Chapter 1


A/N: I am finally done with this. Sorry for taking such a long time. This is really difficult. OMG. Please comment ~ =) Or I will haunt you in your dreams >:) Nah, just joking, But really, comment please? Love you~

Co-Author's Note: Erm, enjoy? ≧▽≦



*Daehyun’s pov*

“Daehyun ah, guess what?” Youngjae asked as he walked into my room. I pulled my duvet over my head as I tried to sink into my bed. “Why are you still sleeping? It’s already 2 in the afternoon.” Youngjae complained as he pulled my blanket away. “Go away.” I growled as I hid my face into the bed, hiding from the sunlight. Youngjae sighed. “To think that I actually bought cheesecake for you. I guess I shall give it to Jongup instead.”  I shot up and pinned Youngjae on the floor without opening my eyes. “Cheesecake.” I demanded and he groaned. “Get off me you fat . How did you pin me down with your eyes still closed?” He grumbled and I moved away, sitting on the floor, finally opening my eyes. “Can’t you talk nicely? It hurts you know.” Youngjae hissed and I smiled. “I will kill Jongup if he ate it.” I said and he grimaced. “What type of friend are you?” He groaned and I smirked. “He is clever enough to not eat it and I am sure he will bring me the cheesecake.” I commented and he clicked his tongue as he stood up. “Go wash up. You darling cheesecake is waiting for you downstairs.” He rolled his eyes as he went out.

I went to the bathroom and showered quickly before going down to the kitchen. The cake was set nicely on the table and I sat down, eating it with satisfactory. “So why did you wake me up at such an early timing?” I asked as I took another bite of the cheesecake. “Well, just to tell you about our businesses since all that our leader did is eating and sleeping.” He said sarcastically and I stared at him. “Aish, our business is doing great. Selling drugs in the club is easier too. To put it simply, we are doing great.” He summarized for me and I nodded. “Let me guess, we’ve made at least twice as much right?” I said smugly and he rolled his eyes before nodding hesitantly. “I told you owning a nightclub makes our lives easier. Police are stupid and they won’t be able to find us soon.” I said and he clicked his tongue. “I know that you are not happy that I am finally cleverer than you. But tell Jongup that we are having fun tonight.” I said before turning my attention back to my cheesecake.

*Yongguk’s pov*

“Hyung, that new club is getting on my nerves.” Zelo whined and continued with a darker voice. “They have been snatching our business since they are here. We have to show them who is the leader here.” Himchan nodded and I thought for a while. “Yeah, it’s time to show them who the leader here is. We should visit our juniors tonight. They should be taught some manners.” I said with a smirk and Zelo jumped in joy before skipping out to do his stuffs.

Himchan sat across me, staring at me. “Bbang, what do you think of this group?” he asked. “Hmm, they are interesting. Their records are clean despite the amount of dirty things that they do.” I commented and he nodded. I flipped through the papers, with each and every one of their information, on my table.

“I personally am interested in Youngjae.” Himchan said with a huge grin. “He is the right hand man of Daehyun, along with Jongup. However, he seemed to be doing things behind Daehyun’s back. His records are not as clean, or should I say that his records have been cleared before.”

“So Jung Daehyun’s an idiot.” I commented and Himchan laughed. “Don’t be mean, at least he doesn’t have trust issues like you.” He laughed harder when he noticed my glare. Wiping away his tears as he stopped laughing, he looked up and said. “Don’t snatch Youngjae, he is mine.” He stood up and I shrugged. “I want Daehyun.” I smirked and he walked out, nodding his head. Before he closed the door, he turned back and grinned. “Oh, Bbang. Did I mention that you look cute with your face flushed red when you are angry?” he laughed before slamming the door, dodging the file that I threw.

