Attached to your heart

Lean on me (Sequel to 'Walk Next to Me')

You are beautiful because ………………………… you do not hold grudges towards others even when they wronged you.


“Hey! Wait up!” Hyukjae yelled as he tried to catch up with Henry who was walking too fast.

Henry stopped walking, turned his back to face the breathless Hyukjae. “Sorry hyung.”

“What was that all about?” Hyukjae asked, still trying to catch his breath.

“Hyung, I told you before. This is why manager hyung would not let me go out by myself. The fans here, they hate me. This is not unusual.”

Hyukjae shot Henry an apologetic look. ‘That was the truth? I thought he was exaggerating.’

Henry sighed. “Anyway, thanks for accompanying me tonight. I really appreciate it.” He was trying to change the subject because Hyukjae was still staring at him waiting for more explanation.

“No. They were REALLY rude. If I were you, I would have told them off!”

Henry chuckled weakly, “No you won’t. You are too nice a person to do that. This is the best thing to do, walk away. There is no point saying much because their minds are made up.”

“I am sorry to hear that. Those people are wrong. You are an incredibly talented and sweet person, I don’t understand why anyone would hate you.”

Hyukjae stepped closer to Henry and placed an arm around him. “I will be here for you, to protect you. Don’t worry; we will prove these people wrong one day. It must be really hard for you all these while.”

Those words. That was all it took for Henry to shed tears. Hyukjae’s words touched him so much that he did not realize that a tear was slowly raining down his cheeks. It was not tears of sadness, neither was it tears of anger. It was tears of gratitude for someone who touches his heart. Plus it came from someone who was new in his life, but somehow this person has managed to win his trust and his respect as well.

Startled by the sudden tears from Henry, Hyukjae quickly wiped it off with his sleeve. Henry bowed in embarrassment.

“Sorry you have to keep seeing me cry.” He muttered.

“Its ok, I will be here to keep wiping them off for you.” Hyukjae said and patted Henry’s head. For such a young boy, he was amazed by the strength that Henry has shown so far.

“Thank you, you are such a precious hyung to me.”


Donghae slammed himself down lazily onto the couch. He reached home and hour ago and has since showered, cleaned up the apartment slightly and even neatly placed all the food on the table. His tummy was growling since he left school but no matter how hungry he was, he was determined to wait for Hyukjae to arrive so that they can have dinner together.

‘Where is he?’ Donghae sighed as he glanced at the clock. It is already 9 pm and Donghae was pretty sure that Hyukjae had texted him that practice was ending at 7 pm. What could be taking him so long?

He picked up his phone and tried to call Hyukjae but could not reach him. Perhaps Hyukjae’s phone was flat, as usual. If Hyukjae knew that Donghae has been trying to reach him, he was sure to call back.

Donghae took the remote and switched on the television as he continued to lounge lazily on the sofa.

‘Hopefully some good shows are on tv and can distract me from this hunger until Hyukkie arrives!’

Knock knock knock.

Donghae jerked up from the sofa. ‘What was that?’

Knock knock knock.

Donghae rubbed his eyes. His vision was blurry. ‘Have I been asleep? Who is knocking on my door so loudly?’

He rubbed his eyes again and glanced at the clock on the wall. It is 10 pm!

“Donghae ah! Its me!” a familiar voice yelled from outside the apartment.

“Hyukkie? Hyukkie!” Donghae quickly stood up and ran to the door. He opened the door only to find a smiling Hyukjae at the door flashing his most adorable gummy smile.

“Hyukkie! You are finally here!” Donghae exclaimed as he hugged Hyukjae tightly. He lifted Hyukjae off the ground and turned around to carry him into the apartment.

“Yah! You miss me?!” Hyukjae cheekily asked.

“Of course! And I am starving too! Let’s eat!” Donghae exclaimed as he pulled Hyukjae by the wrist into the small kitchen.

“Wait, I will heat up the food again.”

Hyukjae starred at the dining table. It was full of food! How on earth can two people finish everything?

“Fishy, you have not had your dinner?” Hyukjae asked. It was already 10 pm and this meal is not dinner, it should be called supper.

Donghae nodded, “I wanted to eat with you since you said you were coming.”

