R.O.D (Are You Crazy??!?!!!!) Sequel It's All About You, My Butterfly

One night. BigBang Dorm. Jiyong’s Bedroom.


Jiyong was sleeping peacefully on his bed, taking the pleasure of his fluffy bed and warm pillow. He was hugging his pillow like he was hugging his girlfriend-soon-to-be-fiance, smooching and it like there’s no tomorrow. Mumbling incoherent words that only him and God knows what he was trying to say. Or maybe… … to be exact.




His deep slumber and sweet dream was disturbed with a faint ringing from his phone. The ring tone was unfamiliar. Not the type of ring tone that he sets for YG Family. He scrunched his eyes in annoyance but still his eyes closed, ignoring the ringing phone. After couple rings, the ring went dead and he smiled for having his peacefulness back. But then seconds later his phone started to ring again. He groaned in protest and lazily woke up from the bed with angry face, his eyebrows were mashed. He dried up the saliva which was pooling and wetting his mouth and chin area with the hem of his shirt. He reached for his phone.


“Yoboseyooo?!! Who is this?!” Okay, it’s a little bit harsh for him to answer a phone call using a-not-very-classy-manner-tone and without even looking on who was the caller!


“Yoboseyo, good evening… We’re truly sorry to bother you, am I speaking with Mr.Kwon?” A voice of an old lady answered him. He could clearly hear some giggles and cheering of girls from behind the caller.


He checked on the caller’s number but his mind didn’t ring a bell on the number which was shown on his screen phone. Was this a prank call? He started to get irritated! “Yes. Who is this?”


“I’m Mrs.Kang from Cartier store. We would like to inform you that the ring has arrived today and you may come to take it. We also have prepared the customized black velvet box as you design it.”


“JINJA?!??!?!!!!” His eyes shot up and suddenly lost his sleepiness! He bounced on his bed like a little kid in delight and screaming.


“Yes Mr.Kwon, everything is prepared as you wished.” The old lady chuckled as she heard him cheering from the other line like winning a prestigious award.


“Oh my god! Thank you very much for helping me out!!! This means a lot for me!!“ He can’t even hide his excitement over hearing the good news! The ring really arrived in 2 days!! 2 ing days!!!! Sooner than he thought it will be!!


“Mr.Kwon, do you mind to tag along with Top-ssi here? My 12 years daughter is a big fan of him and she wants to see him. I’m sorry to bother you with my private request.”


“It’s cool Mrs.Dong, don’t worry… I will come tonight with Top hyung. You are very lucky because today he will be arriving Seoul. Will you still be open if I come to the store around 11PM?” Jiyong checked on his time, it’s still 9PM and he has to take bath before going out to pick up the ring.


“Ah, really?! Thank you, thank you very much Mr.Kwon! My daughter will be very happy to see both of you here! We will open the store until midnight and double up the security especially for you. Thank you for purchasing the beautiful ring from us and we are looking forward for your coming. Annyeong.”


“Thank you, Cartier is really the BEST! I will come as soon as possible. Annyeong.” Jiyong hung up the phone.


He quickly threw his phone onto his bed and jumped down to the floor. He ran out his from his bedroom like he was on FIREEE and banging onto Top bedroom’s door impatiently as if there’s an earthquake in their dorm.



“Hyung! Hyung! Open up the door!!!”


No sound. He glued his ear to the door and listened up but he hears nothing… Silent greeted him. Sooner or later he could master the skill of a ninja on eavesdropping from the door ckckck! Wasting no time, he banged again on the poor door but much more harder this time.



“HYUNG! IT’S EMERGENCY!!! OPEN UP!! The ring has finally arrived today and we have to pick it up!!!! Should I kick on this door to make you crawl out from your cave?!?!?!!! Because I swear I will do it now in the count of 3!!!”




… … … …




… … … …




… … … …


No answer. No sound. ‘!@#$%^&*!@#$!!! WHAT THE HELL???!!!!! I’m sooo going to break this door!!! Where’s the chainsaw??!!!!’


When Jiyong was about to turn his body from the door and searching for the chainsaw, the other bedroom door was making a creak sound and it opened. Youngbae stepped out from his room with headphone on his neck. He was scratching his head and looking at Jiyong who seems to be frantic on the spot. He put his hands onto his hips and staring at Jiyong amusingly…


“What are you doing, Ji? Why are you making such a noise in this freaking hour? I thought you are sleeping peacefully in your bedroom…”


“Earth to Dong Youngbae… Do you see me sleeping?! As you can hear it clearly, I’m knocking on Top hyung’s door just now! What do you think I’m doing now??!?!!!!” Jiyong barked in annoyance, how could Youngbae be this shallow???


