Wedding Day

Now and Forever

His eyes blinked open when he heard slow footsteps approaching. He locked the door last night, he remembered. But for some reason, a person, or a group of people, had gotten in his house. And when he was sure they were in front of his bed, he sat up and the lamp, his eyes still drooping from all the preparations being done the day before.

His eyes widened when he saw the company.

"HEY, KYUHYUN!" the group of eight boys shouted.

Kyuhyun was shocked to see them. "Wh-what the?!"

"We just wanted to wake you up to get ready for your special day!" Leeteuk smiled.

"And your last day as a non-committed-to-a-woman man," Donghae laughed.

Kyuhyun slapped his forehead with his palm. "Okay, okay. Before I can get ready, just answer a few questions. How the hell did you get in here? Don't you think I had my alarm clock all set for me to wake up? And why did you come here at three in the morning?!"

The guys looked at each other.

"Well, our wives decided to also wake Seohyun up early," Sungmin answered. "So we decided that we'd also do that for you."

"Really?" Kyuhyun asked, his tone a bit grumpy. "Those girls would not wake Seohyun up at this hour."

"Yeah... um..." Yesung started, "The girls said they'd do it at 6 o'clock..."

Kyuhyun groaned and threw pillows at them. "Get out, get out, get out!"

"Gah! Where'd you get all those pillows?" they screamed and ran out the door. Kyuhyun only sighed and let himself fall back on his bed and go back to sleep.



Someone poked her and shook her gently, making her open her eyes slowly and glance at who it was. She sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes and yawning. When she brought her hands away from her face, she opened her eyes, sleepily, and let out the small whisper, "Unnies...?"

Eight girls nodded and smiled. "Good morning, Seohyunnie! Today's your big day!"

"Yeah, the day that every girl dreams of," Taeyeon said.

"And your first day of being married with the man you love," Jessica sighed dreamily.

"Wait, wait," Seohyun whispered, sleepily, "wh... why would you come and wake me up? My alarm clock was—"

Just then the alarm clock went off, making Seohyun jump and fully awake. She turned it off and sighed. "How did you all get in here anyways?"

"Um..." Sunny began, "We climbed your window. The boys said that we should."

Seohyun's palm could not stop from hitting her forehead. "They what?"

Yuri nervously laughed. "Yeah, well, they actually had the key to Kyuhyun's house, so they didn't climb."

A groan escaped Seohyun lips. "Unnies, I'll get ready right now. Go outside, please."

The girls nodded and walked out the door.



Kyuhyun looked around the room and at the altar, where he would be standing in a few hours. He sighed happily. Seohyun and him and planned this all out, with all the flower decorations.

But what really made him proud was that they were planning everything for the wedding. Their wedding. And they'd finally belong to each other in a while.

"Kyuhyun!" Leeteuk shouted at him. Kyuhyun turned. "You're still not ready yet! You need to button up your shirt and put on your tie, hurry up!"

Kyuhyun sighed and walked away.

When he was walking, Seohyun happened to see him, but he didn't notice her. She was about to call for him, but her unnie stopped her with a touch on the shoulder.

Seohyun turned to see Taeyeon shaking her head.

"Bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, right?" Taeyeon asked. "Besides, you're not even in your dress yet. Let's go get your dress on!"

Seohyun sighed and nodded, walking with her unnie to put on the dress.



Kyuhyun put his blazer on and his tuxedo was complete. He smiled as he looked in the mirror. This man, he thought, was going to be a married man just about an hour now. He decided to go look for Seohyun and talk to her. He hadn't seen or talked to her all day. He started to walk out of the room, when someone stopped him.

"Kyuhyun," Leeteuk called. "Where are you going?"

Kyuhyun turned at his hyung. "I'm going to go find Seohyun and talk to her. Why?"

His hyung only sighed. "Kyuhyun, it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

Kyuhyun's jaw dropped. "You actually believe in that?" His hyung nodded and Kyuhyun groaned. "Well, I don't care about what you think, I'm not going to let that stupid superstition stop me from seeing her."

Leeteuk shook his head and before he knew it, the other hyungs were blocking Kyuhyun's way, except for Sungmin.

"Kyuhyun," Siwon said, "If we also did not see our wives before our weddings, you can do it too."

Kyuhyun shook his head vigorously.

"Come on, guys," Sungmin chuckled. "Kyuhyun loves her, he just wants to see her. He hasn't seen her all day. Let him do it."

Kyuhyun smiled and nodded. "See? This is why he's the best man, and not any of you guys."

"Yah, Kyuhyun, that hurts," Eunhyuk muttered, still blocking his way. "Seriously, though, bad luck if you see her before the wedding, BAD LUCK!"

"Yeah, Kyuhyun!" Ryeowook agreed.

Kyuhyun let out a sigh and sat down with a pout. "Fine then."

"Oppas," they heard someone call from the door. The woman was carrying a lot of things. "Mind lending a hand?"

"Jessica," Donghae smiled as he helped her. The rest of the boys helped her, except for Kyuhyun, who was still sitting down, his arms crossed with a pout on his face.

The boys started taking the things to a different room, and Jessica approached Kyuhyun. She giggled. "The boys won't let you see Seohyun?"

Kyuhyun nodded.

"Well, here's your chance to see her," she told him. "Go ahead. I'll go to the boys and stall him. The rest of the girls didn't want Seohyun to see you either, but I think that the superstition of bad luck is a load of crap. The girls are also being stalled with preparations. Seohyun's outside in the garden." She winked. "Better hurry before the boys realize they've left you to go see her."

Kyuhyun smiled and stood up. "Thanks, Sica."

He ran out the room to find Seohyun.



Seohyun was already in her wedding dress, and she decided to look at the flowers that grew behind the building. She sighed happily, today was her wedding day. And she was getting married with the man she loved.

