1: Leeteuk's Perspective of Chapter 7

The Mission That Changed Their Lives Extra Scenes

Just one hour until the concert started and Leeteuk was nervous.

All of them were almost ready to go, but since Lee Sooman had given him permission to create this concert, he was concerned about how it would flow.

"Hyung," Sungmin suddenly said. "Kyuhyun left the make-up room."

Leeteuk's head shot towards the other. This was the other reason he was so nervous.

"What?" The leader muttered. "Do you know where he went?"

Sungmin nodded.

"Go after him," Leeteuk commanded softly. "Make sure he's okay."

As Sungmin left the room to go after the wayward maknae, the eldest sighed.

What was he going to do with Kyuhyun?

He was causing more and more worry by the day... All he wanted to do was lock Kyuhyun into a safe and cosy room to protect him from everything.

He couldn't do that though, could he?

Kyuhyun, like the rest of them, had to work. Nothing less than bodily harm would stop that and Leeteuk was certain that no one in their right mind would hurt their maknae.

Something twisted deep in his stomach.

No one needed to be in their right mind to hurt Kyuhyun. Being in the right mind didn't prevent the thoughts or the actions.

Leeteuk felt sick at the thought.

So many worries passed through his head over the next hour, he couldn't keep up with them all. Even as he talked to the other SM groups and directed them in what to do, his mind would not leave the thought of Kyuhyun being hurt by someone. He knew he was being ridiculous but he just had that niggling feeling...

That feeling only intensified when Leeteuk saw Kyuhyun five minutes before they were to go on stage. 

Something was going to go wrong.

He could feel it. His mind was screaming it, his guts were sensing it, his heart was sure of it.

"Kyuhyun-ah," Leeteuk called out suddenly and started to walk towards the maknae.

As Kyuhyun turned to face him, it took all of Leeteuk's willpower to not hug the man straight away.

"Hyung?" The other forcefully smiled and Leeteuk smiled back. 

The concern he felt did not waver in the slightest.

"Kyuhyun-ah, are you okay?"

"I'm fine hyung. Are you?"

"I'm fine," Leeteuk muttered back, his mind in overdrive.

The feeling in his stomach was stronger.

Leeteuk could hear the loud excited yells of the fans in the stadium and wished that he could feel like that. Carefree, excited, happy.

How could he though?

Three of their members were gone, two were in other countries, and now it felt like he was losing one.

Losing Kyuhyun...

"How come I have a bad feeling, Kyuhyun?" The elder suddenly asked, acting on his thought and feelings.

The other blinked. "A bad feeling?"

The leader nodded, feeling resigned. "It feels like something is going to go wrong tonight, and I'm scared," He admitted, before narrowing his eyes at the suddenly nervous maknae. "I don't want to lose you, Kyuhyun-ah, yet it feels like I will do, tonight. Why?"

He could see the tears forming in the youngest's eyes, but he wiped them away quickly, and Leeteuk's heart tore slightly.

Had he made the maknae cry?

"You won't lose me hyung," Kyuhyun's voice cracked. "I promise, you won't,"

Leeteuk bit back a sob, biting his lip hard, before darting forward to enclose Kyuhyun in a tight hug.

"You promise?"

"I promise hyung."

Leeteuk could feel the tears forming in his own eyes, but he held onto their maknae, his maknae, for a few moments longer, terrified of letting him go.

Eventually, the leader let go and wiped his tears away forcefully, smiling all the while. He turned towards where his other members were standing, oh so innocently, when the announcement came over them.

"Super Junior, on stage in 30 seconds!"

"Come on Kyuhyunnie," He smiled, taking hold of the maknae's soft and warm hand and pulling him to their positions.

He opened him mouth to utter out some heartfelt and encouraging words, but they died in his throat upon sight of the maknae's face.

"It's show time." He said instead, smiling.

The maknae simply nodded.

"Super Junior on in 10 seconds!"

All of them shuffled into their positions and Leeteuk hesitated before letting go of Kyuhyun's hand.

He suddenly felt very empty.

"3, 2, 1... Super Junior, on stage!"

And as the screen opened and Bonamana began to play, the fans going wild, Leeteuk could only think of Kyuhyun.


It was all going so well.

One hour in, everyone was having fun, the fans were happy, everything was good.

And yet, the niggling feeling was still there. 

The SM groups they had invited were on stage now, just revealing themselves. Almost straight away, Changmin had "kidnapped" Kyuhyun, which garnered laughs from all of them. 

However, Leeteuk could only think of Kyuhyun's panicked face as he was hoisted up.

Even the water sprayed in his face by Heechul couldn't remove that worry he had.

He smiled, he laughed, he played, but his thoughts were elsewhere. 

His eyes were on Kyuhyun the entire time, even during his conversation with Changmin, fretting frantically.

Eventually, Kyuhyun moved away back to where he had been standing before Changmin had taken him away, and Leeteuk smiled sadly at how dejected Kyuhyun seemed, simply from his body posture.

Their next song came on.

Kyuhyun began his part after a few seconds, during which the concert host took a fall.

"Seonsaeng!" A few of his dongsaengs exclaimed as they tried to help him up. He seemed quite hurt, and everyone fretted while Kyuhyun continued singing. 

While they were all distracted, Leeteuk's eyes were off Kyuhyun for the first time during the concert.

Later on, he berated himself for it. He hated himself for letting his eyes leave the maknae. 

He blamed himself for the months that followed.

Kyuhyun stopped singing, and the next member began.

However, they did not notice the struggles of Kyuhyun.

It was only as the solid thud of a microphone being dropped and the desperate screams of the fans that Leeteuk looked towards his maknae.

And as he took in the slumped, unconscicous figure and the two people dressed in full black, unadulterated horror froze his veins.


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zemyx1995 #1
I really like 'pupeez4eva's idea!, if you get the chance to, I'd love to see something like that :)
Either way, all your stories are awesome!
Hi :) I don't know if you're already planning on having something like this in the actual story, but if not, maybe you could do a chapter in the other member's point of views, taking place shortly after the kidnapping had been completed? (I remember Kyuhyun speaking to Lee Soo Man in the fic, and finding out that everyone was taking it really bad, so that'd be interesting to read about)
Reader2 #3
Chapter 1: Soo good author-nim you are such a good writer and you are so creative. XD keep up the good work
Chapter 1: Oooh so good! And, oh my, two updates in such short time...you are SUCH a talented writer! So happy to read this! :)
bookworm83197 #5
Chapter 1: This is such a nice chapter! I wondered what has happening when I read that chapter. Thank you for posting this, Author-nim! ^_^
Chapter 1: This is nice! Seriously, I love it! <3
zemyx1995 #7
Awesome idea, can't wait for the first chapter :)