“I am on earth, Ji. It’s you who doesn’t live on earth... I suggest you to stop living on the Rabbit Land or I swear you will become idiot sooner or later. Didn’t he tell you that he is going on a date with Bom nonna? He just got back from Busan hours ago and tonight he will be unavailable. Go check on your phone.” Youngbae rolled his eyes hopelessly and walked to the refrigerator to have a drink.


“Did he send me a text? Crappp… I didn’t check on my phone.” Jiyong ran back into his room like a mad man and grabbed on his phone dearly. He opened up his inbox and read the new message that was left unopened by him 3 hours ago.


Top Hyung:



“Baeeeee~ Help meeee~ JEBALLLLLL…” Jiyong face palmed himself and screamed out desperately for help from Youngbae after he was done reading the text from Top. He was sooo ed up because he has promised to Mrs.Kang that he would bring Top with him to the store. If someone asked Top: Kwon Jiyong or Park Bom? He was so damn sure that Top will positively choose Bommie over him!


“Whatttttt?!???!! … … I really don’t like the tone of your voice now… I really don’t…” Youngbae sighed and closed his eyes in deep stress after placing his glass onto the table. Youngbae took a little peek from his small eyes and Yep! He was right… speaking of the devil, Jiyong’s face appeared in front of him and did some gwiyomi or aegyo which was ABSOLUTELY don’t look good on the famous Kwon Leader!


Jiyong put both of his point fingers to both of his cheeks and voiced out his famous baby voice. “My best brother, Youngbaeeee~” Jiyong could be really persistent and extremely the opposite of adorable if he needs something from Youngbae.


“OH MY GODDD… You should stop doing this! Gwiyomi and aegyo is not you! Drop it off or I won’t restrain myself from punching your ing face! I swear I’m serious, Ji! I don’t want to give you some face-lift, so don’t push me.” He forced Jiyong’s face far far away from him. Jiyong + gwiyomi or aegyo = GOOSEBUMPS TO THE MAX!


“Whyyy?! I thought the combination of my baby voice and pout is really the best on persuading people… Is it not working on you???” The baby boy was pouting with all the cuteness he could mustered to Youngbae.


“YAH! It’s only worked on Dara noona, not with me! I need to stay away from you as far as I could! Who knows that suddenly you get possessed by that lose-sick-boy-syndrome again and give me another deadly kisses! CRAP! I’m so doomed! Nobody is here to help me if I get injured badly!!!”


Reading the situation and realized on how scared Youngbae was, Jiyong just grinned triumphantly. “I won’t give you another kiss if you could force Top hyung to go with me. The ring has arrived and I’ve promised to the sales lady to come with Top hyung around 11PM. Her little daughter is a big fan of Top hyung. You have to help me to find out a solution. I have to drag Top hyung to the store but…” He explained everything with his puckering lips.


That sends shiver to Youngbae’s spine. Uh oh! All the hair on his body was going up! Not a good thing! “But he told you not to disturb him.” Youngbae finished the words for him. It’s a habit that every time they were going somewhere, they will send the message to inform all of the other members. In short, Youngbae also got the text from Top.


“Yes and also I don’t want to pick up the ring alone. I’m afraid that I could lose or drop the ring. I won’t give this task to that Rat! Daesung and Top hyung is good on this but he is busy planning something with Minzy TT TT! I need someone to take care of the ring until the big day. Are you busy, Bae?” Jiyong was battling his eyelashes prettily to Youngbae and hoping Youngbae will company him to the Cartier store.


“Sorry Ji, I really want to company you to pick up the ring but I’m all worn out and tomorrow morning 6AM I’ve another schedule for shooting. I think my bones are cracking…” Youngbae patted his back to comfort Jiyong. He was agree that Daesung was the best person on keeping important things undamaged and unharmed.


Defeated, Jiyong just sighed and slumped down his shoulders.


“… … But…”


Jiyong’s eyes perked up and full of twinkle stars! “Yessss?” He could felt his hope was rising up!


“But I could help you on abducting a certain bingu alien to company you to the store.” Youngbae’s face was filled with villain grin. Spell it with me: VILLAIN = YOUNGBAE.


