
Beautiful Stranger II: Like Crazy

Two years later


A crowd of people was impatiently waiting on the streets under the heated sun of this summer day.


Reporters were everywhere ready to snap pictures while the present fans were holding posters ready to greet back their favorite idol.


Right on the other side of that door, the one known as MBLAQ’s leader was ready to reach the outdoors, signaling the official end of his service.


The first step outside and it was already chaos.


People constantly calling out his name in joy while the snapping of cameras were marking the moments in their films.


With a big smile on his face, the boy in question greeted the public with a bow and a wave as he gave his final salute before walking up to the people who were waiting for him, from the managers to his family members.


He looked around trying to see if his love was somewhere within the crowd or even somewhere else. “She’s not here.” He turned to look at his manager who showed him a sympathy smile knowing that he was looking for her.


He shook off the little feeling in his heart and plastered back his smile across his face for the sake of the others.


“How about we go celebrate, hmm?” His father placed his arms around his son’s shoulders with a proud smile on his face as he lead the way to the cars with the rest of the ‘crew’ following behind.



On the other side of town, the female dancers of Jtune Camp were getting ready for a pre-recording of a music show while the girl group they’ll be dancing with were warming up their voices.


“Haylee! You have a visitor!” The twenty-four years old dancer looked up towards where the voice was coming from and brightly smiled when she saw her best friend coming in with her one year old son in her arms. “Myung Hee! Hey!”


She got up on her feet and greeted her friend with a simple hug and leaned towards the baby, placing a small kiss on his forehead. “Hello, you~”


With a happy smile on the little infant, she looked back up to her friend and invited her for a seat while waiting for their turn. “So, what brings you here?”


“I just wanted to wish you good luck~”


“Yah~ I’ve been doing this for two years now.”


“I know, I know but still it won’t kill you having a little bit of luck on your side. I mean, it is your first solo after all~”


“True.” A light chuckle escapes with her word and a silence soon comes in between them.


“Hales… You know what date it is today?”


“Yea, I do…”


“Have you thought about what you were going to do?”


Looking down, she lets a breath out. Haylee knew that today Seungho was getting discharged from the military. For the past two years, she’s been secretly counting down the days until that very moment and now that it was here, she didn’t know how to feel about it.


She was still in love with him, there was no doubt about that, she was just hoping that he would still feel the same after being apart for so long.


She was done with the anger and the pain and everything else that came with it. She just wanted the boy back; she wanted to start again.


“I guess he was right after all…”


“What do you mean?”


“He was certain that I would want to go back to him and I do.”


“Then go! Now that he is back you have that chance to be with him: take it.”


“What if he changed his mind after those two years? What if –“


“Then you’ll fight for him, like he did for you. Haylee, the man loves you, like really loves you… I don’t think you have to worry about him not wanting to be with you. When your done with the schedule, run back to the dorm, oaky? I’ll fix up the rest.” She gives her a smile as she patted her friends’ head while Haylee thanked her.


Just then, the PD of the show announced that they were next, making Haylee and Myung Hee separate and going in their different directions. “Don’t forget to give me the green light, okay? After the show, I have a little errand to do back home-“


“Noted, I’ll let you know.”



The dinner celebration ended on a light note.


With the day reaching its evening, Seungho was on his way back to the dorm ready to be spending the rest of the day in peace.


Sitting in the passenger’s seat, he was distracting himself with the sight that was appearing on the side of the window, letting his mind go blank for that one moment.


“Seungho?” A little startled, he turns his head to his manager who seemed to be concerned about the boy. “Are you okay?”


“Y-yea… I just-“


“Zoned out?”




“Still thinking about her?”


He simply nods while he was looking to the front, leaning his head to the back while taking a breath. He missed her. After all this time, his heart was still beating crazily for his pretty girl. He was back and now he was ready to get her back as well and start over.


A few minutes passed and they were parked in front of the apartment building. “You’re not coming?” Seungho look at his manager who hasn’t moved from his seat. “Hmm, no I have a few things to do. Cheondung is at his place with Mir; you have the apartment to yourself for a few days. Luckily Byunghee and Joon will be out at the end of the year so you have no one to disturb you.”




“No problem.”


Stepping out of the car, he closes the door behind and picks up his duffle back as he stepped to the main entrance and finally inside the building, making his way to the elevator. Once he reached his floor, he slowly walked to the door and inserted the key code. The beeping sound lighting the small green light, he opened his door to a dark room and walked inside, switching one on. He took off his shoes and walked further inside only to stop in his track, dropping his bag on the floor.


“Hi…” The soft voice coming out of made him freeze. Right in front of him was Haylee, standing up and wearing that dress he remembers her wearing it on their first date just four years ago. “H-Haylee?”


His heart skipped a beat cutting off his breath short.


As she was staring at him, she noticed the difference that the two years did to him and yet she could recognize the man she fell in love with four years ago.


