unconscious - 3rdpov affrp 〉open & hiring




Idols aren't perfect human beings. After practicing hard, recording and being on the stage, as they get their rest, just like us, they all want to relieve their stress. and therefore, a club for these pretty people has been opened. the only ones allowed in the club are idols, and as they take their first steps into the club, they all become unconscious about who they are. somewhere under the ground of seoul, our 'seem-to-be perfect' idols are having fun, drinking till they all lost their minds, getting higher than ever. the club is opened 24/7, with the best services for our idols. and you, my friend, you must be tired too, aren't you? don't worry about your manager, don't worry getting caught by your fans, you can go wild here and no one would know. it's just an old, abandoned house on top, who knows what's underneath. welcome here, to the unconscious club.


nov 06 — OFFICIAlly opened.  unconscious - a semi-au 3rdpov aff roleplay. proceed to the next chapter for other things.


Rules & How To











Total Members: --
Newest Member: --
Status: Open!




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missnana_ #1
Chapter 1: - name : im nana
- group : after school
- age: 22
- job : pole dancer
- writing style : para / semi
- story :

- Nana lost her mind that night, high and confused.
All she wanted to do was till morning, but she asked herself how. Somehow, her luck leaded her into a new door in her life, the place that she describes as heaven, she joined in as a pole dancer, winked at every man and women, had a couple drinks and ended her first night in heaven with some little dirty .

- time zone : utc - 5
- Katy perry "e.t" .

/ I'll be an admin if you like.
hyuna here.
Chapter 1: name : Park Chorong
group : Apink
age : 22
job : DJ
writing style : Para - Semi

How did she/he find this club :
Jobs were limited, especially downtown, where the youth cheered outrageously and binged extravagantly on mixed cocktails and a night out with dancing beauties. At the fruitful age of twenty three, Chorong grumbled miserably in the sheer cold of November. The night out, the lonely night out did her no justice, she was out to find some sort of job that would support her independent life and even if it meant she had to take the nights, she'd do it, so long as her mornings and noons were spent sleeping in.

She only heard the sounds of music coming from her stereo headphones, otherwise she was surrounded by her bubble of silence which was encased in its own community of people like her or unlike her, their conversations only a blur. Occasionally there'd be a soft murmur where others would seem to recognize the said female, she paid no heed however - her ears drowned out the sound, her eyes weren't quite focused on the attention. Her hazel eyes were focused down on the cement sidewalk where there lay dozens of business cards or the same place. Instinctively she crouched down and picked one up studying it thoroughly, glancing up at the building beside the mess of cards. There was a poster, one that was hard to miss and of course it was hiring.

"Seems like this place may need a bit of help.." She muses, swiftly putting the card into her coat pocket as she went inside the dimly lot interior of the club. Her eyes were greeted by the flashing strobe lights - but she wasn't here for fun. She subtle smirk crept over her lips as she glanced over to one of the bouncers,"Take me to the club manager please, I'd like to fill in the empty DJ spot."

tz : gmt-5
pw: let it be by the beatles
Epicaricacy #4
Chapter 1: + Name: Tiffany Hwang
+ Group: SNSD
+ Age: 24
+ Job: waitress
+ Writing Style: mirror, semi-para
+ History: "Don't wait up." Tiffany printed of a smile as she waved to her manager as she stepped out of the van. A few days has passed since she last came across the club. It was a time when she was physically, mentally and emotionally drained with all the drama and training she encountered during live performances and practices. Thankfully, she had stumbled upon the club unknowingly one night at a time when she was drained to the core. Her heels echoed at the lobby, which appeared to be normal, she was greeted by a few people which made her smile in return. As she pressed the button for the elevator, a slight smirk crept unto her lips, being reminded that this place was not what it seemed to be.
+ Time Zone: gmt + 3
+ When you wake me up by Ed Sheeran.

I would like to offer my help as an admin, yeah?
hello. luhan's here.
- profile will be edited later \o/
oh and the timezome is : gmt +8
password : ariana grande - you'll never know
Chapter 3: idol name : kim hyuna
group : 4minute
age : 22
job : pole dancer
writing style : semi para & para. sometime mirror.
how they found out about the club :
As Hyuna skimmed the unfamiliar concrete floor, she paced herself with slurred steps. She was sober yet her mind was out of it. Stress and thoughts were raking her brain. She needed a job and at this point she would take anything. Anything to cure her thirst for money. Yet she wanted something fun and attention grabbing. Hyuna was always considered 'y' - at least in her mind she was. Walking on the heels of her feet, a flyer flew on her chest along with the gush of the wind. "Hm?" She groaned, grasping it to read. 'Hiring immediately!' As she further read on, she gained more and more interest. And in two weeks she was already employed. As a pole dancer.
Chapter 1: - idol name: lu han
- group: exo-m.
- age: 23
- job: dj.
- writing style: semi-para, varies tbh. orz
- how they found out about the club:

"A surprise birthday party at a... at a club? What the ," Luhan mutters to himself.

He totally needed to meet some new friends.

"Having fun?" asks a friend, as they dance past him.

Luhan stifles a yawn. From the moment he stepped foot into the club, he knew it was going to be terrible. And it had been. He knew he had a baby face, and even though he ID wasn't even fake the bouncer had eyed him for so long that Luhan was sure he was going to be humiliated right there and then on his 19th birthday. Countless of drinks had almost been spilled on him and the lights were too bright. Yeah, whatever - the most important thing was that the music was goddamn .

- timezone: gmt+10
- password: stan // eminem