“Top hyung??!!! JINJA???? You could do that??!!!??!! How?? I think he prefer die rather than apart from Bom noona…” Now Jiyong is wrinkling his forehead in deep thought.


“Watch me.” Youngbae fished out his phone from his jeans pocket and dialed a number.






“*chomp* Yobo *chomp* seyo? *chomp*” The person answered the call while munching something.


“Yoboseyo. Noona, am I disturbing you?”


“Nope. I’m having a late dinner with the girls and Tabi here. What’s up?”


“I really need your help but could you please go away from them for a while, especially Top hyung. And don’t tell him that I’m calling you.”


“Arasso. Wait up… … … Tabi, omma is calling me. I need to talk with her for a while. Wait here…” Done informing her Tabi to stay on the couch, she walked into her bedroom.


Done locking up her bedroom door, she stated her situation to Youngbae. “I’m safe now. Be quick and make this worth so I won’t regret on pausing my dinner for you! What’s up?”


“Hold up your breath and promise me that you won’t scream, squeal or do anything that could attract those people in the dorm.”


“YAAHHHHH!!! Stop wasting my time!!! Those delicious food are waiting for me on the dinner table!!!! Just tell me what it is?!?!?!!! You are killing my patience!! One last chance, Youngbae!” Youngbae vs Food… She was wavering REAL hard now since her tummy was grumbling!! Bommie was getting edgy and she could smell something fishy on this call, so she decided to give him a chance to speak out!


“Okay. Theringhasarrived.” Youngbae told her in 1 breath and without paused.


“Whatttt????? I swear to kill you if you dont say it clearly! Aishhh, why am I giving you another chance?! You are wasting my time! I’m not talking with you anymore! You have missed your last chance! I will end this call and go back to my food!”


“NOONA!!!!!! WAITTTTTTT!!!!!! Don’t hung up the phone!!!! The ring has arrived!!!!!!!! The! Ring! Has! Arrived!” Youngbae was nervously shouting on the phone and he even spelled every words to make it clear. Jiyong who was standing beside him also getting worried!


“OMOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! JINJAAAAAA?!??!?!?!??!! KYAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *insert high pitch of Park Bom’s super squeal here*”


Youngbae immediately put some gap between his phone and his ear. He accidently bang his head onto Jiyong’s head since Jiyong was leaning over his head to Youngbae’s phone to listen up their chat. Both of the man were groaning in hurt and massaging their side head!


Bommie’s squeal sounds like Mandrake (the little wrinkle plant creature in Harry Potter) being pulled out forcedly from the ground! Really deafening and giving a massive headache to those who heard the squeal! Thanks God Youngbae didn’t faint, or he wouldn’t be able to continue his plan on abducting Top. But he injured his and Jiyong’s head. Ckckck


“Noona! Calm down! Top hyung will get suspicious! Aishhhh… Didn’t I tell you not to scream or squeal??!!” Youngbae warned her to cool down.


But it’s too late. Top, CL, Dara and Minzy were already standing in front of Bommie’s bedroom door and knocking it endlessly in concerned!


“TT!!! Why the door is locked?!!!?! OPEN UP!!! Boomie, are you okay??!!!!! What happened in there??!!!” His worried and alarmed voice was calling for her.


“Eonni, whats wrong?!”


“Bommie ah! Open up!”


“Minzy, Dara eonni, back off! Top oppa and I will kick down the door!


“Noooooo!!!! Don’t break down my door!!! I’m fine and okay! It’s just Omma is… Nghhh… She is… She is preparing a special dinner for me tomorrow!!! It’s my favorite and I miss her cooking meals so baddd…” Bommie bite her own lips and tried to calm down her kaboom kaboom heart!


“You scared me to death, I thought something happened to you… Please tell omma that I say hi. Come back to finish your dinner if you’re done talking. I’m waiting for you.” Done with the talking, Top ushered the girls to sit back on the chair and waited patiently for Bommie to come back.


Bommie continued to squeal but silently. “Kyyaaaaahhhhhhhhh! … … … Errr… Wait up. Are you calling me just to inform me about the ring arrival or what?”


“I love you so much noona, you are very smart! Here’s the deal, the sales lady has a little daughter and she is a big fan of Top hyung. She wants to meet him, but you know… Top hyung will definitely refuse it because we all know that he won’t miss the chance to spend his time with you, and the worst he hasn’t see you for 2 days.” Youngbae could hug his Bom noona for being so genius on reading the situation!


