
Who's There?

Since Key didn't make an appearance in here, he was mad at me. Hence, the gif.


            Crickets screeched outside Minho’s dorm window, giving him a headache. He tossed and turned in his hard and uncomfortable bed, under his itchy and uncomfortable sheets. Minho turned to face the clock, groaning as it blinked ‘2:13’.

            Damn it, he thought. We have a concert tomorrow. Why can’t I sleep? Minho closed his eyes and tried to count sheep. The sheep started to become Shindongs in sheep costumes, dancing over the fence and smiling ertedly at the little chickens below him that had Taemin’s terrified face. His eyes shot open and darted to the clock. 2:21.

            “Screw it,” he mutered, pushing the covers off and stretching, wincing as he worked out the kinks in his body. Minho sighed and laid in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling.

            A clanking noise coming from the kitchen interrupted his thoughts, not that there really were any to interrupt. Minho froze, listening. He heard careful footsteps and it sounded like someone was rummaging around looking for something.

            Minho slowly crawled out of bed and stood up, frantically scanning the room for a possible weapon. He saw a half-eaten bowl of ramen on his bedside table, and in it, chopsticks. Grumbling, he crept over to the ramen and took the chopsticks, one in each hand, and slowly opened the door.

            More noises were coming from the kitchen as Minho snuck down the hallway. He stopped at the entrance to the kitchen and took a deep breath, gripping the chopsticks tightly.

            “HIYA!!!” yelled Minho, running into the kitchen and brandishing his chopsticks. Someone who was crouched by the fridge started flailing and crawling backwards into the cupboards.

            “WAAH! Don’t hurt me!” the figure shrieked, covering his face. Minho lowered his chopsticks, his eyes going wide.

            “Onew?” he said hesitantly. “Jinki, is that you?” The figure stood up, clutching a box to his chest.

            Minho sighed in relief, putting the chopsticks down on the counter. “Yeah, it’s just me. Jeez, hyung, you really scared me. I thought you were a burglar or something.”

            Onew blushed. “Ah, mianhae, I couldn’t sleep.”

            “Neither could I – wait, what is that you’re holding?” Minho asked, pointing to the box Onew was holding tightly in his arms.

            “Oh, aha, it’s nothing really,” Onew said quickly, moving to stuff it back in the fridge. Minho’s hand shot out to grab the box before Onew could get rid of it. Minho opened it, ignoring Onew’s shouts of protest.
           “Really? Fried chicken?” Minho said disapprovingly, holding up a drumstick. Onew snatched it away and took a bite, looking at Minho with disdain.
            “So what? It’s delicious. It calms me down. I couldn’t sleep,” Onew defended. Suddenly, he got a gleam in his eye. “Besides, what’s with all those cartons of ramen all over your room, eh, Minho?” he countered, smirking. Minho swore under his breath. I thought I threw those out, he thought. The two glared at each other for a good minute before Minho sighed.
            “Let’s agree to never speak about this again, okay?” Minho stuck out his hand, waiting. Onew hesitated but finally put his hand in Minho’s palm and shook it once, firmly.
            “Fine.” Onew stalked off to his room, taking the fried chicken with him. Minho waited until he couldn’t hear footsteps anymore and opened the fridge, snatching a bowl of leftover ramen. He grabbed the chopsticks and quickly made his way back to his room. Minho ate his cold ramen in silence, and crawled back into bed. 2:36. He fell asleep.
            Onew watched from Minho’s open bedroom door, smirking.


            Jonghyun walked sleepily to the kitchen the next morning. He opened the fridge and froze, rubbing his eyes and blinking. After digging around, he growled.
            “WHY IS THERE NO FOOD?”

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Good FanFic. :D
MinGwen18 #2
onew is somewhat creepy in this story. Because minho thought that he was already in his bedroom but then he was just standing there looking at the sleeping minho through his wide-open-bedroom door.
lol great fic, very funny haha
Shindong the sheep and Taemin the chicken<br />
Is it weird how I can actually imagine that? O.o So there's chicken-obsessed Onew, ramen-addicted Minho, and Jonghyun's whose starving<br />
Where's Key when they need him? XD
hahahaha that was a good story and it was funny^^
harley #6
haha that was great<br />
lol. I liked the pic. :3