
The Neighborhood's Neko


Chapter 2





"Don't go." The voice repeated.

"I won't ever leave you. I won't go. I'll stay." A man replied and Kris' head whipped towards the couple that was standing underneath the streetlight holding each other's hands. Kris let out a sigh and he realized that the voice came from that woman. He turned to leave again, but the voice repeated, louder and clearer this time.

Kris turned towards the bag and saw a human's head popping out from it and he let out a unmanly scream. The couple looked up at him slightly pissed off that he had messed up their little 'drama' moment and Kris coughed awkwardly before turning his attention back at the bag.

The head let out a cheerful laugh and Kris was seriously going to cry. He was never this frighten ever before and now that his tears were about to fall, he was willing to let them go. The head smiled at him and he turned around weeping softly with his hands covering his face.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and he let out a small sob before wiping his tears. He uncovered his face to face a girl who looked about the age of 16 and frowning at him. .

"Aw, did Miyo scare you? Don't cry," she said and her hand reached up to wipe his tears, but Kris dodged her hand and ran towards his front door. 

He ran like there was no tomorrow, he was just scared to his dear life and now this random girl is . No, he didn't want to see this anymore. It wasn't like he had never seen a body before, he had girlfriends, and they did stuff, but this was a whole different story.

He was about to slam the door close when he turned back at the girl who was staring at him helpless with a almost sadden look. Her body was turned in his direction and for once he regretted being such a kind person. He sighed and walked down the steps and back towards the oak tree. Once he got in front of her, he gave her one last stare before faking a small smile.

"Hey, how about we go get you something to wear. It's going to get cold out here," he says and holds out his hand towards her. 

She stared at his hand for awhile before looking back up at his face. "Miyo not suppose to leave the bag," she begins, "Miyo was suppose to stay in the bag till the garage truck comes to get me in the morning, but you were so funny Miyo had to come out and see what you would do next!" The girl finishes and let out a soft giggle.

Kris' eyebrows furrowed in a downwards motion. "Who told you not to leave the bag? Do you know what happens when the garage truck comes and gets you?"

The girl's eyes widen up into two golf balls. "What happens?"

Kris let out a small sigh and turned to look around. "Come in, I'll get you cleaned up, then I'll tell you."


Kris sat behind the bathroom door just waiting for her to finish, a towel in his hands and a hair tie that was about to make it's way in his hair. Once he had tied up his hair, he continue to wait in a awkward silence. Why did he let her in his home? He didn't know himself.

"What's your name?" She suddenly asked, Kris shot up in shock until he realized it was just her.

"You can call me Kris," he replies and a small chuckle was hear behind the door.

"What if Miyo don't want to call you Kris?" She asks.

"You have no choice, you have to call me Kris." He answers biting his lip slightly, thinking about how annoying she could be if this kept on.


"How about Miyo call you, Krease?" she asked, Kris scoffed and let out a frustrated sigh.


She was annoying already, and he couldn't wait to get rid of her.



Sorry for slow update. Laptop had a problem Dx But I'm back now c: Sorry for short chapter too!

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Chapter 4: This story is very creative and interesting. I look forward to your future updates!
Chapter 3: Nooooo just make it a bit longer please!
Cant wait for next update^^