Hyukjae frowned guiltily. He was hungry too after a whole day of dance practice but Henry suggested dropping by one of the street stalls to grab something to eat before looking for his mum’s birthday present.

“Sorry fishy, you must be starving like mad. I had no idea.” He really did felt bad making Donghae wait so long for his arrival.

Donghae placed the food back on the table after heating them up. He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of strawberry milk and placed it right in front of Hyukjae who was already seated.

“No worries, you had to work right? Its not your fault. Here, I bought this strawberry milk just for you.” Donghae said as he sat himself down across Hyukjae.

‘Gosh, I almost forgot that I did not tell him I was out with Henry.’ Hyukjae thought. All of Donghae’s sweet gestures were making him guiltier that he already felt.

“Erm…that’s right. “ Hyukjae muttered. ‘Should I tell him the truth? Will he get mad?’

“Eat up! You must be so tired and hungry after a whole day of dance!” Donghae smiled happily. He was so happy that Hyukjae finally turned up after waiting for him for hours.

“Donghae ah, actually practice ended at 7 pm but Henry needed some help so I went with him. Sorry I should have texted you but my phone went flat again.”

Donghae stopped chewing his food suddenly and looked at Hyukjae with his puppy eyes. “Henry?”

“Yup, I told you before remember? The kid who was alone here in Korea? He is the artiste.”

“Oh! I remember! What kind of help does he need?”

“Oh, long story short, he was looking for a gift for his mum and his manager did not allow him to go out alone so he asked if I could accompany him. That’s all.” Hyukjae explained. Donghae resumed eating. At the rate that he was gobbling up all his food, he must have been really hungry.

“Ok! Is he handsome?” Donghae asked out of the blue.

“He is pretty good looking I guess.” Hyukjae answered.

“More good looking than me?” Donghae asked again.

Hyukjae chuckled. Donghae was obviously jealous. “Definitely not! You are the most handsome man in the world!” Hyukjae exclaimed.

“Really? Is he the second most handsome man in the world then?”

“Nope. I am the second most handsome man in the world.” Hyukjae said proudly.

Donghae laughed. “Ah, so we make a good looking couple then!”

“Yes!” Hyukjae agreed.


“Thank you dear for cleaning up.” Donghae yelled from the living room. He was sitting on the sofa cross legged. He remembered being exhausted and falling asleep but as soon as he saw Hyukjae’s face, he was magically energized and instantly he was in a good mood.

Is this the power of love?

“Its ok baby. I feel bad for making you wait. Next time if you are hungry, please eat something first. I wouldn’t want you to have gastric attack. I will be so worried.” Hyukjae said as he strolled into the living room wiping his wet hands onto his jeans.

“Ok, but I really wanted to eat with you.” Donghae whined.

“Aish. Stubborn fish.” Hyukjae grumbled as he sat himself down onto the sofa next to Donghae. As soon as he sat down, Donghae moved himself closer to Hyukjae and rested his head onto Hyukjae’s right shoulders.

“Fish I really don’t want you to get to close to Siwon ok.” Hyukjae’s tone was serious.


“Because he is……………. clingy! If he likes you, he would stick himself to you wherever you go!”

Donghae chuckled. “Stop being paranoid. I am sure not. Plus, I am pretty sure Siwon is straight.”

“I was straight too…..” Hyukjae mumbled.

“What are you saying? Are you saying that he can turn himself gay because of me?” Donghae lifted his head up to face Hyukjae.

‘That puppy eyes is so hard to resist.’ Hyukjae thought Donghae’s face was distracting him from thinking straight.

“Hmm…..yes? You are too cute that’s why!” Hyukjae exclaimed.

“I don’t know whether that is a compliment or an insult.” Donghae uttered as he moved away from Hyukjae and sat up straight. His eyes were fixed onto the television.

“Baby? It’s a compliment of course! I really worry that someone will steal you away from me, especially that Siwon.”

Donghae remained silent.

“Are you mad?” Hyukjae whispered. Donghae did look mad and the last thing he wants to see is his Donghae getting angry over trivial matters like this.

“Yes! You should at least trust me. Trust me that I only have eyes for you. So it does not even matter who likes me or who falls in love with me!” Donghae raised his voiced and crossed his arms across his chest.