“Okay I get it. I will drag him to the store. I’m dying to see the perfect ring and Tabi keep on bragging it out without giving me a photo of it! HEOL!” She grumpily answered while fixing her perfect hair.


“Arasso, I will tell Jiyong about this. He will be coming to the store around 11PM. Thank you so much, noona! You are the best!”


“Wait. I’m not yet done with the talk. My service isnt free. Tell him that he owes me a bucket of corns, a pack of chocolates and breads!!! Anddd… Oh!! A fancy dinner between me and Tabi since he is ruining our dinner tonight!” Bommie displayed a naughty smirk on her face. She could imagine those payment from Jiyong were sprawling on her bed.


“Don’t worry, I will make sure that he will fulfill all your wishes, noona.”


“You better make sure of that! Annyeong.”


“Annyeong.” After Youngbae hung up the phone, his chinky eye smile faltered and sighed. He faced Jiyong to deliver the threat message from Bommie. “Bom noona said that her service isn’t free. So you owe her a bucket of corns, a pack of chocolates and breads. She is really smart on using her role in this freaking situation. You should be thankful that 2NE1 only have 1 Park Bom, or else they could make you go bankrupt bro.”


“I will buy her a yard full with corn, a chocolate and bread factory if she could drag Top hyung to the store!” Jiyong was all devastated. He will do anything to make sure Top was coming to the store!


“When you are dealing with Bom noona, considered it done. She has her own way to make Top hyung come to the store. Get ready Ji, it’s almost 10 PM. Don’t be late… and don’t make the little fan waiting for Top hyung.” Youngbae informed him while looking at the hanging clock on the wall.


“Thank you so much, Bae. I can kiss you fo...”


Not yet done with the words, Youngbae was long gone. And a ‘Click’ sound can be heard from his bedroom door. He has officially run away from the kiss of the death and Jiyong quickly took a bath.






2NE1 Dorm. Dining Room.


Bommie was munching fastly and endlessly. Everything served in front of her was all gone in the matter of minutes. Everyone was flabbergasted seeing her eating like a hungry person. Everybody was focusing their eyes to Bommie and they lost their appetite… Bommie glanced on the clock. She has to be quick because it’s 10.15PM and she only has less than 1 hour to drag Top’s out from their dorm without getting suspicious by Dara.


“Eonni, what’s wrong? Are you really that hungry? You could have mine if you don’t get enough.” CL was sharing her food to an empty plate for Bommie.


“Thank you CL-Rooo~ I’m really hungry! Please do not tell Hwangssabu about this. I’ve been eating vegetables for months and I could die happily now~” Bommie’s face lightened up once she saw CL was giving her more food.


“Are you all kidding me? You girls didn’t know that she eat this way? She always eat like this. Yah, Bommie… Eat slowly. If you still hungry then we could go out and have another dinner.” Top caressed Bommie’s back softly and smile assuring her. He was worried that Bommie got choked because of the food.


“Jinja???!!! Horrayyyy~ I’m having a date with Tabi tonight!!!! Let’s end this dinner quickly and go out to buy those street foods!” She happily pecked on Top’s cheek.. She was really taking advantage of her boyfriend’s affection to her. ‘Plan A: Taking Tabi out without making Dara curious. DONE! Next, Plan B: Force him to the store. ON THE PROCESS. Fufufufu~


Top Bommie’s hair aside so her hair won’t get dirty with the kimchi fried rice, jajangmyeon and ginseng chicken soup she was eating. Then he placed a small and gentle kiss onto her bone cheek. “Everything for you, Bommie. Everything for you…”


“Bommie ah, you do look like a beggar now. Spill out you big fat corn monster! Is there something happen or are you hiding something from us??!!!” Dara was getting curious with Bommie. She put down her chopsticks just to cross her hands on her chest and glared on Bommie. She knew so damn well that there must be something wrong with the Big Park!


Bommie gulped hard and tried her best to maintain her poker face by shaking her head. “Ani! I’m just hungry, Darongggg~ Diet is killing me! Hwangssabu is killing me by shoving vegetables as my breakfast, lunch and dinner for 30 daysss!! He is turning me into a green skeleton!!! I SWEAR TT TT!!!! I can’t take it anymore!! I need to stay alive!!!