“I know it’s been way to long but…” She stopped mid-sentence, taking a deep breath. Early tears were in the corners of her eyes and she knew that she would break down at any moment. Luckily for her, she didn’t have to continue with what she wanted to say.


From where he was standing, he ran to Haylee and went straight for the deep kiss, crashing his lips against hers. The impact of the sudden gesture made them push backwards until her back hit the wall behind her giving him the chance to press his body harder against hers, letting the space between them disappear.


She tightly grabbed onto his shirt and kissed him back as hard as he was, finally letting out all the pent up emotions of the past two years.


Feeling the air escaping from their lungs, they slowly pull away without letting go of their grip onto each other, finally breathing deeply. “H-Hey”


She lightly chuckle while looking up at him, directly facing him with the tip of their noses touching. “I’m sorry Seungho. For everything.”


“Don’t. It’s in the past, okay? Let’s forget about everything and start over. From the beginning.”


“I- I don’t want to start over.”


“What do you mean?” He slowly pulls back to properly look at her, afraid of being rejected once again. “Don’t make me forget, please-“


“Babe, I don’t understand…”


“From the night you found me in our apartment. On your birthday. From the second you saw me and smiled. That was the best night of my life, Seungho. Being away from you for that whole year, I couldn’t take it anymore. I mean… I even had to cut my studies short from a year because I wanted to be with you so badly”


“So, you’re not done with school?”


“I am, I just ended with a different diploma for a two years instead of a full three, but that’s beside the point…” She took a deep breath and looked down, not willing to face him if he ever turned her down after everything she put him through. “…Do you still want me?”




She quickly looked up at him and she could see the faint smile that appeared across his face easing the beating of her heart. Out of happiness, she let the tears out and ran to him, jumping right back in his arms. “I love you Seungho, I love so much.”


She kisses him once again with more tenderness, while wrapping her arms around his neck.


He finally got what he wanted.


The love of his life was back in his arms and there was no way in hell, he was ever going to let that go. The feeling inside of him was getting overwhelming letting a simple touch, that he missed so, warm up his skin. He embraces her strongly, crushing her body against his while she placed her face in the crook of his neck, breathing in the familiar scent that called for comfort.


She placed a small kiss to his skin sending shivers down his spine as he embraced her tighter in his arms. One small kiss at a time, she trailed down her lips to the other side of his neck and kept on going, burning his skin even deeper. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation that was creeping up his skin. The last kiss was placed right above his heart where she lightly pulled his shirt away to see his skin. From there, she looked up at him and pulled away from his embrace. He opened his eyes and saw her gently grabbing onto his hand, walking backwards as she led him to his bedroom.


Reaching up to his closed door as she had her hand on the knob, he swiftly lifts her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. The sudden movement took her by surprise making her leave out a light squeal as she grabbed onto his neck, both of them laughing at the change of atmosphere. He reached out to open his door and walked inside, closing it behind him.


With a simple kiss on her lips, he smiles at her, his heart ready to burst out of his chest from the happiness that was overtaking him. “How about we start on that future?”


“I wouldn’t miss it for the world~”



Two weeks passed since Seungho’s last visit at Haylee’s.


During that time, nothing seemed to be right for her, which started to irritate her further every day.


She didn’t know why she was feeling this way and was hoping that a little bit of ‘spring’ cleaning was going to help her free her mind from her moody state.


From the kitchen to the bathroom and to the living room, she finally ended up in the bedroom. After dusting off her furniture and washing her bed sheets, she made her way to her closet and slid the door open. Grabbing her clothes, she threw them all on her bed until the closet was left empty. She was about to retreat when something caught her eyes. Crouching on her knees, she pulled the box that was placed at the corner and pulled it out of its place.


Once it was on full view she blew the dust away and opened it.


She fell right on the floor with the box between her legs as she pulled out the items one by one. She felt her heart squeeze at the sight in front of her but it wasn’t stopping her from going on down memory lane, where each of the objects were bringing her back to the past she put behind.


She picked up the picture frame and calmly stared at in, gazing at the pictures one by one until her eyes landed on the carved words. Without realizing it, a single tear escaped and landed on the glass bringing her out of her daze. She wiped it away and placed the frame on the floor.


She knew what date today was and simply having the display of memories in front of her was making it more difficult to move passed this. Even after five months, it still felt like it was yesterday when he knocked on her door in the middle of the night to simply tell her that he loved her.


More tears came and it was making it hard for her to properly breathe. She still had the locket around her neck and taking a hold of the blue sheets, she hugged it closer to her chest while having the flashback of her most intimate night with him dancing in her mind.


Opening her eyes, she knew what she had to do. She let go of the covers and got up on her feet, running to her bathroom and cleaning herself up. Back to the living room, she grabbed onto her purse and put her shoes on before turning the lights off and locking the door behind, running straight outside for a cab.


With the news out she knew exactly where to go and luckily it barely took her thirty minutes to get to her destination. Once she got out of the car and paid the driver, she ran on the other side of the streets to where the crowd was and suddenly stopped in her track.