‘Gosh. He looks cute even when he is angry.’

“Ok ok, I trust you. I just don’t trust the others. Ok I promise I will not get jealous.” Hyukjae tried to pacify his sulking boyfriend.

“Its not fair you know. You keep hanging out with Henry but I don’t get jealous at all because I trust you.” Donghae was still sulking. His pouting was irresistibly cute, it was quite enjoyable seeing him all worked up.

Hyukjae chuckled. This fish was really too cute, “Sure. Ok, I will do anything to make you happy baby. Now stop pouting!”

“Anything?” Donghae asked. ‘That puppy eyes again.’

“Anything for my fish.” Hyukjae smiled.

“Good.” Donghae stood up abruptly and walked over to the room leaving Hyukjae speechless. ‘Where is Donghae going?’ ‘Hyukjae wondered.

After a minute had passed, Donghae walked out of his bedroom. He sat himself next to Hyukjae and handed him a small box.

“This is for you. I have been wanting to give this to you but I could not find the right time.” Donghae explained.

Hyukjae took the box from Donghae with a questioning look. “What is this?”

“Open it.”

Hyukjae slowly opened it and inside it, stood two identical rings. He looked at Donghae, still unsure of what Donghae meant by giving him this pair of silver rings. He carefully took out one of the rings and examined it closely. On the inner side of the ring, the word ‘eunhae’ was nicely engraved.

Hyukjae widened his eyes. He wanted to speak but he was too surpirsed. Donghae smiled sweetly, took the ring from Hyukjae’s hands and slid it onto Hyukjae’s ring finger. Hyukjae was still speechless.

“I bought these rings for us. The veins in the ring finger run all the way to the heart. Now we have the same ring to remind each other that we are always in each other’s hearts.” Donghae explained as he took the other ring from the box and wore it on his own ring finger.

“Donghae ah, this is so sweet. I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t need to say anything Hyukkie. Keep the ring on all the time ok? I will keep mine on all the time too since you are always in my heart.” Donghae said happily as he lightly squeezed Hyukjae’s hand.

“Awww…thank you. I have never felt so loved in my life.”

“Get used to it Hyukkie.” Donghae said before giving Hyukjae a light peck on the cheek. 


Hi dearies! Sorry sorry sorry for the late update. Haizz..was really busy and my connection thus putting me in a bad mood to write. I am also having post concert withdrawal syndrome...hahaha. This chapter is too fluffy for even for me to even write leave your comments! If you don't I feel like I am tallking to myself!

Finally the ring is given to the rightful owner! Lol....I know some of you waited so long lol. Next update, this weekend! Please anticipate! 


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Chapter 20: Yayyy eunhae back in town!
Chapter 17: (Referring to authors note) Well yes everyone is a bit different on and off work but meddling in a student's personal life like that especially after practically spying on them? I'd straight up tell the teacher to off
Chapter 12: Wait you were living in south korea???? Wow😳🥺 did you get to see suju? On streets?
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 21: Both WWM and LOM were very sweet and adorable. I liked it.
I just had one BIG problem with it. Hyukjae and Donghae didn't kiss Once. Yes they had a peck on the forehead or the cheek, hell even the back of the hand , but not once on the lips. It sort of makes me wonder if u really like EunHae as a couple. Heck even Luhan and Xiumin shared a real kiss andtthey were only 12.
Anyways like I said bbefore my compliant, I did enjoy the story. Thanks for sharing.
Sepanta-ruby #6
Chapter 21: Nemo :)))) Funny:))) Nice story and cute ending ;)
I liked your cliffhangers and Exo members were funny too!
Great job author-nim ^_^
TnX for sharing it with us :)
Sepanta-ruby #7
Chapter 17: Wo0w XiuHan! hahaha Luhan was really cute when he spoke about his love! A 12years old boy changed his teacher's thought! Great!
Sepanta-ruby #8
Chapter 1: Ok I'm here to read sequel! Cheesy :D But they're cute ;)
Hope they can live together! Next chapter...
Taikara100 #9
Chapter 21: jejeje I think this one of the best story that I ever read. It was so sweet-