
My Heart Has Fallen For You

The next next update is going to be horrid. XD


The time marked at 6 sharp and is telling me to wake up.

I am exhausted because of our walk last night.

I wobbled on my way to the living room and looked around for my brother. He is nowhere to be found. Not even in his room. He must have been working all day long after the call. Hmm.

This is equivalent to walking to college all by myself.

I managed to toast some bread for my lunch and then quickly went to shower.


It feels so lonely without Kyu Oppa around. He would always listen to my storry whenever he drives me to college every morning.

Sigh. I will have to walk to school which is 10 minutes away from home.


When I was out locking the main door, my heart pounded when I saw a familiar figure next to the door.

"Why are you here, you make me startled!", i scowled.

"Who cares. Your bro texted me to keep you company and walk you to college K", Sehun's answered precipitously.

His face looks so lazy. He walked in front of my and I was behind him.

He pressed the lift's button and as soon as the door opened, we got in.




"Ting!", the door opened again and we walked out.

The whole journey was quiet.

Until he decided to speak up first.

"I think you are poor. Aren't you, monkey?"


"Yeah, my dad is your brother's boss. Your brother keep asking for money this lately. Don't you have a parent? Although he saved me once, he could not just asked my dad for a million"

"What are you talking about?", I asked, demanding for an answer.

"Nevermind", he replied and smirked.

My heart was boiling up. I could feel my whole body is heated. I was losing my temper.

So, I brave myself to slap him.

And I did.

I dashed into the crowd in front and left him dumbfounded.


I did not know what I should talk to her because I hate being awkward.

So I tried to make a small conversation.

Was it too harsh?

I did not think it was until she dared to slap me in the face. In front of dozens of people.

I lost my temper and turned around to face her. Her face was boiling red. I am satistisfied seeing her like that.

And after that, she disappeared into the crowd.

Nevermind her. This is not the end.

I continue to walk and arrived at college about few minutes later.

Chemistry class is in the first period, this means that I will have to face that monkey.

In class, I saw her. I know she was watching, so I smirked all the way to my seat.



I ran away from Sehun. He is really off the limit. I could not stay patience so I slapped him hard and left right away.

I'd rather walk alone to college than listening to his bad mouth all the way. I do not want to enter Chemistry class. I do not want to see him. But what was he saying? A million.. What happened to Kyu Oppa..

I snapped back into reality when Eunjung greeted me from afar.

"Suzy! Good morning. What's with the long face eh?", she asked while scrutinizing my face.

"Nothing", I faked a smile.

"Ahh, it does not look like nothing", she replied back.

"I am okay, I will get going now ne", I pat her back before going to the first period's class, Chemistry.


I came early to class. 30 minutes more for the class to start. I was waiting for Luhan to show up but my bad, Sehun got in first. I could see him smirking at the corner of my eyes.

I tried to avoid his gaze. I know he is going to do something even worst after that incident.

I did not want to see his face so I tried to do something else. I slid my hand into my bag to take out my pencil case when I felt something glassy. A keychain from my mother. A handmade keychain with my name and mom's carved on it. I stared at the keychain for quite a long time. It is very meaningful to me because mom told me not to lose it. I almost cried thinking about my mom and dad and Oppa and Sehun who treated me like a rubbish. I want to go back home.

Suddenly, Sehun took it away from me and teased me.

"Nice keychain, Monkey. What if we play throw and catch?:)", he said playfully, but in a bad manner.

"No, No please give it back. I am sorry I slapped you.But please. Give it back to me", I beseeched to him.

"That it what I want to hear. Good. Now, catch it", he threw it away out of the window. From our class. Which is located on the second floor. I could hear the sound of scattered glass after that.

I was shocked. He threw mom's keychain. Mom did it with difficulty and he just threw it away.

I glared at him and my eyes get teary. I ran out to find the keychain.

He added, "Goodluck finding it" before I completely ran out of the room.

My heart is hurting so much that I could feel it dying.

I can not bottle it up anymore.

This is just too much.










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