Someone broke her thoughts with a clear of his throat.

She turned around and smiled. "Oppa."

Kyuhyun grinned and walked towards her. "Seohyun-ah." He wrapped his arms around her. "My hyungs didn't want me to see you. But Sica helped me get away from them." He chuckled. "They kept telling me it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "My unnies told me that too. But I do recall Jessica saying how dumb that was. And she gave me a wink and told me that I would see you, no matter what the rest of my unnies say."

"Well, then, here we are," he smiled and planted a kiss on her nose. "Can't believe we're getting married today."

She nodded with a smile. "I can't believe it either. And I can't believe I'm marrying the most stubborn guy on earth."

He laughed. "And this stubborn guy is marrying the most mature woman ever. Unbelievable."

They both laughed, remembering how they first met. They were complete opposites. But they fell in love anyway. At first, they hated each other, but just like every cliche love story, they fell in love with each other.

"You are so beautiful, Seohyun-ah," he said. "I can't imagine getting married on this day with anyone else."

She smiled and gave him a peck on the lips. "And I can't imagine living without you."

They kissed a passionate kiss, lost in their world. For a moment. Because someone cleared his throat, disturbing them and poking a huge hole in their world.

They pulled away and looked.

It was Leeteuk and Taeyeon.

"Kyuhyun!" Leeteuk whined. "I told you you're not supposed to see the bride before the wedding!"

"And Seohyun-ah," Taeyeon scolded, "I told you to wait inside, not to come out here."

Kyuhyun and Seohyun sighed and pulled away from each other's arms. "I don't believe in that bad luck thing, hyung," Kyuhyun mumbled. "It's so stupid."

"Kyuhyun, get over here," Donghae said as he walked next to Leeteuk. "Almost all the guests are here. Wedding's about to start. We need you at the altar."

Kyuhyun nodded and turned to Seohyun. "Well, this is it, Seo. See you at the altar." He smiled and kissed her cheek before leaving.

Donghae grinned at Seohyun, who was blushing a bit. "And you, young lady, better be ready to walk down the aisle. See ya."

Leeteuk and him walked back inside while Taeyeon just chuckled. "You two can't stay away from each other. Come on. Your dad's waiting for you."

Seohyun nodded and walked with Taeyeon.



Seohyun felt like crying when her dad told her that even if he's giving her away to another man, he'd always be there for her. She hugged him and they got arm in arm.

Her unnies behind her were all ready, she kind of was.

Her heart started pounding when the chapel doors opened and the piano started playing. She could see Kyuhyun standing there at the altar, with Sungmin, his best man, standing beside him. She tried to avoid eye contact with any of the guests, but she knew that all of their friends were there.

Henry was playing the piano, and he was so honored to be playing for them.

The rest of Kyuhyun's hyungs were sitting, watching her walk towards Kyuhyun.

All she could look at were his eyes. His dark brown eyes that glowed on this day.

As she stood next to him, her father whispered to Kyuhyun, "Take care of my precious daughter." Seohyun smiled as Kyuhyun nodded, still staring at her.

"Of course," he smiled, giving Seohyun a loving gaze.

Seohyun returned that look at him with a smile.



"Cho Kyuhyun, do you take this woman, Seo Joohyun, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?" The priest asked.

Kyuhyun flashed Seohyun the biggest smile he had ever shown to anyone on earth. "I do."

"Seo Joohyun, do you take this man, Cho Kyuhyun, to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in, sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?"

Seohyun returned the smile to Kyuhyun and said, "I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The man smiled at Kyuhyun. "You may kiss the bride."

Without any hesitation, Kyuhyun pulled Seohyun towards him and captured her lips. The crowd cheered, and some were crying. When they pulled away, Seohyun was blushing.

He grinned. "Mrs. Cho now."

She smiled and all their friends went to congratulate them.

"Kyuhyun!" his hyungs shouted and all gave him a tight hug that almost killed him.

"Hyungs, AIR!" he gasped. They all let him go with a laugh. Henry walked up to him with a smile.

"Wedding's are so beautiful," he said. "I'm glad you asked me to play the piano, hyung."

Kyuhyun smiled. "Well, you are like the brother I've never had, other than Sungmin."

The girls were squealing for Seohyun. Kyuhyun frowned when he saw that they were keeping Seohyun busy and away from him at the moment. He realized that some of them were still single. He smirked when he knew what to do.

"Hey!" he called to them. "The bride needs to throw her bouquet!"

Some girls squealed from excitement and Seohyun giggled at him. The girls stood behind her as she got ready to throw it. She threw it in the air behind her and turned to see who caught it.

"Vic unnie?" she giggled.

Victoria nodded and everyone glanced at her boyfriend.

"Nichkhun," Kyuhyun chuckled and the boyfriend looked up. "You should propose sometime."

Nichkhun realized what happened and his face turned red.

Kyuhyun took Seohyun's hand when everyone's attention was turned to Nichkhun and Victoria. He grinned at her. "Finally."

She chuckled. "Well, we should start the wedding reception now, then."

He nodded and gave her a peck on the lips. And of course, she lit up, just like the fourth of July.

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Chapter 1: Thank you coz update this l0vely and sweet story...
update s0on...i will waiting...hehe...
the first chapter is sweeeeet <3
SeoJueKyu93 #3
Chapter 1: Sweet moments,i love it. .keep it up authornim. .
Chapter 1: aigoo, such a sweet beginning ♥
can't wait to read the next chapter :)
diemanhlu298 #5
Chapter 1: Woooow!!it's great...hope u will be updated soon.their honeymoon...really cant waitttt@@@
lovebug143 #6
can't wait for your story updates...^^
seokykyu #7
update soooon please.. ^^