Welcome to Yokohama304!


Welcomes, huh? They're usually a warm greeting to somewhere you've been anticipating. Maybe, as a fan of Kyo, you might one day step into his house and that would be a welcoming and a half. When you step into Yokohama's most insane mental hospital... Hmm; maybe not? But behind the locked away rooms, lies a dark and shocking secret. Hey, maybe it's a welcome after all!

anouther story off the top off my head- hope its ok! ;3


You have just had a major breakdown. Guess where you turn up, if you can force your mind to work as it should. It's not Narnia and its certainly not even Wonderland. It's Yokohama304... Enjoy the ride and try not to get even more insane! With the stuff that goes on around here, it's a miracle to come out anywhere near sane. That is depending on a lot though. Lets leave it to luck. Best read on or it'll be a year before you know it. . . ;)


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Chapter 5: This story is really interesting! Keep up the good work
Chapter 7: Ahhhh I'm sorry I didn't see your update xO

I kinda have this feeling that maybe Die will force Kyo out...? =O
Chapter 5: Is this happening in a different timezone...? OwO)
Chapter 4: This reeks with interesting-ness >w<)
Chapter 3: There's this chill going down my spine. Although it's only been 3 chapters, I'm loving your story now ^^)