
Lean on me (Sequel to 'Walk Next to Me')

You are beautiful because ………………………….. you are kind to everyone you meet.


“I am sure not. You must have misunderstood or something.” Hyukjae remarked. He was slightly shocked by what Henry said. Henry wore a serious expression, there was no way it could have been a joke.

“Hyung, its true. Long story….but basically they hate me here.” Henry answered as if he was able to read Hyukjae’s burning questions in his mind.

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, apart from all the hate messages online, they don’t clap for me when I go on stage and even booed me to get off the stage. I was new and really young so it really affected me a lot.” He said somberly.

“Really?” Hyukjae could not believe his ears. “Why would they do that?!”

Henry sighed. “Well, I was part of this sub group specially put together by SM for the China market but the fans here thought I was going to be replacing the other members in the group. They were so afraid that SM would replace the other members and they wanted to prevent it from happening.”

“Oh.” It was the only respond Hyukjae could give. He never imagined that this could happen. Even though he had only known Henry for two days, he really seemed like nice guy and he could not imagine anyone could do that to intentionally hurt him. Furthermore, from his tone of voice, he did sound really upset and down. He wanted to comfort him but he did not really know how.

Henry flashed his dimple at Hyukjae. “Its ok, I think I am pretty immune to all this by now. This is why the bosses wanted to go all out to for my solo singles. I am honored that they want to do this for me but at the same time I can’t help but feel stress about it too.”

Hyukjae stood up and offered his hand to Henry to help him up too. “Well, I promise this single with be a big hit, with my choreo of course.”

Henry chuckeld. “Really hyung?”

“Of course! I am the best at what I do! Now, where is that bandana you had? I just had a last minute inspiration.”


“Donghae ah are you ok? You seemed quieter than usual.” Siwon said while sipping his cup of coffee.

They were in the school cafeteria infusing themselves with caffeine while taking a short break from classes. It was Tuesday and Donghae share the same recess break timing as Siwon.

“I am fine. Just tired I guess.” He answered weakly.

“The kids giving you problems?” Siwon asked.

“No, he is just missing his boyfriend.” Kyuhyun interrupted before Donghae could answer.

Donghae glared at Kyuhyun, “Yah! Shut up!”

Siwon who was looking confused turned to Kyuhyun. “Boyfriend?”

Donghae kicked Kyuhyun from under the table signaling him to stop talking. Kyuhyun chuckled. “Nothing.”

“Donghae ah why don’t you join me at the gym today after school? It can help build up your stamina and you will not feel so tired.” Siwon suggested. Kyuhyun was still chuckling away while Donghae stared at him angrily.

“Hmm…ok. I have my shoes and shorts here in school but I will need to go home and get a t-shirt, or do you have any extra t-shirt that I can borrow first? I spilled coffee on the extra t-shirt I had.”

“I don’t have any. You can go shirtless. I mean, there are no girls around if that is what you are worried about.” Siwon answered. He turned to Kyuhyun and asked, “Do you want to join us?”

“Join you being shirtless? No thanks hyung, I am shy.”

That remarked earned him a smack on the head from Donghae. “Yah! No one is going to be interested looking at your body!”

Grumbling at the sudden pain on his head, Kyuhyun turned to Donghae and stared at him straight in the eye, “Are YOU sure?”

Donghae kicked Kyuhyun from under the table again. “Stop.”

‘I swear this kid is too smart for his own good.’ Donghae thought.

“Ouch! What was that kick for hyung?!”Kyuhyun moaned.

“For being annoying.”



The last bell for the day had just rang and Donghae hurriedly packed his bag. He had agreed to meet Siwon at the school gym in 15 minutes time. He did not really want to do workout but perhaps Siwon is right, working out can take his mind off Hyukjae for a while. Hyukjae had not messaged him the entire day and he figured that he must be busy on his first day at work. He could have sent a message first but he did not want to appear too clingy.

Before he could leave, Kyuhyun stepped into the classroom.

‘This kid again?!’ Donghae groaned silently.

“Hyung, are you really going to the gym with Siwon-sshi?”

Donghae sighed loudly. “Yes and what is the problem?”

“You know hyung, I am young but I am not stupid you know.”

“What do you mean?” Donghae was starting to worry.

“Hyung, I know about you and Hyukjae. You guys were obvious from the start.” Kyuhyun said with a smirk on his face.

“What do you want?”

Kyuhyun chuckled. “Nothing hyung, don’t worry, I won’t tell on you. I like you, you know. I wouldn’t want to see you get into trouble. Furthermore, I think you are a great teacher.”

Donghae heaved a sigh of relief. Kyuhyun does not look like the sort who will get others into trouble. While Hyukjae did have some suspicions about Kyuhyun, Donghae was almost sure Kyuhyun can be trusted.