When night came, Himchan and Zelo came into my office. “Let’s go already, hyung.” Zelo said when he jumped into my office. I looked at Himchan and he showed me the box in his hand. I nodded and walked out with them, going to the car. “Junhong, Daehyun is mine. Arraso?” I said when we are close to the club and Zelo moaned in disappointment. “Then I can only get Jongup.” Zelo sighed. I pulled over outside the nightclub. The neon lights shone brightly, illuminating the area while showing off their name clearly. Lots of people are crowding around the entrance, waiting to go in. Before we got off our car, Himchan passed the box that he brought to us. Each taking our weapons. We got off with a smirk plastered on our faces. The people crowding around the entrance disappeared when they saw us and now, only the 2 bouncers are blocking our way.

“Junhong, leave one of them conscious.” I said after clicking my tongue in annoyance. Zelo stepped forward and gave them a sickening sweet smile. “Which one of you wants to be the one that is left conscious?” Zelo asked sweetly before grabbing one of them around the neck and twisted his arm up his back, making the bouncer scream in pain. Zelo twisted his arm further up his back, giving the bouncer time to protest by yelling out in agony. The other bouncer came to Zelo and attempted to punch Zelo right in his face. I smirked when Zelo let go of that bouncer in his arms and stopped the punch by grabbing the bouncer’s fist. “Hey, don’t interrupt our fight. It’s rude.” Zelo said, his voice ringing dangerously low. “Didn’t you know that I hate it when people disturb me? Are you this eager to get beaten up?” Zelo asked as his fist drew back and he smacked the bouncer square in the face. The bouncer fell to the ground with a thud. Before he got the chance to move, Zelo straddled him and punched him repeatedly in the face, ignoring the cries from the bouncer. Zelo is young and wild. Zelo stood up and kicked the bouncer, hard, leaving him lying completely still.

Zelo turned back to the previous bouncer with an angelic smile. “Where were we?” he asked as he walked towards the bouncer. The bouncer backed away, fear evidently shone in his eyes. In an instance, Zelo got that bouncer lying on the ground too before he turned the bouncer around and twisted his arms up his back, continuing his actions previously. There was a sound of something cracking, followed by a high pitched scream. No one around the area dared to do anything so they just walked pass, acting like they saw nothing. Zelo let go of that bouncer and pulled him up from the floor forcefully. “Tell your boss, MorningStar is here.”

*Daehyun’s pov*

I laughed heartily as I saw Jongup dancing on the dance floor. We are celebrating for our success in our newly opened nightclub currently. Youngjae sat beside me, drinking his cocktail slowly. “Aren’t you going to join him?” Youngjae asked as he signaled to Jongup. I shook my head. “Nah, you know I at those s.” I laughed at myself along with Youngjae.

Sitting by the bar, Youngjae and I downed more drinks than we should while Jongup danced around the dance floor, making the girls swoon over him. Jongup came to us after a while and I told the bartender to give him something light since he is still underage. I ordered more drinks to pass time while watching Jongup dance. Some ty looking girls came to us after some time and I rolled my eyes in my mind at their pathetic effort to be y or cute.

I decided to just play along with them and I patted my lap, asking one of the girls to sit on it. The moment the girl sat on my lap, she leaned forward and we kissed violently, teeth clattering as we move about. My hands moved up from her hips and explored her body, making her moan into the kiss. She grinded onto my crotch and to be serious this disgusted me thousands more times than it . Just a cheap looking for everywhere. I d her s and squeezed it gently, making her mewl out loud. A bouncer stumbled in and scanned around the club. He came to me as I stopped playing with the girl. “Boss, MorningStar is outside.” He croaked out before falling face first onto the ground, losing conscious. The girl on me tensed when she heard MorningStar and I let go of her, giving her time to run away. The group of girls scrambled away and Jongup came over with a curious look. “Youngjae, grab our weapons.” Daehyun said and Jongup grasped the situation.

