Worth It

Worth it

   Not proofread, sorry       



          Hyukjae can't say that living with Donghae is always easy. He's pretty comfortable saying that he wouldn't change anything though.


          Hyukjae groans, because Donghae really had to yell at him while he is in the middle of reading an important scene in One Piece, and shouts back, "What?"

          There were footsteps heading toward their bedroom, and Hyukjae looks up to see a pouting Donghae in the doorway.

          "I'm hungry," Donghae whines, and Hyukjae rolls his eyes before going back to his reading. Donghae is twenty seven; he can solve his own food problems.

          "Hyukjae," Donghae drags out the last syllable as he walks over to said man and tugs his arm. "Don't ignore me."

          "Why don't you go make yourself something if you're so hungry?"

          Hyukjae discovers that was the wrong thing to say, because Donghae only continues to tug and whine more. "But I don't know what to make and cooking takes so long."

          "Ok," Hyukjae sighs, placing the open book face down next to him and giving Donghae his full attention. At this point, he  just wants Donghae stop pulling his arm or he knows he'll fall off the bed soon. "how about asking Ryeowook to make you something? I'm sure he would be happy to."

          "Good idea," Donghae beams, Hyukjae spends a silent prayer because his arm is now still, though not released. "What should I ask him to make?"

          Hyukjae decides it's his turn to be a bit irritating. "Something yummy."

          Donghae whines.


          Hyukjae finds that today is one of those days that Choco doesn't want to listen to him.

          "Choco," he tries to get her attention, "You can play with Bada more later. It's time for dinner."

          Obediently, Choco trots over to her owner, barking happily. Hyukjae places a dish of dog food in front of her. The vet said she had been eating too much of Hyukjae's leftovers and needed some regular dog food in her diet; otherwise, Hyukjae knew he would have fed Choco the extra pork from lunch. Choco obviously wasn't a fan of this change though, and Hyukjae watches as she noses the kibble before turning her nose up and walking back to Bada.

          "Come on, Choco," Hyukjae coaxes. "I know it's not the usual, but this is better for you."

          Donghae walks in to see a kneeling Hyukjae rattling a bowl of kibble while calling encouragement toward a dog that are blatantly ignoring him in favor of playing with Donghae's own dog. 

          "Princess Choco is too high and mighty for peasant Hyukjae," he snickers.

          Hyukjae opts to chucking kibble at Donghae's head.


          When Donghae had barged into their room begging Hyukjae to watch a movie with him, Hyukjae didn't think any harm could come of saying yes. That was until Donghae had excitedly bounced out of the room, with Hyukjae in tow, and pulled out Titanic from their movie collection in the living room. Hyukjae barely held in a loud groan.

          "Hae, why don't we watch something else? How about the Avengers?"

          Donghae's head tilts in confusion. "But I want to watch the Titanic."

          "I know, but we've already seen that so any times," Hyukjae tries to reason.

          "It's because you don't love me."

          "What," Hyukjae sputters in bewilderment. Donghae is now staring at him with tearful eyes, and Hyukjae doesn't know what he said wrong, but he has to fix it quickly. "I don't know where you got that idea, but that's definitely not true."

          "Titanic is a romance," Donghae is looking down, dejectedly, and shifting his weight between each foot now. "I thought it would be the perfect movie to cuddle to but if you don't want to, that's ok."

          Donghae turns around to put away the Titanic when Hyukjae hears a sniffle and panics. "We can watch Titanic," he quickly says, "It’s ok. What's one more time? I wouldn't miss a chance to cuddle with you."

          Hyukjae hears someone, that sounds suspiciously like Heechul, yell "whipped" from the kitchen and is momentarily distracted. When he looks back at Donghae, he is greeted with a bubbly smile and a tug on his arm pulling him toward the couch. Donghae doesn't look upset or like someone who had just been crying, but Hyukjae can't bother to let it annoy him.

          He sits on the couch with a dejected sigh and motions for Donghae to sit between his legs, to which Donghae happily does so. It's only twenty minutes later that Heechul walks out of the kitchen, Hyukjae happily notes that he was right, and scoffs at the scene before him. Donghae is leaning back into Hyukjae while he watches the movie, while Hyukjae is peppering his face and neck with light kisses. Donghae isn't looking at Hyukjae or kissing him back, but the content sighs ever couple minutes makes it clear he is enjoying the attention.

