
Jiyong bangs on the door again as his fist starts to burn from the force. He doesn't care if his hand bleeds against the fine wooden door. He needs to speak to him. "Come out you ing bastard!!" Jiyong continues to knock until he hears the clicking of a lock being released. The younger steps back a bit with a face ready for any challenge. 
Of course when the door is opened a pissed Seunghyun stands before the man with the same feeling of frustration. "What are you doing here? Do you realize that we could both be ed if the press finds out about you and your emotional fits!!" 
"I don't ing care. You seem to want to ignore my calls and any attempt to talk to me...so  I felt to go this route." This is totally unlike Jiyong but Seunghyun has brought him to this point. He is just frustrated. All those years of a relationship is gone because of the man standing before Jiyong. "This is all your fault why I'm like this....you drive me crazy..." 
Seunghyun sighs. "I told you. Like I told you before...we are over." 
"Why? Why Seunghyun!" Jiyong screams. 
"Stop calling me by that I'm your hyung damnmit!" 
"Since when. You have not been a hyung to me at all this past year....you and your ing movie and that damn John Lee...." 
Seunghyun sighs. He knows that he started this whole thing, but he really wanted to advance in his career. The best thing to do...was to let everything go for this role. Alumnai was the role that he has dreamed of and now that he is more mature he feels this will give him he foot into the door of more opportunity. His plan sounded great in his mind...but actually applying it was hard....he let go of the man that he started all of this with. 
Jiyong and Seunghyun shared many things together in life. They met in middle school where they went from friends to best friends to then lovers after so much curiosity. Jiyong was of course the one to confess his love to his hyung. They were both scared but Seunghyun accepted the younger one's love because back then Seunghyun was over weight and Jiyong still loved him. 
Even when they were trainees they were inseparable. They shared the same room and the same bed...and that is where they became even closer with them experiencing all kinds of first. They have been through a lot. It was a hard at times...but they still worked things out...until John came into the picture. 
Jiyong didn't like the man from the start and knew the man was going to be a problem. It went from simple day outings with Jiyong included to John and Seunghyun  meeting by themselves. John would always say that they are just friends, but Jiyong knew that he was influencing his boyfriend in the wrong path and the bastard did. 
John not only convinced  Seunghyun to quit his relationship. He also got Seunghyun so absorbed into film music became a side thing. Jiyong hated this because they have been through so much and what the most is that he had to be happy happy with his ex on stage. 
Jiyong hated faking those moments on stage but he also loved them when he could just look at the man all he wanted. How their staged conversations made them speak to each other and also how fanservice came in handy. When Seunghyun hurt his hand Jiyogn couldn't help but be next to the man during the tour. He wanted to help his Tabi smile and be happy...but Jiyong sometimes he would forget that kindness would not be returned. 
The younger tried...but that just lead to more resentment and Jiyong doesn't want to ever hate the man....because he still loves him. Because he loved Seunghyun so much...he let him go. No pictures no tweets...nothing....
Seunghyun sighs. "I don't have time for this Jiyong." The older starts to close the door and Jiyong stops the man pushing the door open. "What are you doing Jiyong?" 
" We need to talk" says the younger pushing his way in. Seunghyun closes the door of course pissed. "Why must you do this? We could talk any  where you know." 
Jiyong then huffs. "Me? Why are you making it difficult huh? Is that man here...." says Jiyong looking around. 
Seunghyun then growls. "Leave"
"No I'm not leaving!" says Jiyong through tears. "I have loved you and hated you and loved you to then love you more. Do you realize how much pain and confusion you have left me! I find myself doing things that I have never done before. I even followed and unfollowed John Lee just to see your face just once. I can't even look at you with out getting sad...why do you hate me so much...." 
"I don't hate you..." sighs the older
"Then why do you push me away...am I that bad...." says Jiyong just trying to figure out why they have come to this point. 
"Jiyong we are broken up. I have moved on....you need to do that too." 
"How can you move on when you still love me. I know you do...." says Jiyong looking the man in the eyes. "You love me. Like I love you." 
Seunghyun sighs. "Jiyong we are not the same....when we met we were young. We had fun. Let that just be a memory. Ne?" 
"NO! Because I don't see us ending here" says Jiyong in anger. "You know how long it's been since I have been touched by you? It just makes me so mad when you take out your frustrations on Daesung...." 
"He has nothing to do with this...and I told you that you could see other people...because we are over." says the older annoyed. Jiyong then shakes his head. "How can I stick my legs in the air for another person to me. You were my first everything....how could I do that...." 
"What about Kiko....I'm sure you had plenty straight with that ...." 
Jiyong then yells. "SERIOUSLY! THOSE stories are all FALSE. They were all made by Yang to cover up our relationship." 
"Then why did she sit with your parents at the concert." 
"Because she happened to sit there. I don't think about seats before a concert. Seriously Seunghyun that's ridiculous! Now I know why you left early..." 
"Well same with John Lee!" 
"That's not the same!" Screams Jiyong. Just hearing that man's name makes him want to punch a wall. That man really does want Seunghyun all to himself. 
"He is my friend. He doesn't think of me that way." 
"Why because you want him to." says Jiyong clearly jealous.
"YOU ARE THE ONE THAT MADE THIS TOXIC...IT'S YOU WHO MADE THIS RELATION!! DESPITE ALL OF THAT....I STILL LOVE YOU YOU FOOL!" says the younger looking into the dark eyes. "I love you. This whole time when I looked strong I really felt so lost....so lost that I just cry at night. I needed you Seunghyun...you were my rock...and then you just dissapear. I understand your decision on focusing on your role...I forgive you...but I just feel hurt being with out you..." Jiyong breaks again with tears flowing down his face. He drops his gaze down to the wooden floors as he continues to cry making the older watch every tear drop. 
