Does Love Exist?

Insufferable Love

  "Here" Su Yung said, handing a can of drink to Eli. Thanking her, Eli accepted the drink and looked at it. He haven't really tried this drink before. The brand was written on the can. It wrote 'Red Bull'. Slowly, opening the can, he could hear the clicking sounds of aluminium hitting aluminium. Experimentally, Eli took a tiny sip from the drink and was surprised to find the taste likable. Without taking any notice, Eli drained the whole can within a minute and when he finished he looked up at Su Yung expectantly. "You shouldn't have drunk that so fast." Su Yung said, rolling her eyes.

   "Why?" Eli asked innocently. 

   "It's a energy drink and if it's your first time drinking it then it might keep you up for nights." Su Yung told him. They were currently on break. Seung-chul gave them an hour for lunch and since Eli didn't know the area too well, Su Yung volunteered to bring him around. They had grilled beef for lunch and since they still had 15 minutes of time to kill they just decided to sit and chat. Absent mindedly, Su Yung pulled her scrap book. She loves drawing and always dreamed to become a popular artist. However, to be a popular artist, one at least needed to graduate from a good college overseas. That was one critical thing Su Yung could never achieve. She barely manage to keep herself alive with her income and the thought of studying abroad was merely impossible.

 "Do you love to draw?" Eli suddenly asked. Caught by surprise, Su Yung nod. Eli smiled gently at her and held out his hand for the book. Su Yung looked at him and blinked a few time in confusion. "May i see?" Eli asked with a sweet voice. It was almost hard to resist his request and Su Yung was tempted to give him the book but something held her back. Quickly, Su Yung pull her hand back and quickly inserted her book into the bag. She didn't want anyone the see her drawings, to her, her drawings were way too ugly for anyone to see.

 Thinking that she ended the conversation, Su Yung slowly let her guard down and just then, Eli pointed to something behind her and said "What's that?". Curious, Su Yung turned her head and only noticed too late that Eli had already pull her book out from her bag. Su Yung's action were too slow and before she could do anything, Eli was already flipping through her book, smiling widely at the same time. When Su Yung recovered, she snatch her book back and inserted it into her bag with a huff. 

   "It's beautiful." Eli commented with a smile. Su Yung pulled a face. She didn't believe him. 

   "Don't lie, I know it was horrible." Su Yung said while looking away. Eli laughed softly and messed up her hair. 

   "It was really beautiful. You should have someone take a look at it. By the way, we should get back to the shop or Seung-chul-ssi would start nagging." Eli said and got up. Su Yung didn't respond, instead, she sat there for some time thinking about what Eli had said. Nobody had ever told her that her drawings were nice, all she always got was bad comments about it. It surprised Su Yung that Eli actually praised her drawing skill. Only noticing that Su Yung wasn't following behind, Eli waved at her and told her to come. 


   Seung-chul closed up the shop for the day. Today, the shop was just as busy as usual with customers filling in during meal time. Eli enjoyed working, it made him feel useful. Back to the present, Seung-chul thanked Su Yung and Eli before taking off in his motorbike. Left alone, Eli tried to strike up a conversation.

   " you live around here?" Eli asked akwardly as he shifted his feet. Su Yung nodded and swung her bag onto her shoulder before walking off, leaving Eli behind. Eli quickly catched up to her. "Do you want me to take you home? It's dangerous out here. Especially if you're alone." Eli offered. 

   "I'm fine. Thanks for offering though." Su Yung said. Eli felt a little dissapointed. It was always good manners to walk a girl home but Su Yung totally rejeected his offer. Instead, Eli continued walking behind Su Yung for a while until she turned around. She looked annoyed. "Are you stalking me?" Su Yung asked as she eyed him suspiciously. Eli denied it quickly.

  "No, of course not!My house is down the street so i need to use this road too." Eli explained quickly. She didn't want Su Yung to get the wrong idea about him. After all, he isn't a stalker. It took 10 minutes to walk back home and Eli was surprised that Su Yung was using the same road as he is. When Eli reached the junction, he bid Su Yung good bye and left. Halfway into his house, Eli remembered that he forgot to return the money Su Yung paid for his drink this afternoon. Quickly, he ran after Su Yung.

   Just before he reached the junction, Eli heard talking voices. Eli slowly leaned forward to listen but keeping enough distance so they don't notice him.

 "Hello, little girl. What are you doing alone here?" A really really creepy voice asked. 

 "You know it's dangerous to walk alone in the dark right?" Another voice said. Eli bit his lips worriedly, hoping by hope that the victim wasn't Su Yung. But, unfortunately, Eli heard Su Yung's voice. 

 "G-Get away from me!" Su Yung shouted. She tried to sound brave but her voice quaver a little. Peeping around, Eli saw two man standing over Su Yung, cornering her. Both man had a bottle in his hand that most likely contained alcohol. They were drunksters. Just when the man closest to Su Yung hold up his hand to grab Su Yung, Eli grip his wrist. The man turn to see Eli and cursed something Eli couldn't hear properly. 

 "Leave her alone." Eli said, his voice steady yet threatening at the same time. The other guy tried to hit Eli but Eli was too quick for him. He dodged the man's punch and kicked him hard in the stomach. Using his hand, Eli twisted the other man's wrist until he yelped. His eyes blazing with anger, both men started backing away and in the end, ran away. Concerned, Eli quickly crouched down beside Su Yung who fell. "Are you alright?" Eli asked, his voice soft. 

 Su Yung didn't answer, instead, she had tears in her eyes. Silently, Eli pulled her into his embrace, comforting her. "You're going to be fine." Eli told her gently as he her hair reaasuringly. Her body close to Eli's, Su Yung could hear his heartbeat loud and clear and she felt safe for the first time in 4 years. Since her brother died 4 years ago, Su Yung had never felt secured. She always felt edgy but now, her heart seem to have relaxed. As if a huge burden was lifted and without knowing, Su Yung's heat increase a pace, beating nervously. Su Yung didn't understand why her heart was like that all of a sudden but she let it slide. Still sobbing a little, she hugged Eli a little tighter which Eli didn't mind.


[A/N] How is my 2nd chapter? ^^ I hope it's okay~I'm trying to slowly build up the story line. Please continue to support me =) Chapter 3 will be updated in a few days~

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Chapter 7: nice story..please make a sequel~^^
Kyradam #2
Chapter 7: Gahhhh~T.T i feel like its real. God. Good job chingu! ^^
Kyradam #3
Chapter 6: NOOOOOOO~OMG~
Bashooora200 #4
Chapter 5: It's hard time for Eli, it's so painful. And the way she knew the truth was terrible.
I cried when Eli walked without destination and thinking about what his father said ~T_T~
Hope he have more luck to explain to her.

Your description for the situation when she's hear Eli talking to Seung-chul was so perfect!! Really i could imagine what happen and know the feeling.
I can't wait to read chapter6.
Good luck ~♡
Kyradam #5
Chapter 4: Omg!! She knows!? Omgomgomgomg~can't wait!!! xD
Bashooora200 #6
Chapter 1: It's really wonderful beginning!!. I like your way of describing feeling. Keep it up ~♡
And don't worry it's not boring. i enjoy my time reading it. ∩__∩
I'm Bashooora Fay from googl+
Kyradam #7
Chapter 1: Awesome. I cant believe that you wrote something different about Eli and i like it. Good job. Im Kyra Adam from google+ so, KEEP UPDATING, i want to read more. Awesome beautiful starting btw. :))