Chapter 30

Chasing Dreams

Charmaine forgot all her troubles and frustration the moment Raymond embraced her into his arms.  From thereon she couldn't seem to concentrate on anything but him and the loving feelings he aroused in her.  Now lying beside him in bed, with his breath feathering her forehead she said, "I should be angry with you."

Raymond chuckled at the remark and pressed a soft kiss on her head.  "Why?  What is there to be angry about?"

Pushing herself up, Charmaine leaned down on her elbow to give him an incredulous look, "There's a lot I should be angry about!  For starters the way you treated me in front of Jazz!  Have you any idea how much I was hurt by it?"

"Charmaine," Raymond said her name achingly as he pulled her back down to lie in his arms.  Charmaine was rigid at first but as he continued to exert gentle pressure she eventually relaxed and allowed him to hold her close.  Content that she was willing to listen to his explanation, Raymond said, "You know that my career is very important to me.  It's not that I don't want people to know about us but just not yet."

"I sort of get that," Charmaine said faintly, "But not even in front of Jazz?  He's been my friend for years and years.  We can trust him with our secret."

Raymond immediately shook his head, "No.  No one is to know until the timing is right."

Lifting her head to look at him, Charmaine asked, "When will that be?"

"I don't know.  How do you expect me to answer a question that I don't know the answer to?" Raymond asked in return.

Charmaine didn't want to pressure him but she wanted some form of commitment from him.  The idea of keeping their relationship a secret only made her suspicious of his true intentions with her.  Was he really serious about her as he claims he is or is he just stalling for time until he finally tires of her and decides to kick her to the curb?  Knowing better to ask that question out loud, Charmaine instead said, "I'm sorry but I don't see how we can have a normal relationship if I have to be kept hidden at all times."

"You won't be kept hidden," Raymond reasoned with a winsome smile.  "You'll be living here with me.  We'll be seeing each other every day and night, like normal couples."

"Only we won't be able to have dinners at restaurants, go shopping or even take a leisure stroll in public," Charmaine said dejectedly.

Raymond knew what she was getting at and although he understood her predicament he was also a bit agitated that she wasn't being considerate of his wants and needs.  It's not like he was planning to keep their relationship a secret forever.  It would only be for a short time if he can help it.  Back then his life's goal was to be famous and get recognized for his efforts.  He wanted the fame and the power that came along with it as well.  It gave him a sense of fulfillment.  Since being with Charmaine, he realized all the fame, power and wealth in the world could never compare to the simplicity of just having her in his life.  It was at that precise moment that he decided to work even harder than before.  If things continue going smoothly for him he would earn enough money in a few short years to leave the entertainment circle and live a normal life with Charmaine.  That life of course wouldn't be in Hong Kong.  They would go anywhere she wanted and with the money he made they could buy a house and open a small business together.  They would be so happy.  Keeping that positive thought, he said softly, "Look, I know what I'm asking of you is very selfish on my part but this is the only way we can be together at this time.  How about we give each other some time to see how it goes?  If after, let's say two or three months, you're still not happy with the situation then we'll try to find another way to make it work."

Charmaine stared up at him and felt her heart constrict.  She loved this man and knew at that instant she would agree to anything he suggests.  Yes, she may be angry and even disappointed by his reluctance to have an open relationship with her but she didn't want to end it over something so small and unimportant.  Smiling at him, she said softly, "I don't know how you're able to talk me into this.  I'm usually not the type to fall victim to a man's unreasonable requests but here I am agreeing to it."

"That's because I'm Raymond Lam.  The man of all women's dreams," Raymond announced cockily which earned a swat on the arm from Charmaine.  He made a feign expression of pain before turning serious to say, "I know asking you to remain hidden is a lot but I promise you I'll make up for it."

Giving him a skeptical look, Charmaine asked, "How?  By doing all the cooking and cleaning?"

Raymond smiled tigerishly at her before he bent and nuzzled her cheek.  "If that's what you want."

"Yes it is!" Charmaine quickly responded and smiled contently when she felt his arms tighten around her.

"Now that Jazz is back what do you plan on doing?" Raymond asked as he pulled a sheet over their bodies.

Charmaine snuggled up against him and said, "I plan on taking my barrister exam and finding a job."

Astounded by her news, Raymond lifted his head to look down at her with amazement, "How come you never told me you're a lawyer?"

Smiling slyly at him, Charmaine responded, "Because you've never asked.  All the times we've been together all you talked about is yourself.  Furthermore, I'm not a lawyer until I pass the exam."