However, Youngjae didn’t have the chance to even get to my office when 3 guys came strolling in. The people in the club disappeared in an instance when they noticed the leader of MorningStar is here with his right hand men. Youngjae panicked and I leaned into his ear. “Relax, why are you so nervous? It’s not like you’ve never fought before.” I whispered and he shuddered before slapping my shoulder. “Don’t worry, we have Jongup. He will save your pity later if you got into trouble.” I laughed making sure only Youngjae and Jongup heard my teasing. “Jung Daehyun, just make sure that you won’t get hurt later, idiot.” Youngjae hissed and I bit back a laugh that was forcing its way out.

*Yongguk’s pov*

“Yo, you all had fun for the past month?” I greeted them with a smile. “Yeah, of course. Seems like we have much more fun that you did.” Daehyun smirked and Zelo growled. “Well, I thought that it would be great if we came over and have a little talk with our lovely juniors.” Himchan said, totally ignoring what Daehyun said. “Don’t bother, we all know that we won’t come to a satisfied agreement.” Daehyun asserted and I nodded. “True, then we will have to make you listen by force then.” I said with a smirk before advancing towards Daehyun. “Anyway, let’s have fun today.” I smiled at Himchan and Zelo. They almost jumped in happiness and moved to their respective target. I stopped slightly infront of Daehyun.

“Hello. I am the leader of MorningStar, Bang Yongguk. Nice to meet you.” I introduced so at least he will at least know who his opponent is. “I am Daehyun, leader of NightSun.” He replied and I nodded. After all these useless greetings, let’s have some fun now.” I said and I threw a punch that he dodged it as easily as I expected him to. The fun has just begun and I don’t want to end it this quickly. Throwing kicks and punches lazily while dodging his attacks were getting boring and I decided that I had enough of this, I smiled. “Done with your warm up? Let’s move on to the main show for today.” I suggested and he gritted his teeth. “That’s nice of you, waiting for me to do my warm up.” He hissed and I laughed, cracking my knuckles to prepare them for the upcoming fun that I am supposed to get from Daehyun.

*Himchan’s pov*

I walked to Youngjae and he smiled. “Hello, I am Youngjae.” He introduced before his smile disappeared. It was written in his profile that he has this habit but I didn’t know that it was this funny, watching his expression changes so quickly. I had to bite my cheeks to stop myself from laughing out loud. One second, he looked like some respectful kid waiting for someone to give him sweets and the next, he looked like someone murdered his puppy. “Kim Himchan.” I replied before smirking. “Hey, let’s do something different.” I suggested with a grin. “We should have a talk peacefully.” I said, emphasizing the word peacefully. He nodded and stayed on his guard. “What are you trying to do?” I asked him and he looked confused. “Let me change my question, why did you erase your records? Let me guess, you needed Daehyun’s trust and having a clean record is easier?” I asked and he tensed slightly. “Himchan, what are you trying to say?” Youngjae growled and I smirked in my mind. “I am just curious. A leader whose right hand man is doing something without the leader’s knowledge. Also, I am curious about your objective.” I grinned as I said that slowly. “Are you trying to be the leader in the background?” I asked and he just smiled. “I already am.” I felt an abnormally bad feeling about Youngjae. He is not normal, he is … insane.

*Zelo’s pov*

I went to that last guy standing there. “Zelo.” I told him my name so that he would know who he lost to later. “Moon Jongup.” He said with a smile. From his profile, he is always smiling for no particular reasons. His opponent often lets down their guard, letting him have the chance to finish them off quickly. I stared at him as he judged me from head to toe. “How old are you?” Jongup asked me suddenly and my jaw dropped. “What?” I blurted out. It was said that he was 4D but, to this extreme? He repeated his question and I rolled my eyes. “17. What’s your problem?” I growled and his expression turned into an amused one. “How did you grow so tall? Why are you so young?” He mused and my eyebrows twitched. “For your information, I can still grow and if I am not wrong, you are only one year older than me.” I hissed, shouting the last part. I went over and punched him straight in his face but the moment before my fist reaches him, he grabbed it with his hand. “Relax, you are too young to get hurt. I am sure that I am better than you so you could just stand there and watch them if you want to.” He said and I growled, attacking him randomly. He sighed. “You are not good in close combat.” He commented and I glared at him. “So? I am definitely good enough to let you cry for your mommy later. Don’t underestimate me.” I growled and pulled my dagger out, slashing him. He dodged it but I am faster and it glazed his cheeks, causing blood to flow out from it.

