Personal Message

16 DEC 2016

Hello to whoever is reading this, i have unfortunately already announce my departure from the kpop fandom and is retiring from writing any fanfics. However, i am still writing for personal entertainment which means i am not going to upload any of my works in the future whether if it is on AFF or other websites until i decide otherwise.


My account will still be available for all to view my past works which i admit includes those that are clumsily written, decently written or just badly written in general. I enjoyed my stay here in AFF as i've met with countless friends who gave me virtual support (here's a virtual hug in response XD) and some commenters who have help me improve my writing skills. Becoming a famed author and a skillful pianist still remains my life-long dream. Although i excel at neither both. I have learned a lot here and i still wish to improve myself in the future. So thank you for helping me brush up on my skills, it really helped me a lot. 


My ultimate goal when i first started on AFF was to give all the kpop fans the best possible experience with their favourite artist through my stories and despite what others say, i still strongly believe i did not fully make it come true. And for that, i am sorry if my stories were not up to expectations.


Thank you for giving me the chance to write, for giving me a chance to share my ideas. I am truly grateful.


I would like to remind everyone to always be yourself and believe in yourself. You can achieve anything as long as you work towards it. Don't ever listen to what people say about you because they are wrong. Just trust yourself to make the right decisions in life. *PEACE OUT*

About Me

Self-proclaimed fan fic writer. (Retired)

Mediocre Pianist.

Decent squash player.

College Student (as of 2016).

Writing has been a very big part of myself and so i write to not only help release my own stress but also to share my stories with the world in hopes that it brings joy to the world as it does to me.  

To everyone out there,

Just smile :)