I Will Never Give Up

I Will Never Give Up On You

Lee Hyukjae used to be a home buddy. He would rather stay at home and watch dvds at night than brave the clubs and dance til he's all worn out. But recently, Donghae noticed that he's been going home not earlier than 4am. This upsets donghae.. No, this worries him. He's tried talking to Hyukjae several times already but all those times Hyukjae just shunned him. Donghae knew something was wrong and he wanted to help but how is he going to do that when Hyukjae doesn't seem to want help at all.


It was Saturday and they were just supposed to stay at the dorm and watch TV but before Donghae reached home, Hyukjae sent him a message in Kakao telling him not to wait because he made other plans. This made Donghae really unhappy. Instead of going home, he turned to the other street and sped off. He didn't know where he was going but he knew he didn't want to go home-- and be alone and miserable. He drove. He kept thinking of reasons why Hyukjae could be acting like that. It even came to a point where he was blaming himself. "Was it my fault?" "Did I not pay attention?" "Did he get tired of me?" "Am I not good enough?" "Has he found another man?" These thoughts swarmed through his head like parasitic worms ready to devour his brain. He stopped along a curb in the desolate highway. He cried and cried for hours listening to the saddest songs on the radio. And when he reached the point where tears wouldn't flow anymore, he turned the engine on and decided to head home.


Hyukjae was on his way home too. He just spent another three hours dancing in a club, grinding with people he doesn't even know. He didn't know why he was doing that too. It doesn't seem like himself. All he knows is that he's tired and lost and frustrated.. and dancing is the only release. When he dances, he feels free. He forgets about all his worries. All the chains and shackles that has been binding him is off for a few hours. He can let loose and be around faces he can't recognize. People who doesn't care, people who doesn't give a , people who can't judge him. He is scared. He is afraid to make mistakes. He is tired. He feels like he's carrying the world in his shoulders. But he can't tell anyone how he really feels. He has to put on this brave face and pretend that he candle everything by himself. He doesn't want others to worry about him. But the truth is he can't do things alone and he needs help.


Donghae arrived to find an empty dorm. Hyukjae hasn't come home from clubbing. He checked his watch and sighed. He sat in the living room and waited patiently. Donghae has decided to confront Hyukjae. They needed to talk. This has to stop before the distance between them grows wider to the point where he can't reach Hyukjae anymore. He has to save him. He waited for a few minutes which to him felt like hours. He almost chickened out but then he heard the sound of keys. He straightened up in his seat.


Hyukjae reached for the keys in his pocket and opened the door to find a dim light still glowing in the living room. He entered the dorm slowly and reached the living room. Donghae was there and he knew he was waiting for him. He met Donghae's eyes and felt a warm surging feeling go through his veins. For a second, he wanted to run to him and hug him and just cry. But he snapped back to his senses and went straight for his room. Donghae was fast enough to block his way and he reached for Hyukjae's hand. Hyukjae tried to let go of Donghae's grasp but he was too strong. Donghae loosened his grip a little and began to talk softly. He asked Hyukjae what the problem was. He said he wanted to help. He wanted to understand. He pleaded for him to talk but Hyukjae wasn't ready. He wasn't ready to let Donghae know about his fears. He doesn't want to show that he is weak. He is afraid that Donghae would look at him differently if he knew about his secrets.


Fighting his tears, he removed Donghae's hand with every energy left in his body. Coldly, he told Donghae that he's tired and that he isn't in the mood to talk to him so he should just leave him alone. Donghae seemed taken aback by the harsh words. Hyukjae could see the pain in his eyes, pain that he caused. He wanted to hug him and apologize. He reached forward. But instead of reaching for Donghae, he reached for the door to his room and locked himself inside. He cried and cried. He could still feel Donghae outside his door, waiting. He felt miserable. He wanted to be honest with him. He wanted to tell him everything- but he just can't. He doesn't have the courage. He is a coward after all.


Donghae stared at the door to Hyukjae's room He was shocked to hear such hurtful words from Hyukjae. Tears fell from his eyes as those words reverberate inside his brain. How could this warm, carefree and loving man turn to such a cold hearted being. He knocked softly on the door and spoke:


"Hyukjae, I know you're listening. I know you're scared.. You're afraid. But you don't have to pretend to be strong. Let me help you. Let me hold you. You don't have fight through life alone. I am here for you. I will never change and I will always accept you no matter what. I love you Hyukjae.. I will never give up on you."


With those words, Donghae turned around and left.

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Chapter 1: It is completed? Already?
Its good, but i dunno, feels like things r not finished yet.......or u made it like that on purpose?
But well nic fic^^