“Thanks? I guess. You really won’t tell on me?”

“Of course I won’t? Do you think I am evil? I do have a favour to ask in return.” Kyuhyun smiled. There was something about this devious smile that continues to worry Donghae.

“Can you tell the other hyungs to stop ignoring me like I am invisible?”


Donghae jogged to the gym. He was running late no thanks to Kyuhyun who somehow always managed to stop him right before he leaves the classroom. He wondered how Kyuhyun knows exactly when to pop by the classroom.

When he arrived at the gym, Siwon was right. There was no one around. Siwon was already running on the treadmill with his ears plugged. Since he was shirtless, Donghae could see that Siwon was actually pretty toned and muscular. He must have been disciplined with his workout routine and his food intake.

He headed to the locker room to keep his bag. He was a little embarrassed going shirtless even though there was no one in the gym. Seeing Siwon’s well-defined muscles made him feel slightly inferior.

‘When will I have a body like that?’ Donghae sighed.

He brushed the negative thoughts aside and forced himself to stay positive. He was here to workout, not compare himself with Siwon. He took out his water bottle and his mobile phone and headed to the gym to join Siwon.

Seeing Donghae hopping on the treadmill next to his, Siwon smiled and slowed down the speed on his treadmill. “Welcome! I told you there is no one here at this hour. Most of the kids will leave by 4 pm.”

Donghae nodded. “Thanks. I didn’t know you were so muscular. How often do you workout?”

“Almost everyday. Its not just working out, I have to control my food intake too. After you get your heart rate up on the treadmill you join at the weights area there ok?” Siwon pointed to a section nearer to the huge mirrors in the gym.

“Ok. How long will I need to warm up?”

“About 15 to 20 minutes if you are jogging. You can sprint occasionally during warm up too, don’t stick to jogging at the same speed.” Siwon instructed.

“Got it. Thanks!”


Donghae’s mobile phone rang indicating an incoming message.


Hyukjae pabo:

Hi baby! How was your day? What are you doing now?


Finally! A message from Hyukkie! Donghae quickly typed in his reponse.


The usual. I am now at the school gym with Siwon!

Hyukjae pabo:

Really? You guys working out together?


Yes. Wish you were here:(

Hyukjae pabo:

Awww….me too. Snap me a pic cos I have been missing your cute fish face the whole day!


Donghae chuckled. Hyukjae was too adorable. He quickly changed the mode of the phone to camera mode and signaled to Siwon to pose for a picture with him. Siwon cutely posed for the picture willingly. He sent the picture over to Hyukjae.


Hyukjae pabo:

Why are you two shirtless?!!


I didn’t have a t-shirt Hyukkie and Siwon suggested I go shirtless since there is no one around. Don’t you do the same too when you workout with him?

Hyukjae pabo:



What? Its really nothing to worry about Hyukkie, you know I only have eyes for you.

Hyukjae pabo:

I know you can be trusted but what if he keeps staring at you? He still don't know that we are together.


I am sure not! Haha! Are you seriously jealous?

Hyukjae pabo:

Yes! Put on a shirt or pack up and leave.


Are you kidding me?!


If you notice, I didn't reveal much about Hyukjae and Siwon's background in "Walk Next to Me". I will be doing that here! Eunhae first couple fight? How??? Lol. Till next update, talk to me via comments!! Haha.

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Chapter 20: Yayyy eunhae back in town!
Chapter 17: (Referring to authors note) Well yes everyone is a bit different on and off work but meddling in a student's personal life like that especially after practically spying on them? I'd straight up tell the teacher to off
Chapter 12: Wait you were living in south korea???? Wow😳🥺 did you get to see suju? On streets?
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 21: Both WWM and LOM were very sweet and adorable. I liked it.
I just had one BIG problem with it. Hyukjae and Donghae didn't kiss Once. Yes they had a peck on the forehead or the cheek, hell even the back of the hand , but not once on the lips. It sort of makes me wonder if u really like EunHae as a couple. Heck even Luhan and Xiumin shared a real kiss andtthey were only 12.
Anyways like I said bbefore my compliant, I did enjoy the story. Thanks for sharing.
Sepanta-ruby #6
Chapter 21: Nemo :)))) Funny:))) Nice story and cute ending ;)
I liked your cliffhangers and Exo members were funny too!
Great job author-nim ^_^
TnX for sharing it with us :)
Sepanta-ruby #7
Chapter 17: Wo0w XiuHan! hahaha Luhan was really cute when he spoke about his love! A 12years old boy changed his teacher's thought! Great!
Sepanta-ruby #8
Chapter 1: Ok I'm here to read sequel! Cheesy :D But they're cute ;)
Hope they can live together! Next chapter...
Taikara100 #9
Chapter 21: jejeje I think this one of the best story that I ever read. It was so sweet-