He Runs


A distressed teenager that relies solely on himself. Stealing for survival; it made each passing day bearable. An ill boy that relies on no one. With each ticking second that passed; with each sand particle that slid through and fell to the piling bottom. The less time he had on his hourglass. 

One step at a time. Each step exerted an agonizing pain. Leaving a rich crimson trail behind. Wondering who would follow a path that was condemn to corruption.


"Everyday, every minute, and every second I've been wandering." The soles of his dirty worn out shoes proved it.


His round eyes were full of pity as he stared mindlessly at the tall boy. 


"Don't look at me like that." Suddenly feeling ashamed, he lowered his head. 


"Everyday, every minute, and every second that goes by frightens me. It's better to not know that your life is predestined." He gazed at Jongin with envy.



Hello! How are you? My darling! 



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