Unfolding the story....

The Trial Date
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This should be one of the best days of my life, if only I am at home. I am staring my teacher discussing in front of me. I cannot help but to wonder how she can speak for 2 hours straight without even pausing for a break. Thank God, she knows how to blink.  I should have brought my rosary and started praying along with her while she discussed.


It is exactly three in the afternoon and just the perfect time for my usual nap. I should be sleeping by now but instead I am here listening to her nonstop homily. My teacher whose only dream in life is to talk about algebra, did she know how boring her life is? I wonder how she can cope with living this life every day. Does she even have a love life? I noted to myself that once I finished my studies I would never be like her.


I enjoy life; I want to surround myself with happy things, happy people, happy moments and happy thoughts. I hate watching dramas that dehydrated their viewers from crying. I hate reading books; books that make me fall asleep from the first page.   The worst, I hate classes like this one, classes that makes me want to hang myself from boredom.


I started looking around me, hopefully wake myself up and search for something amusing around. Just as I thought some of my classmates are like me, some are pretending to be listening while the others are sleeping. I shook my head and look straightforward, try to focus on whatever our teacher says. All I could think about is that cheesecake that I will be eating on my way home.


 I remember that boy again, Kwon Jiyong, the boy who made my summer in Busan meaningful.  I stayed in my aunt's house, and he happens to be one of those famous guys around the subdivision. My family went abroad while I stayed behind because I already renewed my visa months ago.

The first time that I saw Jiyong, I knew I already fall in love.  It is like love at first sight. As if he is the one, I have been waiting for all my life.   I did everything for him to notice me.  I made extra effort to be beautiful everyday and it did pay off. The second time that I hang out with him we became close friends. The third time, we had a mutual understanding. Moreover, the fourth time, we became official (as in my official summer fling). Is that too fast?  Well as what they say time is gold and life is too short.  Why spend it over to nonsense? I have to seize the moment, what if I die before even reaching the fifth time.


The loud sound of the bell interrupted my daydreaming.  I stared around, I am back to the present, and I am the only one left.  I stood up, gathered my things and walk away.  Cheesecake here I come!


"Bom, can you please focus on what I am saying? And please, try to cut off from eating that cheese cake,” Seunghyun, my ever loyal best friend said as he looks so annoyed at me.


He has been explaining to me the whole algebra thing that I am having trouble. Is it my fault that I do not have any interest in numbers or letters?  Besides, I would rather think of Jiyong than spend my time having some relationship with A and B.  I am just a mere mortal, who happens to be in love...


"Yah!  Park Bom, focus on your assignment. You are not the only student in the world who needs to study.  I need to study too!"


I stared at Seunghyun, which seems to be on his losing end, "Yah!  I even treated you this cheesecake and your favorite espresso.  What is the big fuss? “I retorted back as I look at the page that he's been asking me to answer.


"What does that Jiyong have?  You keep on spacing out?" I heard him said.  I look up at him, he seems to be studying me, “He has everything, why asking?”


"Why are you thinking of him?"


I snorted at him, “Why are you jealous?”


"Why should I?  Are you with him for real?" he fired back.  I stopped and I remembered, yeah are we together?  Nope.  In my dreams, Yes.


"You conceited jerk" I fired back at him.


He smiled and said, “Nah, I'm a handsome jerk".


"Wah, it’s just that he is so cute. I don't really want to think about him but I can't stop", and I started stuffing my mouth with my cheesecake.  I mean his cheesecake.


Seunghyun frowned at me.  He is somewhat used to me being like this.  He knew how disoriented I am whenever something new happened to me.  Of course, he does, we have been friends since we were in diapers. We even were together when we renew our US visas months ago.  I really love Seunghyun he is my best friend. I know he loves me back. I love being around him, he makes my life easy.  He seems like an oppa when in fact I am older than he is by months.  The only thing that I hate about him is he always teases me.  He loves making fun of him.  He thinks that is his sole purpose in life, is to make fun of me.  While he continues teaching me, I felt something unusual happen. It felt like millions of light bulb lit the four corners of the café. I can hear the songs of the angels and the chirping of the birds.  My surroundings suddenly become so colorful...


"Oh no, Jiyong", I saw a man who entered the cafe.  I must be thinking of him too much that I think I saw him.  Wait, it is really him!  However, why is he here in Seoul?


I immediately grabbed Seunghyun and pulled him towards the counter.  It is really Jiyong, I am not dreaming. 


"Seunghyun, its Jiyong!"


"Where is he? Why is he here?   I have to see this guy" he lazily answered.


"I don't know.  But it's him; I’m positive that it's him!" I answered while still eyeing on Jiyong.


Seunghyun followed my gaze, “Is that him? That short and average looking guy?  I thought you said he is good looking...."


I slapped his forehead, “Yah, you jerk!  I do not want to listen to whatever you say.  What matters is, he is here!"


I look back at Jiyong who is currently ordering. He still looks the same, still good looking. He still makes me all giddy inside. I did not even know this day would happen.  I am not even prepared I look awful.  I should have gone to the salon last weekend for a makeover if I only knew. I quickly got my bag at Seunghyun and fished out my face powder.  I even sprayed some perfume. 


"You cannot repair your face you know", I heard Seunghyun whisper while laughing.  I gave him a deadly stare and shoved my bag to his stomach.


I waited for Jiyong to finish ordering his take out before approaching him.  I felt like I was in some movie where the whole scene is in slow motion.  I felt excited to see him again.  When he turns around, I was in front of him.  We were finally Seeing Eye to eye.  To my dismay, it looks like he cannot remember me.  I am all smiles and he seems to be sizing me up.  He forgot me....


"Bom?" finally, he remembers my name.


I tried not to look like I am so happy that he remembered me.  You know, playing it cool.  I feel like this is fate!


"Hey, Jiyong it's me, in Busan." I said hoping he could fully understand.


He looks at me and looks past at me, “Suzy..."


Suzy, but I am Bom. I look back at Jiyong and I saw him looking at someone behind me.  I look at my back and I saw a beautiful girl.  Is she Suzy?


I loo

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Kianarain #1
Chapter 1: Love it.
Thanks for the comment. I really appreciate it....
haneul024 #3
Chapter 1: ㅠㅠ tears of happiness
leciBlackJack #4
Chapter 1: really love with them...!!! alien couple jjang..!!
adeapel #5
Chapter 1: oh , you made me cry authornim. I hope alien couple is real :))
icedlollipop #6
it's really good <3 i almost cried... this is beautiful :)
Chapter 1: me too me too ~ !! i really love this alien couple ^^
Lyca_Myx #8
Chapter 1: OHMYGAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
auroramikaela #9
Chapter 1: Ohhh nice story.... TopBom jjang ^_^