe it… Lee Jieun killed herself.
I almost scream out, almost. This is a voice I know, a voice I could recognise anywhere.

This is the voice of an angel who had died, the voice of a fallen beauty.

My lips part as the horrors fill me, making me fall, clutching my belly as a searing pain shoots through me.

Was this how pain truly felt? I quickly grab a stool and pull it to the middle of my room. I sit on it, my eyes locking on the player. I see the numbers indicating the time. I see the seconds tick by and bile forms in my throat. What was this?
Good morning everyone. Or is it, afternoon… or perhaps the evening. Well it depends on what time you actually listen to this. Oh well… Haha, but if you do not know who I am, let me introduce myself to you.

My name is Lee Jieun. I am… eighteen… or was eighteen. It doesn’t actually matter. All that matters right now is… YOU..


Yes you, all of you. If you’re reading this, then you must know what’s happened to me.

No, I am not dead. Not yet, well, not at the time of making this CD, podcast, whatever you want to call it. Now this isn’t a joke or a prank. This is serious, extremely serious. All of you, yes, all of you killed me.
What? How could I have killed you, Jieun?

Not literally, but you all contributed to killing me. This isn’t a joke, I repeat, not a joke! And there are… rules. Yes, rules to this. Shall we all look at it this way? This is a game I am playing with you, a sick twisted game and if you fail to comply with the rules...

I don’t understand! What is Jieun talking about? I couldn’t possibly be on this list. Why would I be? I shift uncomfortably, my stomach knotting.

Ah, you must be confused. Well, alright. Let me just tell you my rules. There are thirteen of you in here, and all thirteen of you… you have a story. A story that never actually has an end. I created one. Sad, no? But the thing here is, I haven’t told you the rules yet. Well, The rules are simple. After you’ve heard all the stories, you will have to mail this to the next person.

How can I do that? How can I just pass hell on to the next person? I clench my jaw, this is all bull.

So if you’re number one, you mail it to number two. Only after you’ve heard everything. If you don’t pass it on…

Haha, but I’ll know. I’ll know everything. If you don’t pass it on dearies, these stories will be played publically. There’s a second set of these CDs. They will be played publically if you do not pass these on. And then everyone will find out the truth. And then you all will be so damned screwed. Oh yes and the last person, the thirteenth person? I sincerely hope you go to hell. Maybe we can meet there. And if we do, I’ll make your life worse than hell itself. Remember, two rules: listen and pass it on. Simple? Surely. It’s not even complicated.

Well, shall we begin?

No Jieun. Don’t begin, I don’t want to know, I don’t want to hear any of it. What did I ever do to you? Honestly, I’ve never actually done anything to her. I fact, I didn’t know Jieun at all and that well in the first place. I wanted to get to know her, but I missed every chance. We worked together at a local café during the summer and then a few weeks back, we made out at a party. But that was all, that was all I ever did to Jieun.

But you know what? I liked her. I liked her a lot. She was beautiful, brave, smart, funny… the list can go on and on and on. She killed herself two weeks ago, no one knew why. I didn’t even know why. One day I came to class and her seat was empty. I didn’t understand why though.

Why was she gone? The rumours had piled up so high until someone had come in and said “Shut up with the rumours! She’s dead! Respect her!” that person had been Byun Baekhyun, Jieun’s former best friend. Though, I wonder what happened between them. One day they just didn’t hang out anymore.

This must be a mistake, or maybe a sick joke played by someone. Someone must have made Jieun say all this and then sent them to random people just to scare us. Tomorrow someone would look at me and then go, “Yah! Myungsoo did you receive a package? April fools!” but it wouldn’t be April fools. So what is this?

Even if this is true, and this is real, I should not be on this. I shouldn’t be part of any of this. I barely knew the girl! I feel sick, lethargic all of a sudden.

I reach over and take my wastepaper basket. I might need it.


I know some of you might doubt all of this, but remember- this is real. All real, and I am a hundred person sure of everyone on this list. There are no mistakes. Not anymore. I don’t make mistakes anymore. Maybe perhaps, because I won’t be alive. Oh well. But if you doubt this still, then I just have to ask you, why would I lie? Why would I, Lee Jieun, here today gone tomorrow lie to any of you? I’m ‘dead’ after all. Wow, that somehow sounds pleasant. Soon everyone will be saying ‘have you heard Lee Jieun is dead. She killed herself.’ Some will believe it, some might not. There will be some students who would call me a liar and this is all bull, but when it turns out to be true… oh well. But those who do believe, I hope you understand that there are thirteen people who caused this.

Oh damn it. Thirteen. I killed her. When those words were spoken, I didn’t believe it at first. I mean, a girl in my English class called me over. I can remember her leaning. For a moment I thought she was going to kiss me but then she said, “Have you heard, Lee Jieun killed herself.” I didn’t believe her because I told her, “It can’t be true.”


But it turned out to be exactly what she said. Jieun, did you really have to die? Was there nothing else out there to live for? A future? A family? Really, was there nothing?

This first story, well… how can I begin it? Oh yes, right. Just the thing. I’ll begin by telling your name for everyone on this list to hear. Oh baby, don’t worry. Did you think everything you did was funny? Did you think that all those jokes and pranks you played was funny? Did you? Did you? Well guess what. They weren’t.

Who was that? Maybe it was Tao… a senior at my school. He was a good looking lad, about 6 feet tall and well built with big blue / grey eyes. 
 He was a funny guy, always playing pranks on others. But did he go too far with Jieun? He always pushed a little too far with people but was ‘too far’ really the edge for Jieun?


A/N: I really dont know if he had Grey or Blue eyes.. Lemme show you a pic :)

It was funny at first when you did something like put glue on someone’s locker handle, or switched the lunch order of one of the junior kids’ food. It was funny, trust me, we all had a laugh about it.

But I was the only one who saw through you. Yes you, Huang Zi Tao..





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uaenaland #1
Are you ever going to continue this?????
uaenaland #2
uaenaland #3
Chapter 10: Ah so curious!! What the hell happened that night??!! Gosh i'm feeling that the worse are about to come .. scary .. and jieun life is sad
T-T you will continues this right? It's been a long time i hope you had not forgotten or cancelled this.... update soon author-nim! ^_^
uaenaland #4
Chapter 4: Gosh i loved this book so much ... thank you for making a remake with IU as the main girl.. please update soon... i hope you will continue this! ^-^ i'm so curious right now
aina_ina #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! I really like this story xD
Chapter 10: Good story & chapter - Yuki
Chapter 10: Ooh, update soon juseyo authornim. I feel like im going addicted with this fanficcc *-*
Sehun_lisp #8
Chapter 10: Kai seem relax ? Haha
Chapter 9: i loved the book and i love this rendition:)
Chapter 9: Wow I want to continue reading this forever