Chapter 27

Chasing Dreams

Stunned by the attack, Charmaine's hand quickly flew to her now red and throbbing face as she looked away from Myolie's accusing eyes.  Myolie took this opportunity to lift her hand for another strike but it never happened.

Kevin caught Myolie's arm in mid air and holding onto it tightly he barked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Me?" Myolie practically screamed with outrage.  Pointing a venomous finger at Charmaine she snarled, "Why don't you ask her!"

Raymond came out of his room then and took in the scene.  He didn't need to ask to know what happened, especially since he knew Myolie far too well.  "Stop it!" he yelled as he hurried towards them.  He immediately took a stance beside Charmaine and gave Myolie a hard look.  "If you dare lay another finger on her, I swear you'll regret."

Raking her eyes over Charmaine's flushed and guilty face, Myolie hissed, "I came so close to actually liking you and wanting us to be friends.  Who would have thought with you looking so innocent that you would crawl into Raymond's bed while you had Kevin waiting for you back at home!"

The accusation from Myolie caused Kevin to abruptly turn to Charmaine, who through it all had her eyes downcast.

"I said enough!" Raymond said quietly and gave Myolie a frosty look.

Raymond's subtle warning seemed to have an effect on Myolie for although she still glared furiously at Charmaine, the fiery storm behind her eyes had dissipated.

Assured that Myolie won't launch another attack, Kevin slowly released her arm and with eyes full of bewilderment and sadness he asked Charmaine softly, "What is Myolie talking about?"

Charmaine shifted uncomfortably, her eyes darting wildly around as she fought for a way to explain everything to Kevin without causing any more hurt to anyone.  Raymond stood silently by her side, apparently waiting for her to tell Kevin the truth as he had with Myolie.  She felt him nudge her arm, a prompt for her to get it out.  This was not what she had planned.  Her idea was to tell Kevin in her own way.  "I-I…"

Raymond leaned in slightly towards her and asked in a low voice, "Do you want me to tell him?"

"No!" Charmaine instantly responded which caused Kevin's piercing gaze to transfer from her to Raymond.  She saw a knowing look come across his features and wished it didn't have to be this way.  "Kevin, I…"

"You slept with him and want to be with him don't you?" Kevin interrupted.

Charmaine could find no excuse for what she did so she simply nodded her head and repeated brokenly, "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry Kevin."

There was a stretch of silence where the four of them stood staring at each other.  After a long moment, Kevin finally said, "I'm not angry.  I'm sad and unhappy for not being able to make you love me but not angry."

Astounded by the sincerity of his words, Charmaine looked up at him, her eyes glazed with tears, "Y-You're not?"

Kevin managed a small smile.  In his smile, Charmaine could see that he meant what he said and it made her feel exactly like the two-timing Myolie had accused her of.  Turning to look at Raymond, Kevin said grimly, "I want to speak to you… alone."

Raymond had no idea what Kevin wanted to speak to him about but nevertheless followed Kevin out to the balcony.

When the guys walked away for their little talk Myolie continued to glare at Charmaine.  Feeling she owed Myolie some sort of apology, Charmaine approached her, "Listen Myolie, I'm sorry for my part in this."

Myolie who calmed down a lot since she first stormed out of Raymond's room gave Charmaine a haughty grin, "You really think he loves you?  What a naïve fool you are.  Raymond Lam only loves himself.  I thought you would know that by now."

Charmaine knew Myolie was acting out of anger and jealousy yet she needed to defend Raymond, "I believe in him."

Hearing that, Myolie actually giggled.  "How long do you think it'll be before he gets tired of you and wants to sample all the free and accessible women that are eager to share his bed and his fame?"

Charmaine turned from Myolie and said lowly, "I don't want to hear you insult him."

Myolie quickly walked around Charmaine to stop her from leaving.  Smiling with triumph she said softly, "You only have him for the time being.  In a few weeks, he'll be back to partying and picking up nameless girls.  You will end up just like me whether you believe it or not."

"He won't!" Charmaine denied fervently but on the inside did she really believe that?

"Sure, just keep telling yourself that if it'll make you feel better."  Myolie looked over at the balcony and saw the men coming back into the apartment.  She lowered her voice and added into Charmaine's ear, "And just to let you know, I'm not angry at you nor do I hate you any more.  How can I when in a few weeks I know I'll be pitying you."

"Come on Myolie, let's leave," Kevin said as he walked to the front door and to his surprise Myolie actually followed him.  He paused briefly in front of Charmaine and said, "Take care of yourself.  We will always be friends."

Charmaine touched his arm and smiled gratefully at him.  "Thank you."  She felt Raymond come up behind her and a second later felt his arm across her back.

Kevin flicked his eyes to Raymond and with a stern expression said, "Remember what I said before."  Raymond made no response to his comment.