“Omooo…” Minzy gasped and dropped her chopsticks to the floor as she covered with her hands. Now everyone was focusing their eyes at her, trying to figure out what she was about to say. “Please don’t tell me… Are you… Are you pregnant, eonniii??!!!!” Minzy always dropped the best bomb on the right moment.


CL dropped her plate and left hanging open widely. CRACK! She has lost her jaw…


Dara fell off from her seat and spill her glass. BLAG! Let’s hope no bone broken from the Little Park.


Bommie and Top were bursting and choking on the food. That’s the most natural reaction of all criminals who got busted in actionnn!!!


Minzy was still with her shocked face. DAEBAK! “Am I right???!!! Bommie eonni is pregnant!!!!!”


First! Investigating the criminal: Choi Seunghyun!

Nothing was wrong with this man! He still looks fascinating and now his face was showing a bingu expression! Don’t get tricked by his facial expression! He is a real actor now! Acting is part of him! So don’t get fooled! Let’s focus on his attitude lately! … … … Errr…  Nothing was wrong with his attitude and he didn’t do something suspicious. But there must be something wrong! Ooohhhhh!!! Was it because they seldom spent their time together so this man went crazy, or having blue balls and knocked on their Bommie??!!!!


Next criminal: Park Bom!

She must be pregnant! 100% SURE!!! Just looked at her appetite tonight was beyond the usual of Park Bom! 3 main course for god sake!!! And lately she was always craving for corns!!!! … … … … Nghhhh… Isnt she always crazy for corns?? Ooohhhhh!!! Another evident!! Her s are getting bigger!! That’s It!!! … … … But … Arent her s are always big?? Okay, let’s just tortured the first criminal and forced him to admit it!


Dara stood up from the floor and dashed herself to Top. She grabbed Top’s collar and spat out! “YAH!!!! You pabo alien!! What have you done to my Bommie??!!! You should hold your ing raging hormones!!! She can’t get pregnant without wearing a wedding dress first!!! What will people say about her??!?!??!!!!! And we are about to have our new single!!!! CL-Rooo, Minzy!!! Help me to kill this bingu aliennnn!!!! 2NE1 chargeeeee!!!!”


That’s the only clue for CL and Minzy to attack their beloved Top oppa!


Top was dumbfound and tried so hard to defend himself from the kicking, punching, biting from the amazon girls. Kicking was Minzy, punching was CL and biting was Dara. This was war between the girls and Top! They swore to claim back Bommie’s pride, no matter what happened!!!


“Nooooooo!!! I swear she isn’t pregnant!!!!! This is all a big misunderstanding!!!








“Bommie! Help meee!! Girls… Pleaseeee… I swear she is all safe from the pregnancy!!! Even though we have done it couple times but I do use protection!!!! I wish she is pregnant but…”


2NE1 dorm was all silent. CL, Minzy and Dara stopped attacking Top. They were all gawking and eyes poked out. That’s the moment for Top to realize what he has said.


“Oh my god… … OH MY HOLY GODDD… I’m just babbling about nonsense… Please dont kill me!!!!” Top pleaded for his dear life because in the panic state, he has accidently tell everyone that he and Bommie has ‘done’ it. He closed his mouth once he realized what was saying just now but its all too late! Horror and terror could be seen on his face because in front of him there were 3 raging girls ready to skin him alive.


CL was holding an 8 inch knife from the kitchen and so damn ready to castrate him. Dara picked up her forks from the table and trying to scare Top by pointing the forks to his face. Minzy left behind with bulging eyes! Her eonnis were ready to shed some blood and still she didn’t know what kind of weapon she had to take. She was looking to the left and right to search for some weapon. Her eyes dropped on the baseball bat. She quickly ran to grab it and back to Top’s front.


Top was more than horrified to see all the lethal weapon that was held by the girls!!! “Chaerin, I don’t want you to get hurt with the knife. Dara, those little cake forks are cute but shoving it to my face aren’t cute! And Minzy, it’s too late for us to play some baseball game. Please, put down all the stuffs you are all holding!!!!! Its dangerousss!!! I give up!!!!” Top kneeled down on the floor and waving his white flag!!


WHATTTTT??!!!!! Does that means Bommie / eonni really pregnant?!?!?!?!!!!” The girls shrieked!