Seunghyun hates it when he cries. I hurts his heart. Jiyong has always been an emotional person and he feels that crying in front of the person you love is not an embarrassment at all. He is just being real and that's what got the older to fall in love with the man. "Please....don't cry..." 
" you..." Jiyong wipes a tear and lifts his head. The man just wanted answers when he got here and he did....they are over. Really over. "I'm leaving." 
Seunghyun stands in front of the younger. "Don't leave like this." 
"I don't ing care..." says Jiyong crying more hearing his ex lovers voice. "Please let me leave....you are making this harder for me...." says Jiyong in a voice that is purely defeated. Seunghyun shakes his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't know that it was this bad. You should have" "What? Talk to you.... this." Jiyong then tries to leave again but the older blocks his path. "ing move hyung" 
The older told Jiyong to call him hyung but it almost hurts not hearing that precious voice call him by his name. "I'm not moving." Jiyong then pushes the man but the older plants his feet. "No!" Seunghyun then wraps his arms around the angry man in a struggle. Jiyong squirms like crazy trying to break away from the bear hug that the older has him in. "STOP IT!!! LET ME GO!!!" Jiyong continues to struggle digging his shoe into the older man's foot. 
"Aish..." Seunghyun mutters but keeps his hold. "I LOVE YOU!" Jiyong stops his struggle to absorb those words. "What?" 
"I love you...." says the older looking into the younger ones eyes. "I love you..." says the older again and Jiyong begins to cry. "PLease....I can't handle any more hurt from you...." 
"I thought that you didn't love me anymore...when you started to ignore me...I couldn't handle the break up. I was depressed so I just ignored everything...When I thought that there was no one...Daesung was there and he helped me with a lot of things...also John...I know you hate him but it was someone to talk to. Ji ah. You put up such a wall I was afraid to break it...I'm lost without you too...." Both of them really went through a lot making them both experience things that never thought they would do.  Seunghyun put his emotions into his role and Jiyong put his usual emotion into his music. 
Jiyong looks up at the man. "Hyunnie...." says the younger looking into his ex lover's eyes. "After all of this screaming...You  still love me?" 
"Ne...I love you...never stopped loving you." says the older now feeling smaller hands wrap around him. Jiyong didn't think that he would be hugging the man...he was prepared to yell out his thoughts and leave...but this is the opposite...the er still loves him. 
"So are you still crooked?" says the older staring into the younger's eyes. Jiyong shakes his head. "For now...no..." 
"Good" says the older stealing a kiss that almost takes the younger's breath away. "Oh now you don't' have anything to say." 
Jiyong shakes his head but is still in awe that he was just kissed again. "Why did you kiss me?" 
"Because you are my almond." Purrs the older. "Aish you and your charms...." says Jiyong slightly . Seunghyun grins. "SO...no more arguing?" 
"As long as you don't up...." 
"Just do three things for me and we will be good" 
Jiyong nods okay. "Only if you will do two things for me?" 
"Okay you first." says the older releasing the hug so they can properly talk. "One get rid of John Lee....two you must me tonight." 
The older smirks. "That's easy. Well for you mister. No more putting your emotions on instagram, no more Dong yong hyung yong whatever his name is. I couldn't stand him all over you and it made me so mad when he kissed you....I'm the only one who can kiss you...and three...we must get back together" 
Jiyong grins. "I figured as much and Hyung Don was just fan service. Don't be jealous Chocolate." 
Seunghyun pulls his lover into a kiss taking Jiyong's breath way as his back arches. His lips are played with and by the thin lips as he is allows access. Jiyong pulls back from the kiss panting from exhaustion followed by a moan. "What's wrong baby?" says the older caressing the small of Jiyong's back. Jiyong huffs. "I just need to build up my endurance...it's been a while." 
"You really didn't do anything while we were separated?" 
"Nope. You?" 
"Well it's going to be a long night hyunnie...." 
"Don't you have practice tomorrow?" 
"Won't be the first practice I'm sore" 
The older chuckles and steals a kiss. " Squirrelly Almond?" Jiyong smiles at the old pet name. 
"Ne my Choco Turtle?" 
"Thanks for coming over" 
**Thanks for reading this one shot. I kinda got inspired by the "He's Day" deleted photo on instagram. So because of that action I pretty much saw a angry gragon in my mind. Please tell me your thoughts. If you liked this story please take TAKE A LOOK AT MY OTHER STORIES. Most of my stories have high upvotes so you won't be disappointed. Thanks again for reading! Later!!


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Chapter 1: Sorry, aff cut my comment :" --and these two ppl... they lied about their feelings bcos they afraid the other would be hurt K BYE YOU TWO JUST BELONG TOGETHER OK CHOCOMOND omf the nickname just such a qt. And that "so you're not crooked" HAHAHAHAHAH Seunghyun savage. Anyway this one is so good! Keep writing! xx
Chapter 1: Bittersweet for lyf
Chapter 1: Angst and fluff, an awesome combination :)
BabyVip11 #4
Chapter 1: I loved it
Chapter 1: very cute:3 keep on your work, Hwaiting!
dreamslink88 #6
Chapter 1: As usual I love your story very much
phuongfoodiedinh #7
<3 this kinda fanfic, It makes me feel gtop is so real :)
I hope this is what happened outside the fic, too
Chapter 1: Ooooow my GTOP FEELS I CAN'T !!! >///<
And cute engrish ji kkk !
Chapter 1: I was they were broken up and Tabi was saying he didn't love Ji anymore :c but I'm so happy they are together and happy ♥
As usual.... you are awesome!!!!! *fangirling* haha