I Hear Your Voice


(this is not based off the kdrama)



Kibum is a mute.

He can’t communicate through his voice.

but he communicates through the one thing he loves.

A piano.

Each note speaking Kibum’s thoughts.

Each melody representing Kibum’s emotions.

But no one understands him.

No one even notices him.

That is until one day when someone happened

to wonder his way into the music room.



Author's Note:

this is my first chaptered fanfic. and also this is my first fanfic EVER.

so please forgive me if this . ;n; 


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sayahyuga #1
Chapter 2: Cuuuttteee!!!
Ryanna #2
Chapter 2: I will leave you a comment today since you managed to keep me wanting the third chapter badly, no more silent reader , well well done ^^
I loved your story , and normally as a picky very very picky reader you manged to make me want to read more , thanks
The way you tell this story is rather catchy , lines flows really smoothly and the characters seems to be more lively than just reading lines and trying to imagine the interactions, well done on that too.
I hope your third chapter brings more of this story .