Black and White


ellohell here with my first fanfiction starring yourself along with Infinite, other artists may come along in the story as well. Hope you guys enjoy! 

You: (17 yrs old)A senior who is at her last year in high school finally, well known to be very quiet and mysterious, has only one friend that you talk to and knows you better then anyone else, Jiyeon, although others question you, you're very kinda and caring towards people you know and elderlys. A good student, enjoys photography and other things typical high school girls may not enjoy or ever do. 

Myungsoo: (18 yrs old)Your school's kingka who is also a senior this year as well. Wealthy son of a man who owns a museum filled with Korea's history. Although gives off a mysterious and cold vibe, Myungsoo still knows how to attract the ladies. Although he always pulls a cold emotionless face around others, he's always talkative and happy with his friends(Infinite, they just won't be called Infinite in the story) 

Woohyun:(18 yrs old)A senior as well who has been good friends with Myungsoo ever since they were kids, helps his father manage hotels that they own within seoul. Usually all smiles around everyone, even strangers, and is quite the ladies man. 

Infinite: friends of Myungsoo and Woohyun who are popular as well(They just won't be referred to as infinite in the story) All older then you except for Sungjong who is a Junior. 


Upon entering your senior year, you just can't wait to get it over with and graduate so you could finally move out of your house. Your father  is an alcoholic and gambler, at times when he's really drunk he abuses you. No matter how much pain you go through, you show no sign or fear or hurt what so ever. Your mother passed away giving birth to you, your father blamed you for her death, so you never really knew what it was like to feel loved. If you thought your senior year would be like every other thought wrong. New people enter your life giving you a new perspective on life, while others leave. 

He promised me he wouldn't leave...he broke his promise...

Even if he broke his promise, doesn't mean I will, I'll be with you...I cross my heart...


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