If you had a choice would you live on land or water?

no ttitle yet will think later

whhhooo im back!!not officially though.itz actually very boring here and all but all is well cuz today i finally got signal!!anyways this is the long waited chapter.the next chappy will be uploaded in the 13th i think cuz thatz wen i get back home!!:3 hope u like this chappy!! kisses and love!!~~~


So your probably thinking that all the part where we always start with long ago right?mhm maybe your right but your wrong in this story.This story is going to be very dangerous and it could fly by before you know it,so your gonna have to follow our safety rules and procedures.First, you must be comfotable in the place your reading this,second (if your on ur bed your fine,you just need a toilet seat to use number two)camp out in the place where your reading this.third sit STILL and DON'T I REPEAT DON'T!!!!!jump up and down and scream your head off cause you are going to interruppt the story and your neighbors.Thank you, now sit back and enjoy your most dangerous fanfiction ever.

On the other side of spain there is a land where no one knows about.It was soon named America after the a great war happened.No one knows of this war because it causes great karma if spoken about.That is why no one rememebers of this war.Those that don't shut their mouth eventually die of unknown reasons.The story was never passed on, the beautiful yet dangerous story.

In the sea


"What?!"Kang in yelled,pissed at waking up from his sleep.

"We have landed on the sea but we're running out of oil and there is a land nearby.So we wanted your permission to deck on the land."

"Urgh is that why you woke up my sleep?!I was dreaming about her again!!Oh and you just had to mess it up!"

"Well we are sorry CAPTIAN"kyuhyun emphathise "captian"to help back up ryeowook from getting bullied by kangin.Sometimes kyuhyun sometimes wonder why ryeowook would wanna be a pirate even though he has such girlish features."We're gonna deck right now so i advise you to wear some clothing at least and make yourself look presentable since there seems to be people on the land".

Kangin of course got really embaressed at what he's wearing and shooed the two young maknae's out the door.He started getting ready to look "presentable"as kyuhyun refers it.

Land(gonna name it land cuz im not creative)

"HYUNG!!! HYUNG!!!!"sungmin kept banging on his hyung door till he yelled from his room(note:When teukie wakes up from his beauty sleep he is DANGEROUS)

WHAT?! leeteuk yelled.He got up and opened the door so hard it broke ready to kill the bastard that woke him up.Unfortunatly for him the "bastard“turned out to be as everyone refers to him the Aegyo bunny pink lover prince.So of course Leeteuk is gonna lose this round.Later on he'll just have to break another precious white door to satisfy his anger(not so easily satisfied).Continue on with the story.


"Sungmin calm down.It's okay as long as they don't hurt us.Besides their arrival will be entertaining for us."Leetek smiled gently totally forgetting his anger after he saw the future.Well of course he could see the future cause hes and angel.An angel without wings that lives next door.

"You know hyung you always creep me out when you look into the future.Anyways hyung please get ready!Everyones freaking down there!?"

"Arasso i'll be there in a minute so welcome the guest.oh by the way their names are Kangin,kyuhyun,ryeowook,Eunhyuk,heechul,and siwon,the others i think yesung will know.You got that?"

"Of course i did hyung.Oh and hyung your boxers are in your drawers second to the left!!!"

Sungmin yelled and ran away getting ready to welcome their guest.When he got down the hill(note it's a hill for sungmin but a mountain to us and he is human size)he called the others to get ready.Sungmin had Shindong in charge of the food(not a good idea but sungmin has his way~),Yesung get his turtle army ready to their guest to the island,Kibum opening up a invisible wall to let yesung through and last of all Sungmin had Donghae sit stll,well actually that's already hard to begin with since Donghae is really excited about the newcomers.About 5 minutes and 1 second later everything was complete and Leeteuk came down his hill bringing enough oil to last the ship for a year with him.They stood there waiting for yesung to come back with the guest.

On the ship

The crew stood watching as a boy came towards them riding a GIANT TURTLE WITH A ARMY OF TURTLES FOLLOWING HIM!!!

Heechul fainted right on the spot.Everyone started screaming and running around untill Kangin came out wearing what seems like a presentable clothing.The crews eyes litterally popped out of their eye sockets after seeing Kangin, since it has been over a year since he wore nothing but boxers and a wife beater.Overall it was the only clothes that the crew had seen Kangin wear.Everyday he wore the same boxer and wife beater but today he looked.....manly,handesome,and kind o cute but no way in the hell will they say that to him or they'll be thrown off the ship 1 2 3.Suddenly they heard a low and melodic voice coming from the side of the shp.They crew looked down and saw the turtle boy call them.

"Hey!!Do you speak English?!!!If you do can you let me up i have important message for your captian!!"the turtle boy yelled.The crew turned their heads to thier captian.Kangin gave a slight nod as a responce.The crew threw down a rope to the boy and pulled him up.

"Whooo thank you.Im sorry just give me a second.Im outta breath"The crew waited tilll the boy had a stable breathing rate again before they bombered him with questions.Yesung looked so helpless that made ryeowook wanna protect him so he shushed everyone down when he stomped his foot。

“Im sorry for our crews foolish and unpoliteness Mr?"

"Yesung.My name is Yesung uh Ryeowook-shi?

“Oh hi Yesung-shi.Wait how do you know my name?"

"Well that's a long story but i came here to your crew into our home."

"Well um we are getting ready to deck the land right now."

"Oh Im sorry but Im afriad that is not possible.A ship is never allowed into our land without permission so you'll have to take my turtles.That is what i am here for.”

“So your saying we have to ride your turtles to the island without decking the ship?
"Oh please do not worry.We will deck it later on.So we will like you to come with me and ride my turtles.Don't worry they have comfortabe seats and has a refillable soda machine.Oh and sushi too,but please do not eat too much since we prepared food already at the land."

Ryeowook looked at the rest of the crew.Their eyes sparkled like 100 carot diamonds at the mention of 3 things.Soda,sushi,and food.ryeowook sighed and glanced at Kangin who gave him a smile meaning yes.He turned back to yesung and agreed.

"Ok we'll go and do you have a bed on the turtle because Heechul hyung passed out.”

“Oh I don't have a bed but you could leave him here.Later someones gonna deck your ship and he'll bring your hyung with him.”

“Great that's a relief.Well we're set to go right guy?"

"YYYEEAAAA!!!"The crew screamed."but i have a question" a small guy peeped up.

"Yes JInki what is your question?"Yesung asked

"Do you have chicken there and how do you know my name?!!"

"We have our ways and yes we have chicken.Now let's go!"


A/N:sigh~ I actually wanted to write more but this is it for chappy one.hope you like it.!!!and i woke up 4 in the middle of the night to work on this so you better subscribe!!!!!!I LOVE YA'LL SO COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!I DON'T EVEN HAVE 1 SUBSCRIBER YET!!!!!!!!!!!!


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This Story Is So Screwed Up...That I Love It Already! <br />
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Please Upload As Soon As Possible ^.^<br />
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More Yesung and Wookie <3
thankz<br />
haha~your story is funny :D :D<br />