
I'm An Assassin! I Don't Want To Babysit A Stupid Idol!

First off, I would like to apologize on my behalf on not updating. I am truly sorry. I've had writer's block for this story and high school has certainly kept me busy. So, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Mianhae! >.<

Jae Ah's POV


Today was tiring and I was glad when we finally arrived home. I plopped myself onto the couch as the others walked inside. Shi Yeon disappeared, to which I assumed was to fetch the first aid kit. Minhee sat down next to me and Shi Yeon returned, holding the kit in her arms. She knelt down to eat of us and bandaged any wounds we had. To be honest, this little squabble wasn't as painstaking as usual.

"Are any of you hurt?" she addressed Super Junior.

They shook their heads. 

Pushing the box closed, Shi Yeon rose up and began walking away. "If that's it, I'll start on dinner."

Minhee and I suddenly jumped out of our seats and stopped her. 

"No, no. It's okay. I've got this," Minhee exclaimed. "You can rest after you put that away."

I nodded in agreement. Shi Yeon gave us puzzled looks before nodding and walking away. Yoojin let out a sigh of relief.

"Um... What was that about?" Donghae asked.

"Well... Let's just say that the day you eat Shi Yeon's cooking, is the day that you die," Minhee explained.

Now, Super Junior would've figured that she was joking and that Shi Yeon's cooking couldn't have possibly been that bad, but one look at her deadly serious face that contained no trace of humor made them shudder and think otherwise.

I nodded. "It's that bad."

"But don't worry. I'll be the one cooking tonight," Minhee assured. "Yoojin, will you please check on Taemin?"

Yoojin nodded wearily and walked away. 

"You guys can watch t.v. while you're waiting. I'll help Minhee cook, so I think it'll be done by-." I was interrupted.

"GET HIM!!!! DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!!!" Yoojin's voice screeched from the "dungeon". Seconds later, Taemin busted into the room, startling every single one of us. However, my instincts immediately allowed me to grab ahold of his shirt and firmly hold him in place. Yoojin came in moments later, her breath faltering.

"And where do you think you're going?" I hissed at him.

"To...the bathroom?" he said feigning innocence.

I growled. "Nice try." I dragged him back into the room and shoved him roughly in there. 

"Hey hey hey. Not so hard. Don't want me to reveal your true identity now, do you?" he threatened lightly.

"Only if you want me to blow your gang's hideout as well," I spat.

"And what makes you think that they'd believe you after they've found out that you're a traitor?" he taunted.

I snarled and tried to strike his face. He smirked and grabbed my wrist, twisting me around so that he pinned me to the wall, with my arms pinned to my back. I growled in frustration and struggled out of his hold, but to my avail, I could not. 

He leaned in closer and murmured, "Don't ever forget that I'm stronger than you. Got it?"

I snorted and elbowed him hard in his ribs, causing him to let go. I ignored what he just said and asked, "How did you escape in the first place?"

He chuckled. "Oh, that. I just picked the lock on the door, you know." He waved his hand around absentmindedly as if it was nothing.


"Um...maybe five minutes? Seven minutes tops."

"WHAT?! Then... why didn't you leave already?" I inquired.

He shrugged. "I like it here. I get a place to sleep, free food, and not to mention, I get to be watched by noonas." He drooled.

I growled and smacked him upside his head. "Don't get any ideas."

He smirked and wrapped an arm around my waist, nuzzling my neck. "We'll see about that."

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Chapter 25: please update soon, I'm a new reader but I like this fic already :)
Light-baekhyun #2
Update soon!! I cant wait for the next chapter!!
Kyu_Min13 #3
...NO No Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Dont end it there!! It was just getting
Keke anyeong! new reader here!! I really really looove your fic!! Please update it soon!! Or imma ginna hire my own assasins to make sure you update soon! LOL joke! :P Hwaiting!!
Claudiaaa #4
hahaha i liked the ending of the last chapter!!be sure to update soon please???
Wow, very interesting. Super Junior being protected against SHINee. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
DomoChocolate #6
Ahhhhh!!!! Cliffhanger!!!!!! Update soon. You cant be so mean as to leave me hanging! <br />
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="20">UPDATE SOON!!!</marquee>
MrsJoYoungMin #7
I love it Please update soon I really want to see what happens!!!<br />
Holy !! Next chappie!! :D
Cool chappie update...I'm so looking forward for the siblings encouter..wahhh!!