"I feel awful about all this," Charmaine murmured when Raymond finally locked the door behind Kevin and Myolie.

"But aren't you glad it's over with?" Raymond asked taking her into his arms.

"Yes but I still wished it could have been done another way."

Narrowing his eyes at her, Raymond asked stiffly, "Are you worried that Kevin's heart is broken or is it because you actually don't want to break it off with him?"

"What?" Charmaine gasped with a tinge of annoyance, "How could you think that way about me?  And it's not only about Kevin, it's Myolie too!  She was devastated!"

Raymond laughed, "Myolie?  Trust me, she'll get over it."  Changing the subject, he asked, "What were you and Myolie talking about before?"  Although he had been out in the balcony he had kept his eyes on Charmaine the entire time in case Myolie suddenly decided to have another go at Charmaine.

Charmaine thought back to Myolie's words.  She wasn't going to repeat them to Raymond.  There was no point to it, so she said, "Nothing much."

"Nothing?  Are you sure?  From your face it doesn't look like nothing.  What did she say to you?" persisted Raymond.  "You better tell me or else…"

Charmaine immediately saw the twinkle in his eyes and the mischievous grin on his face, and challenged, "Or else what?"

"This!" Raymond shouted and before Charmaine had a chance to react, he lifted her into his arms and strode purposefully into his bedroom where he dropped her onto his bed.

Giggling with joy, Charmaine quickly opened her arms to him.  "I'm really happy being with you," she said as soon as Raymond was beside her.

"Does that mean you're moving in with me when we return to Hong Kong?"

Wanting to spend as much time with him as possible and yet uncertain whether his offer is for real, Charmaine asked hesitantly, "Are you sure about it?  What about maintaining your image?"

Raymond's expression changed from playfulness to seriousness as he answered, "Well, of course we can't let anyone know yet.  Not many people know this but there's a hidden backdoor to my apartment.  From the outside hall it looks like a separate apartment.  I'll give you the keys to that and nobody would know a thing."

It sounded very tempting to Charmaine and yet something seemed to be missing from this little plan of his.  "What about when we're outside in public?  Do we pretend we don't know each other?"

Sighing heavily Raymond sat up and said wearily, "I'm sorry Charmaine but you know my circumstances.  The only way we can be together is at home.  That's why I insist you move in with me."

Although Charmaine understood that Raymond had to keep his personal life hidden from the media, she was a bit disappointed that they won't be able to do all the things any new couples who are in love would do such as taking long walks around the park, having dinner at fancy restaurants or even catching a movie.  But she guessed this was the price to pay for being in love with a famous celebrity and it was something she could get accustomed to in time.  "Does that make me your mistress then?" she asked with a cunning smile.

Charmaine being able to make fun of the situation was a positive sign to Raymond.  For a second he believed she would insist on making their relationship public.  Relieved that she wasn't and had accepted his offer, he replied softly, "Mistresses have a special place in their man's heart."

Holding his face between her hands, Charmaine looked at him intensely and asked, "And do I have a special place in your heart?"

Raymond turned his face slightly to press a warm kiss to her palm.  When he returned his gaze to her he said huskily, "You know you do.  Don't ever forget that." 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Was watching Charmaine’s latest drama and decided to come re-read the story (:
HottestVIPSone #2
Gonna start reading this now!
Heyy Simcon :) Just to let you know, I really enjoyed this story. I would comment on Winglin but for some odd reason, I'm not able to access it from my PC >< Which I'm glad that you have put it on this site :) I'll continue to support your future fanfics as well, keep up the good work! :D
jeanne90 #4
I really enjoy follow this story, thanks for the update.
Yaaay, an update! :D And I'm glad Raymond has made up his mind x) Charmaine too!
Awww, honestly Wayne seems like a sweet guy. I wonder if Charmaine will give him a chance :P
Yaaay, an update! :) But awww, Raymond and Charm.. siiigh :( As for Ron, OMG! I hope he gets his kicked by Kenneth before sent off to prison for ever.
mewmew #8
Hi Simcon, it's been awhile since I came here. Although I'm not the craziest charray fan as I once was, I still enjoy reading your stories. The way you write a story, regardless of the pairing, it is still as alluring. I hope you don't stop writing ;) 加油!<br />
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Well, at least Raymond is making progress with Charmaine, but it's an interesting relationship, as he is a celebrity and all. Is he really going to give up his career for her like he once said before. Looking forward to see his progress on with Charmaine :D<br />
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Awwwwwww... Raymond :) hahaha<br />
and omg, Ron is just.. -_- I hope he stays in prison for the rest of his life.<br />
I was so glad to see an update :D
I absolutely love it so far. Poor Myo :( And I hope Ray does A LOTTTT in order to get Charmaine back, 'cause he hurt her in the worst way possible :/