
"Do you believe in miracles, Miss Yoojung?" the old driver broke the silence.

"No," Yoojung replied immediately.

That's, of course, the most logical answer, coming from a blind girl. Yoojung is any ordinary girl, just that she lost her sight ever since birth. Always wanting to get her sight back, she asked her parents to find ways and try to do so for her. Because not seeing anything is tough and painful. Black, everything, your life is black. No one wants it.

Neither does Yoojung.

Yoojung is what a man wants. Pretty, slim, tall, matured. However it's her sight which caused herself to be ridiculed by other people. No one at first knew that she was blind, the first time they see her. But when she breaks that to the person, he or she will be stunned for a moment, then always the same reply from everyone, "I'm sorry to hear that."

To be honest, she is sick and tired of hearing these kind of comments. Does anyone actually feel sorry for her? No, because after they knew that she was blind, they won't go and find her automatically anymore. She would not hear anything from anyone. No news, no invitations, nothing for her. She made a line, separating herself and the real world. Because no one wants her, or to be friends with her.

This has been going on for the years that she has actually lived. And she's getting tired of it.

"Miss Yoojung, you should be more optimistic, eh?" the old driver softly replied.

"It's no use doing so, Mr Yoon. Everyone is the same," Yoojung said.

He sighed. Mr Yoon knows Yoojung ever since she was born and she was definitely like a daughter to him. He loves her so much but the fact that Yoojung always feels so depressed aches him every single time.

"Miss Yoojung, we're here," the door of the car that she was in opened with a click and she bowed to Mr Yoon, "Thank you." And she got off the car.

The butler bowed as Yoojung carried her bagpack and walked straight towards the house with no sense of direction. Well, because she's blind. No one followed behind her, no sounds were made except for her footsteps, it was eerily quiet for a big house.

She tried to touch something close to her, but all she felt was air. Her eyes widened and she panicked immediately, "Hello? Is anyone there?" 

All she got for a reply was silence. 

Yoojung grimaced as she slowly took small baby steps forward, towards the house. She leaned towards her right and felt a brick wall, welcoming her hands on a solid surface. She immediately smiled a little, heaving a sigh of relief. At least she knew she wasn't in the middle of nowhere.

Slowly, as she continued walking on, the sounds of a piano playing could be heard faintly. Yoojung thought to herself, "The practice room. So I'm on the right track. Just continue walking forward... Into the house..." She continued walking on and the brick wall didn't leave her palm, not even once. Like her strong support.

But who is that, playing the piano so beautifully?

For almost 10 years, she took piano lessons from her instructor, Mr Kang and as far as she knows, Mr Kang does not accept students easily. Only if there is something wrong with his student. And whenever Yoojung goes to Mr Kang's house for his lessons, she would stay there for a little longer before going home as Mr Kang is good friends with her parents. Her parents always wanted her to stay there a little while longer before heading home, as an act of courtesy, as explained by her parents.

Whenever she stayed in the house, there won't be anyone playing the piano, maybe except for Mr Kang and herself. But this person playing the piano isn't Mr Kang for sure as Yoojung knows that he only plays the piano at night, by himself.

Unless... that person... is Mr Kang's new student?

And from the inside of the room, a melodious song was played, the keys pressed down softly but surely. Everyone who hears it will definitely be attracted by it. But the people inside the room didn't.

Xiumin, the one playing the piano, was not captivated by his own playing, but the girl who was outside of the room, walking serenely pass that room. It's not that he didn't see a girl before, of course he did, but that girl, she seems so... special to him? Her beauty was not the ordinary and the number of girls who caught Xiumin's attention are just less then 5. That's how high his standard is. 

Yet, that mysterious girl outside the room caught his eyes successfully just by walking past that window. "I wonder who she is..." he thought to himself as he inched his head outwards to get a better view of her face. But a loud smack landed on the piano and Xiumin flinched.

"Concentrate on your piano. What's there to look outside?!" Mr Kang screamed at Xiumin. Xiumin nodded his head and continued playing the piano as according to Mr Kang. Damn, no one should mess with him.

- - - - -


Yoojung jumped a little when she heard that sound. That ever so familiar sound of the cane hitting the piano top. Mr Kang always did that to her, and it isn't nice to be heard. 

"Your tea is here, Miss Yoojung," the maid said as she placed a china cup in her hand. Yoojung bowed a little and smiled. That maid is so nice to her. She knows how hot her tea should be so that it won't scald her hand when she touches it, what desserts she like to eat and so on. 

Yoojung sipped on her tea slowly but quietly. Jasmine tea, at her favourite temperature. At its finest. That aromatic scent is soothing for her.

"Miss Yoojung, Mr Kang is ready. Please go into the room," the butler suddenly boomed. Yoojung jumped again and her tea spilled onto her coat. And she knows it herself too. "Aish, what to do..." she removed her coat and suddenly someone gently took it away from her. "I will wash it, Miss. You can go on for your lessons." 

That maid again. How nice of her.

Yoojung bowed and made her way slowly towards the room. She passed by the hallway and walked towards the ever-so familiar piano room which she practiced in for 10 years.

But little did she know, someone was walking towards her way too. With his piano scoresheets under his arms, Xiumin popped his medicine into his mouth and stared at Yoojung while she just looked straight and walked into the room.

"It's her... Is she blind? Who is she? Why didn't she even turn to look at me when I stared at her so obviously?" Xiumin thought as he stared at the door which closed slowly after her.

"I will find out who she is..."



= = = = = = = = = =

Chapter 1 is out, I decided to make it into around 2 to 3 chapters haha! Hope you guys like it so far! Sorry for my crappy writing, and I promise that I will make the story more interesting in the next few chapters!

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Chapter 1: Please update.. T_T
Chapter 1: Oooh~~! Yay~~! I KNEW someone would make a fanfic out of that m/v. It had a very good storyline with lots of potential. Thanks for this, update when you can :)
Xara23xoxo #3
Chapter 1: This story is getting more interesting .
Please update soon :3