“Girls, I’m not pregnant but I do admit that we have done it… Just face it. We are getting married sooner or later and I’m hoping to have a baby in my not-so-young-age. Anyway it’s a pure bliss when you share the romantic moment with the one you love. And to be truth, Tabi is very gentle with me~” Bommie helped Top to get up from the floor. Finally she came to rescue!!!! She embraced him and buried her face into his body to hide her blushing face.


Smile. Oh no… BIG BIG BIG satisfied and happy smile was formed on his lips. He gathered Bommie’s body tighter to his chest. “Thank you. I love you so much Park Bom… My y corn monster… It’s my honor and my best moment to share it with you.” He pulled her out from the hug and cupped her cheeks, bringing her lips closer to him and savored the pure ecstasy from kissing her.


The girls were dropping all their lethal and fatal weapons to the floor.


“Oppa, eonni I’m really sorry for saying those stupid words to you. I wish both of you could give me a little sister or brother.” Minzy was the first to come and hug them.


“Me too… I want to have 2NE1 baby ^^!! Top, I will help you to take care of the baby while you take care of the mother!” Dara beamed up and pulled CL into a group hug.


“Thank you for being gentle to my Bommie eonni, or I swear to God I will castrate you. I’m serious, oppa.” CL smirked evilly to Top like Chucky the doll from HELL.


“I’m always the gentle one Chaerin, it’s her who loves the hardcore and stuffs… … … Oh my… … … Did I say something again?” Okay, he blurted out another inappropriate information again and all the girls were laughing out loud except Bommie.


“You should start to shut your mouth, Tabi. Or you will end up spilling more of our action on bed. And for you to remember, Minzy is still here and she is just 19.” Bommie sighed hopelessly.


Done with the dinner, Bommie and Top went out together. Dara, CL and Minzy were left on cleaning the table and washing the dishes. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. The girls were throwing each other a confused look and wondering who that was. It’s 10 PM and too late for having a guest… Pale and shock were all painted on the girls face. Dara was hugging Minzy and both of them were trembling. CL braved herself to grasp on the baseball bat from the floor, but a voice could be heard from behind the door.


“ChaeCattttt~ It’s me, your cutie Rattttt~ I specially come tonight to make you stay warm in this cold winter~


Relieve washed over the girls system once they heard the voice… CL was opening the door harshly and dragging Seungri’s ear in anger from the front door until the dinner table. “YAH! PABOO!!! You scared us to death!! Why aren’t you texting me before coming here?! And who said that I need your warmth?! I choose to be frozen to death! You ert rat!!!”


“ChaeCat, I just want to give you a surprise~ If I texted you first then it won’t be a surprise anymore… I miss you so much! Dara noonaaaa, Minzy ah~ I miss you all tooo~” Seungri was being all mushy tonight and hugging CL’s waist firmly after greeting all the girls in the kitchen.


“YAH!!!! Let go off me, you disgusting rat!!! What the hell is wrong with you tonight?! Are you drunk??!!!!” CL was squirming her body and trying to run away but Seungri clutched to her stronger.


“I’m not drunk. I just miss my girl~” Seungri was puckering his lips and being the all mighty leader and also embarrassed with Seungri’s kiss, she blocked his lips with her palm and jabbed his ribcage with her elbow. Done doing some bodily damage to her boyfriend badly, she started to ran away from him while chuckling in satisfaction.


“Aishhh… Playing hard to get, huh? Hide well ChaeCat! This rat will claim your lips sooner or later~” Seungri wasn’t called as a rat for nothing, he chased after the cat who was running into her bedroom in the speed of light. When she was about to close her bedroom door, Seungri has managed to hold it with his hands and slipped his foot.


“Gotcha~ Let me have what’s mine.” Seungri grinned ertly as he tried to intimidate her with his warning tone. CL just widened her eyes as he locked her bedroom door.


“Aigooo~ Now it’s only you and me Minzy ah. Let’s finish this dishes and the table quickly.” Dara sighed after she heard a ‘click’ from CL’s bedroom door.


“Nghhh… Sorry eonni, Daesung oppa is also here.” Minzy said with uneasy tone and red tint was seen on her cheeks.


“Whattt??!!!” Dara turned her back from washing the dishes and saw a very cheerful Daesung with a bucket of pink roses on his hands. He was waving his right hand happily to greet her.


“Annyeong noona… I’m sorry but I think I’m going to kidnap Minzy. This is for my little Minzy.” Daesung handed over his pink roses to Minzy and the girl was flattered to accept it.