She was too late.


He just walked on the other side of the door and they were slowly closing.


“No, no, no, no, no. It can’t be, please!” She was about to run when a familiar voice called her out. Looking for it, she finally found G.O along with the rest of the boys standing by their van, each of them sporting a sadden expression on their faces. “What are you doing here?”


“I wanted to talk to him before he left, I n-need to see him-“


“He just went in…”


“No. Please, tell me he’s in the car and waiting. I need to talk to him! I need to tell him that I want him back, I need him back, please.” The desperation in her voice broke the men’s heart as she clutched onto his jacket, begging to see Seungho. Tears were endlessly falling out of her eyes as she cried out his name just in the hopes to see him one last time. “He has to know that… I-I still love him…” She felt a pair of arms wrapped around her as she placed her face against G.O’s chest, letting herself breakdown from the pain she was feeling.


Letting her emotions out, he looked at the others while gently her back as he tried to comfort her. He could hear her endless apologies about the break up and it was breaking their hearts.


G.O remembered his friend’s words on taking care of Haylee while he’d be gone and by the looks of it, she would need her strength back is she was ever going to have him back in her life.


The door of the car opened, making the boys climb one by one until Haylee was the only one left outside. G.O was the last one to enter and waited for her. “He’s coming back Haylee. Once the wait is over, you’ll have him back. I promise.” She turned her head to face him and wiped her tears away. “Come on, let’s get you back home.” He pulled his hand out for her to grab onto and climbed inside the van and slid the door close.


She gave one last look outside and took a deep breath before tightly holding onto the ring that was hanging on her necklace, right next to the heart locket.


‘Why go back to a house that’s not even home anymore… Not without him…’



The sun was long gone when the couple was lying in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms.


Haylee was lying on top of Seungho, their legs entangled, while he was facing the ceiling with his eyes closed, enjoying the tingling sensation coming from Haylee as she was lightly doodling some patterns on his chest.


Despite all the energy they spent through out the evening and night, they were still wide-awake, not capable of finding any sleep. Even with the dim light of the bedroom, nothing was helping for them to fall asleep.


From her fingers, she started to place light kisses up until she reached his collarbone to where she trailed over the marks of her lips, created earlier this evening. Opening his eyes, he secretly watched her for a moment until he grabbed onto and turned around, ending on top of her.


“Hey~ what was that for?”


He chuckled at her response and went to nuzzle in her neck, giving her the same treatment she gave him just seconds ago. He felt her fingers moving into his short hair as her arms were placed around his shoulders. She softly caressed his head with a little smile appearing at the corner of her lips. The silence was back between them as all they did was simply enjoying the intimate moment presented in front of them.


“Seungho?” In a gentle voice, she calls him out.




“What do we do now?” He pulls away and looks at her while softly her cheek. With a small kiss on the tip of her nose, he smiles at her and reaches out to the drawer of his nightstand. Once he pulls it open, he searched for what he was looking for and once he got a hold of it, he closed the drawer back and pulls Haylee to sit up while he found himself sitting on her lap.


He gives her a kiss on her lips and places the small velvet box in front of her, leaving her breathless as he opens it, revealing the golden halo that will initiate their new starting chapter in their lives.


“We go home.”






Here is the end! 

I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as the first one ^.^ 


A BI​G thank you to the comments, the subscriptions and the upvotes <3

Let's just say I was afraid that it wouldn't be worth it, but it looks like it was :)

I'll see you guys soon with a new story ;)

Lots of love, xo


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Clarification: chapter 2 just explains what happened after Haylee left at chapter 37 of BS. So from August 2013 until chapter 3 with October 2014!


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kgirl1016 #1
Chapter 21: *waiting patiently*
Eowynn #2
Chapter 20: I love the way you write it. It was so nice to read it. Thank you for being a great writer!!! I will look forward for your other stories... Thank You!!!
Tabi0411 #3
Chapter 20: Yay happy ending..nice story authotnim
Tabi0411 #4
Chapter 19: Just forgive him pls aww poor seungho..
Chapter 18: Helene huh? lol xD
Chapter 19: NO! WHY THE HELL HAYLEE WON'T FORGIVE HIM FOR GODS SAKE!!! - authornim u just break our little poor hearts ugh.
Aaaand No please not the end :( I imagined a happy ending though TT-TT
Chapter 19: Awwww no! I really need to know what's going to happen now!!!!
Chapter 18: I ment ur * ...
Chapter 18: OMG when everything was going to be alright she just ruined it o.m.g. I'm so gonna kill haylee like really I would!!! - excuse my exciting and over acting, I did read the prequel and the sequel in three days in a row and IM HAPPY FOR UR UPDATE and sad for their relationship and how its went to...
Aaaaanywayy, authornim, a bow of respect to our awesome and enjoyable fiction *many many hearts*
Tabi0411 #10
Chapter 18: She left again???wae????