          "So whipped. And get a room."

          Hyukjae won't admit it aloud, but he agrees with Heechul.


          Hyukjae bursts into Donghae and his shared room, excited to talk about the new choreography he has been working on, only to trip over a pile of clothes. His nose is throbbing after making an ungraceful face plant, but he's more concerned standing up and seeing dirty laundry coating not only Donghae's half of the room but his as well.

          They had very few rules about sharing a room, and Hyukjae often let Donghae get away with breaking these rules, but tidiness was non-negotiable. Hyukjae liked things clean. Everything had a place and was meant to stay there. Donghae didn't have the same thoughts, a fact that everyone knew. Hyukjae had decided that as long as Donghae kept his mess on his side of the room, he would survive. That rule had clearly been broken.

          The mention of a new choreography is also forgotten as Hyukjae hears loud laughter erupt on his right.

          "Donghae! Why is your laundry all over the room? And why are you wearing my shirt?"

          Hyukjae is near fuming when Donghae stops laughing at his humiliation only to shrugs as though it doesn't  matter. "My clothes are all dirty and your shirt is comfortable."

          "You still didn't answer the first question."

          Another shrug and Donghae is falling back onto his dark blue comforter with a grunt. "I was going to clean it all, but I don't feel like it anymore. I'll do it later."

          Hyukjae can only scream in frustration.


          "Hyukjae... Hey, Hyukjae."

          Hyukjae doesn't know if Donghae knows he is awake or is trying to wake him up, but he decides not to respond. Dongahe will fall asleep soon if he just pretends to sleep. If he answers, there is no guarantee either of them will sleep tonight.

          "Hyukjae, I'm cold."

          Ten minutes pass.

          "Can I come and sleep with you?"

          With a defeated sigh, Hyukjae is throwing the covers off himself and moving to the edge of the bed against the wall, leaving barely enough space for another body. He hears a frantic rustle of sheets and feels a dip in the mattress as Donghae climbs into his bed. The covers are places back over Hyukjae's torso and a body pushes itself close against his side. It isn't until an arm is thrown around his waist that Hyukjae turns onto his side to face Donghae.

          "Thank you."

          Brown eyes are staring at him full of love and trust, and Hyukjae can't stop the smile the tugs at the corner of his lips as he wraps his arm around Donghae body and pulls him closer. Hyukjae buries his nose into Donghae's hair and it tickles, but he enjoys the smell too much to care.

          "How could I say no?"

          "I love you."

          It's whispered into his chest, but Hyukjae still hears it. "I love you, too."

          They let the silence hang comfortably as they drift to sleep. The bed can barely fit them both and the close proximity is making the space that much warmer, but that is how they like it.

          Hyukjae falls asleep thinking about how loving Donghae is worth it.


A/N: Fluff? Crack? Nothing? I don't really know what this is. Originally, this was based off of how my friend and I talk to each other (all the playful bickering), but somehow I wrote it a lot differently. However, a few parts in here are based off actually conversations. "Something yummy" is a common phrase in my family used to annoy each other when we are trying to figure out what we want to eat. The "princess choco" and "peasant hyukjae" line is from that friend. She also often gets what she wants at the end of our arguments, much like Donghae.

Finishing notes: It's short, I should work on details, I don't imagine Donghae is that annoying and I hope you enjoyed <3

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Chapter 1: i really love whipped hyukjae,, :D and i love this!! not too fluffy stories are the best!!! :D
blazensaddles #2
Chapter 1: This is absolute fluff and put a smile on my face after I just read one of your other stories. This was so cute and yes, Donghae is worth it
EunHae9393 #3
Chapter 1: so cuteee so flufehh > <
ofc hyuk it'll be all worth it ;)
That was adorable! Good job :)
caramelswirls #5
Chapter 1: hehe this was super cute! :) thanks for this ^^
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 1: awww... so cute...
of course it worth it hyukkie..

Chapter 1: i ENJOYED IT A LOT KELLY, i laughed at smth yummy hahahahaha! *showers u with love*
Chapter 1: This is super cute. I loved it! :)