Star Like Words…

내가 왜 이럴까? (Why am I like This?)

After the filming of ep 2 Plan v diary, where they played the pulling radish game in which Leo almost kill Hyuk and also the hidden camera N planned to surprise Ken on his birthday, they finished their filming late into the night. So Vixx decided to stay at the vacation house as they don’t have any schedule the next day. Ravi as usual has already passed out on the couch and whatever Hongbin did to wake him up didn’t work so he gave up and just leave Ravi in the living room.Hyuk has already gone into one of the bedroom and sleep, while Ken was in the bathroom taking his shower.

N and Leo is cleaning the kitchen after they used it for their cooking match during the filming. N wipe the kitchen table while taking a peek at Leo who is washing the plates. N felt sad that during the filming earlier,when Leo was asked if he was friends with Vixx during elementary which member he would not play with, without any hesitation Leo chooses N because he’s annoying. N has been bum about it, since he already know that Leo doesn’t like him it still hurt when it came out from the person itself and in this case especially if the person is someone you love, so it hurts N twice as much.

N finished wiping he table and slowly make his way to Leo. He wash his hand next to Leo who is still seriously washing the pots and plate. “Taekwoon ah…” N not looking at Leo and pretended to focus on washing his hand. “hmm..?” Leo answered while placing the already clean plate in the cabinet. N dried his hand and turn around to face Leo, “did you really mean what you said earlier?” Leo stop what he was doing and turn to see N “about what?”. “well..earlier you said that you don’t want to play with me and that I’m annoying” N felt his heart beating fast in his chest waiting for Leo to answer him. “ are really annoying” N wanted to find a dark room and just cry his heart out after listening to Leo’s answer.

Leo continue and arrange the plates while N just stand quietly next to him. Leo take a look at N and says “but you were cute”. N cant believe what he’s hearing did Leo just said he’s cute. N cant help himself from smiling and turn on his aegyo skill “oh really?” he started making cute faces at Leo and Leo end up pulling N’s hat covering N’s face with it. Leo bent down near N’s ear and whisper “I said…you WERE cute when you were a baby.” N remembered that earlier during filming each of them showed their childhood photos.

After saying that, Leo leave the kitchen and went to the living room kicking Ravi to wake him up “oh..Taekwoon hyung…I…  I don’t have any strength….” Ravi half awake said, Leo let out a sigh and carried him into the bedroom. N who was left alone in the kitchen places his hand on his cheek who turn red on his dark skin, his heart beating so fast, Leo just whispered to him, his voice and breath was so close and N cant stop smiling. Then he straighten himself and make his way into the living room “hehehe Leo says I’m cute,it doesn’t matter if he says it was when I’m still a kid, he still said I’m cute”. Ken went out from the bathroom and was making his way to the room when N tackled him “wha..what!..what!..N hyung ..wae?” Ken asked in confusion but N just smile and slap Ken on his back “arghh! N hyung it hurt..what did I do?”.


Leo hasn’t been able to fall asleep, he knows that he’s tired but just the fact that he and N were the only one in the room kept bothering him. He turns toward N who was already fast asleep next to him. He look really stupid right now with his messy hair and drool on his mouth but for some reason Leo find N’s sleeping face to be cute. “I think I might have some loose screw somewhere” Leo heave a huge sigh but carefully he reached out his hand and caresses N’s cheek with his thumb.

Suppressing his desire is really a torture, the person that he have been longing for is right here infront of him but he can’t do anything about it. Afraid of jeopardizing their relationship, Leo is glad to be able to be beside N as friends and as a member of their group, but he did fantasize about kissing N and embracing him in his arm, hell he even wanted to make love to him. Leo traces his thumb on N’s lips careful not to wake N up.

“Hakyeon ah…do you know how much I desire you?, would it bother you if I tell you I love you? would you…would you love me back if I confess to you?” Leo whisper to N while still caressing his cheek. Leo kiss two of his fingers and place it softly on N’s lips while thinking to himself “it would be great if you could love me back”, N suddenly turns his body facing the other way and leaving Leo facing his back. Leo let out another sigh “ I must be stupid” and after saying that Leo pulled his blanket up covering himself under it and tried to sleep.

N placed both of his hand on his mouth suppressing his voice from coming out. Did he just heard Leo confessing to him? “Oh my god I cant believe this..Leo…uri Leo..said he..said he love me!” N cant believe what just happened. He actually woke up when he felt someone caressing his face, but he just pretended to continue sleeping when he heard Leo’s Voice talking to him and when he cleared his head from his sleep he finally heard clearly what Leo is talking about and after Leo gave him an indirect kiss through his fingers N cant keep up with the pretend anymore so he turn away from Leo.

All this time, all this ing time they both have the same feelings towards each other. How come he didn’t notice it, I mean come on Leo hardly talk what else showing his feelings. “aish..babo!..babo!..babo! Taekwoonie!!!” he  kept cursing Leo but he cant stop smiling. Well now that he knows already about their mutual feelings N is determined to make Leo says it to him. Well he know he should’ve been the one to say it but N wanted Leo to take the initiative to say it to him, he wanted to make that poker face Leo confess to him first. N went back to sleep with a smile on his face waiting for tomorrow to come so he can come up with a plan to make Leo confess to him. For now he wanted to bask in the knowledge of Leo’s true feelings towards him.

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Chapter 6: update please
changminri #2
Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeee
yazaki30 #3
Chapter 6: Please update this story.. :)
yazaki30 #4
Chapter 6: Please update this story.. :)
ELFcarolina15 #5
Chapter 6: More ppppllleeeaaasssee!!!!!'
Chapter 6: This make me laugh and squeal like a little girl so cute and can't my NEO FEELS! (O_O)
pinkyyeo #7
Chapter 6: Please update soon, its fun to read your story.
It interesting :)
BaNaNaMiLk_LeO #8
Chapter 5: sorry i think I accidentally paste chapter 5 twice and I just notice it now...but I fixed it already..
ssongjoker #9
Chapter 4: asdfghjkl that's all that I can say T^T
I can feel N's feeling during reading from the first chapter until the last... LAST?! OMG I want moaarrrr ;A;
I love their love-hate relationship in rl tbh kkk nice ff!