“On 10 PM??? Isn’t it too late? Where are you planning to go??” Dara was checking up the time and interrogating the couple like a real ahjumma. She always over protected to Minzy because Minzy is their lovely little maknae.


“I’m planning to drive Minzy to her grandma’s tomb. Lately she has been talking on how much she missed her grandma. Tomorrow is a good day to pray, so I decided to visit the tomb as her surprised gift.” Daesung smiled upon reaching for Minzy’s hand and entwined their fingers together. 


“Really??!!!! That’s the best surpise gift ever!!! Thank you so much, oppa!! We could sleep over on my parent’s house tonight and tomorrow morning we are getting ready to visit my grandma’s tomb with my family. It will be nearer to reach the place from my parents house. Do you want to come with us, eonni?” Minzy was feeling excited by the sudden surprise from Daesung.


“Yeah, please come with us. It will be a very fun trip ^^! When the sun sets, there will be lot of butterflies and fireflies there… We could catch some. Right Minzy?” Daesung offered to Dara to come with them and a wink to Minzy as their code. They still have to collect some butterflies and fireflies for the Proposing Sandara Park’s Plan!


“Nahhh… I will stay here to check on CL-Rooo and Seungri. I need to make sure that CL-Rooo won’t kill Seungri kekekeke~ Just go and have fun you two ^^! Please send my love to your parents and my pray for our beloved grandma. Daesung ah, careful on driving because it’s dark outside and take care of my Baby Min.” Dara ushered them out from the kitchen while drying her wet hands with a small towel.


“Is that okay with you, eonni? I think Chaerin eonni and Seungri oppa won’t open that door until midnight…” Minzy glanced on the leader’s door and was wearing her thick furry coat to make her warm.


Dara was about to answer Minzy, but she was cut with a loud scream.


YAAAHHHHHHH!!!! OFF RAT!!!! You are drooling on my pillow!!! GET OFF FROM MY ING BEDDD!!!! My sterile bed is infected by your germs!!!!”


“I love your fluffy bed, CL-Roooo!!!! Come and lay beside me!! Let me cuddle you to sleep!!!! You love it, right???? Don’t be shy~ smoochhhh~” Seungri was buying himself a ticket to hell. He really forget how CL hates him for calling her CL-Rooo and how expert she is on fighting~




“See? I bet CL-Rooo is success on kicking Seungri’s off from her bed. I need to save his life before CL-Rooo kicked him out from this dorm with bruise all over his body.” Dara laughed along with Minzy and Daesung.


“Okay, we are going to go now. Take care, stay warm and don’t sleep too late, noona. You dont want to compete Seungri for that black eye bags. Annyeong nonna… ” Daesung bid his goodbye and held Minzy’s hand out from the dorm together.


“Arasso Daesungieee~ Annyeong!” Dara waved her hand and back to the kitchen. Okay, washing the dishes were all done. Now she has to clean up the table then continue with her plan on visiting the boys dorm. It’s the right time because nobody will be there, only Youngbae. She must meet Jiyong tonight.

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Chapter 8: 2013... 🥺
Chapter 8: INA-BLACKJACKS? Are you Indonesian? Wahhhhhhhh~~ 😊 terima kasih...
Chapter 3: MAMA 2013... 🦋
Chapter 3: I want to see more... 😉
Chapter 2: Oh my god... I’m so excited to see Ji’s POV during the preparation, especially THIS!
Ji is so cute~~ my ppo ppo (imagining he said that... GAAAAAAAAAAAH!) butterflies flying in my stomach the whole chapter 🦋
Chapter 1: Annyeong... 💘
Lette1022 #7
Chapter 30: Yahhhh soooo childish of her grrrr, what if the other way around jiyong lots of fangirls around him how will she gonna handle it, she dont know how it feels if the insecurity comes out.she dont how to put a line when it comes to her fanboys,she do some no no things like the game they played. kyaaaa im ok now i just let it out my grrrrr thing hehehe.
Lette1022 #8
Chapter 18: Sorry for saying..i hate the game you know grrrr, i dont know if she like donghae or what..is she flirting to hae, maybe she dont really love jiyong coz if she does this game is to much for ji. im sooo grrrrr on this chapter hehehehehe
Chapter 1: Wow so that was the whole charade all about.. A very well executed plan.. Indeed the best leader and best lover Jiyongie..
Hahhahha.. So funny this chapter..