*Daehyun’s pov*

I took lurching steps forward with an annoyed expression on my face. Yongguk really annoys me to no end. I swung my fist forward when he was in range. That blow was too sluggish. Yongguk ducked under it easily. Before I could react, Yongguk kicked my ribs, sending fresh ripples of pain through my torso. I didn’t fall–I made absolutely sure that I didn’t fall–but it was a lot closer than what I’d have liked. Recovering from the kick, I kicked Yongguk in his guts. Not giving him enough time to react, I then punched Yongguk in his face. However, Yongguk wasn’t someone who would do nothing about the treatment he got, he threw 3 consecutive kicks and punches back at me. One being dodged, one barely missed and the last kick that actually hit sent me stumbling backwards.

After a while, shallow and quick breaths were the only sound that resounded in the nightclub aside from some groans. I fought almost equally with Yongguk, but I would not and would never admit that he is actually stronger than me physically or maybe even mentally. “Tired already? Then shall we end this faster?” Yongguk said smugly and I felt my blood boil. “Can’t wait to see you running out, hugging your tail.” I snorted before we are back in actions again. His speed increased after every single attacks he made, whether it hit or not. Blocking and dodging his attacks, I tried to find a perfect chance to counter his attacks. Finally finding a chance, I kicked him and he was knocked back. Using this moment that he was trying to regain his footing, I pinned him onto the floor with a grin like smirk. Things that happened after that was blur to me. I am now the one being pinned on the ground and hurt. I didn’t even got the time to react or scream in pain, all I did was groaned when he held me down harder. I reached up and felt blood gushing out very quickly of my newly formed wound from my shoulder to my collarbone. “Bastard.” I breathed out as I tried to get away from his hold. He pinned me onto the wall suddenly and I took this chance to grab onto a baseball bat that was supposed to be a decoration before swinging it towards him. Did he seriously think that I would stop now after what he did?

Advancing after the previous swing, I tried to hit his head this time. However, much to my dismay, he blocked it easily with his arm. I growled at how easily he blocked my attack. I swayed a little as I felt lightheaded suddenly. He unarmed me and hooked his arm around my neck. I groaned when he tightened his grip, brushing across my wound. I struggled as I tried to get away from his metal grip. He stayed firm and I trashed about, hoping to be able to get away from his grip. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. The wound is not gonna be nice if you keep moving about.” He commented and I rolled my eyes. “Well, I wouldn’t be struggling if you aren’t holding onto me. Heck, I wouldn’t even have a wound on me if you didn’t slash me suddenly. ing idiot.” I retorted and he sank his fingers into my wound, almost dragging a scream out from me. But I bit my lips hard and only a groan came out. Not good enough but better than screaming. I will not let him get what he wants. “What the is wrong with you? You mother ing bastard!” I hissed and I could feel him shrug before he pinned me onto the wall. “This is my territory and I won’t let you have your ing way here. So get lost.” He growled and I was about to say something when he threw me against a table. A gaspy groan came out from me as my wound knock straight onto a corner of the table. The pain was so intense that tears started to prick in my eyes. “ing .” I shouted and he laughed a little. He ignored me and I saw him walked out with Himchan and Zelo before I out.




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Dewdropz #1
Chapter 1: This is such a nice story and so interesting. I hope you update some time in the future. :(
mamizu #2
Chapter 1: Can you update this story??????
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 1: Please update soon! !
bae2suji #4
Chapter 1: please update soon ^^
Chapter 1: Wahahahah ~ Chapter 2 my dear ^^
Chapter 1: Omgg this is exactly the type of fic i wantes omg loveee this
Fluffirlove #7
Chapter 1: Wooooh it just got serious that was cray cray :o I can't wait to see whats going to happen next. (P.s baby jello is a G) :D