"That's not true," Raymond said defensively.  "I recalled having a conversation about some movies that you liked.  So you can't say everything is always about me, me and me."

Charmaine was surprised to see a sulky expression on Raymond's face and it reminded her of a ten year old child.  So Raymond could be sensitive too she thought with a small smile.  Locking her eyes on him she said, "Yes you did ask me once what type of movies I liked but when I mentioned the first name you immediately said you didn't like it and went on about what type of movies YOU were interested in."

"Really?" Raymond asked with a look of innocence.  "How come I don't remember that?"  When he saw Charmaine's face tense up with annoyance he quickly said, "Alright.  Alright.  From now on it'll be more about you and less about me.  I'll stop talking about myself.  Happy?"

Charmaine shook her head and said softly, "Don't change any thing for me.  I'm happy with exactly the way you are.  Besides I love hearing you talk about yourself.  You fascinate me."

Pinching her nose gently, Raymond teased, "I bet you say that to all your boyfriends."

"No," Charmaine whispered, "Only to this big hot shot celebrity who somehow managed to capture my heart despite his arrogance and his rudeness."

With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, Raymond asked, "Was he really that arrogant and rude?"

"Yes!" Charmaine shrieked, "And unbearable, mean, hateful… should I go on?"  Raymond didn't answer her.  He merely continued to look at her in a possessive way that made Charmaine's heartbeat accelerate to the point she fear may burst.  "W-What?" she asked nervously, not use to having him stare at her in such a way.

Raymond brought a finger to her face to trace the outline of .  "I'm just wondering since I was such a bastard to you how could you even fall in love with me?"

"That's easy," Charmaine answered with a tender smile.  "I've gotten to know the real you and learned you're not such a jerk after all.  Still arrogant, cocky and conceited but…"

"But what?" Raymond insisted.  Charmaine didn't know that Raymond was holding his breath as he waited for her response.  She had no idea how much her opinion of him mattered to him.  Raymond never cared how people thought of him.  The world was full of critics and people either liked you or hated you.  However, Charmaine's view of him matter greatly to him.  He knew she loved him but he wanted to know what she loved about him.  "I'm waiting," he goaded gently.

Slowly sliding her arms around his neck, Charmaine rested her head on his chest before she answered in a soft loving voice, "You're also sweet and caring.  You have this warmth in you that although you don't show it often, I know its there.  I think you're very special and I'm a good judge of people."  Charmaine lifted her head to look at him.  Seeing the smug smile on his face she quickly injected playfully, "Plus, you're handsome, famous and rich.  Filthy rich I might say.  So how can any girl not fall for you?!"

Chuckling at her description of him, Raymond said, "I think you described me perfectly."  Charmaine didn't make any further response but he felt her snuggle even closer against him and it please him.  "So does this mean you'll move in with me?" he asked quietly.

"Yes," Charmaine whispered in answer. 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Was watching Charmaine’s latest drama and decided to come re-read the story (:
HottestVIPSone #2
Gonna start reading this now!
Heyy Simcon :) Just to let you know, I really enjoyed this story. I would comment on Winglin but for some odd reason, I'm not able to access it from my PC >< Which I'm glad that you have put it on this site :) I'll continue to support your future fanfics as well, keep up the good work! :D
jeanne90 #4
I really enjoy follow this story, thanks for the update.
Yaaay, an update! :D And I'm glad Raymond has made up his mind x) Charmaine too!
Awww, honestly Wayne seems like a sweet guy. I wonder if Charmaine will give him a chance :P
Yaaay, an update! :) But awww, Raymond and Charm.. siiigh :( As for Ron, OMG! I hope he gets his kicked by Kenneth before sent off to prison for ever.
mewmew #8
Hi Simcon, it's been awhile since I came here. Although I'm not the craziest charray fan as I once was, I still enjoy reading your stories. The way you write a story, regardless of the pairing, it is still as alluring. I hope you don't stop writing ;) 加油!<br />
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Well, at least Raymond is making progress with Charmaine, but it's an interesting relationship, as he is a celebrity and all. Is he really going to give up his career for her like he once said before. Looking forward to see his progress on with Charmaine :D<br />
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Awwwwwww... Raymond :) hahaha<br />
and omg, Ron is just.. -_- I hope he stays in prison for the rest of his life.<br />
I was so glad to see an update :D
I absolutely love it so far. Poor Myo :( And I hope Ray does A LOTTTT in order to get Charmaine back, 'cause he hurt her in the worst way possible :/