Meeting him

Tao - Airplane


The airport was massively crowded when you arrived. You noticed that a lot of those people that were crowding the entrance didn’t have luggage or anything. Instead they had cameras, fancy expensive ones.

Why are there so many people here?’ You thought to yourself. You headed to your gate for your flight. You were finally able to achieve your dream of studying abroad in South Korea with the help of an awesome scholarship.

“Boarding will now begin. Passengers in First Class for the flight to Seoul, South Korea, please head to the gate to begin boarding.”

You looked down to check your boarding pass and noticed that your seat was in that section so you gathered your things and boarded the plane. After you boarded you checked your boarding pass to see which seat is yours. ‘13A, a window seat. Awesome.You thought as you walked down the aisle to your seat. In your opinion, having a window seat is the best, especially when you’re traveling alone and for long airplane rides.

You were given a scholarship and you decided to take up on that offer. Because why not? You were given an opportunity to study abroad for free. But one thing you were worried about was that you didn’t know any Korean whatsoever. ‘Hopefully I’ll be fine.’ you thought.

You finally found your seat and sat down. There weren’t many people on the plane just yet since boarding had just started. You placed your backpack in the overhead compartment and sat in your seat. After settling in and getting comfortable as you waited for the other passengers to board the plane,  you started to feel physically and mentally exhausted. You quickly covered yourself with the large complimentary blanket that was provided. Next thing you know, you were leaning to your left, against the small window and had drifted off to dreamland.


You woke up a couple hours later and saw that the lights were off in the cabin of the plane. ‘The plane probably already took off.’ You thought as you shifted in your seat to get more comfortable as you unconsciously snuggled against the warm body on your right.

The body next to you suddenly cleared their throat. The realization, that were you snuggling against your seat partner, didn’t hit you until a few moments later. You quickly sat up. “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry!” you said as your eyes searched for their face in the dimly lighted cabin. When you eyes did find his in the darkness, your jaw nearly dropped to the floor. The person sitting next to you was a man. But not just any man, a very attractive on at that. His black hair paired with a set of dark colored eyes looked really nice against the contrast of his gray shirt. He also had several piercings on his ears. You snapped back to reality when he spoke.

"It is okay. You are comfortable and I fell asleep too.” He said shyly as he straightened up in his chair and looked into your eyes.

He has an accent! You thought as you listened to him talk with his deep voice. “Uhh,” you said as you gathered your thoughts. “It’s good that I didn’t make you uncomfortable. I was just so tired from not getting enough sleep last night that I had fallen asleep,” you quickly explained.

Not wanting to make the rest of the plane ride awkward for the both of you, you decided that you might as well introduce yourself. “My name is _____ by the way.”

“My name is Zitao Huang. Call me Tao, easier to say.” He said while continuing to stare at you with his dark eyes.


The two of you continued to talk as the hours flew by on the plane ride. You two were able to get more comfortable with each other as more information about each other was passed around.

You felt that it was time to stretch your legs out a bit. Since your seat was on the inside of the aisle, you had to climb over Tao to get to the aisle to take a bathroom break. While you were already up, you decided that you should be stretch out your legs a bit before sitting back down on this 14-hour plane ride to South Korea. When you returned to your seat, you noticed that Tao had fallen asleep. Not wanting to wake him up, you tried to sneak past of his sleeping body to your seat.

What you didn’t know was that Tao wasn’t asleep. When he opened his eyes and saw you trying to get to your seat, he reached his arms out and pulled you against him. Pulling you onto his lap as he hugs you, your back against his hard chest. “Mmm…” he sounded as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. “Let me sleep like this.” He says as he pulled the blanket onto you, then hugged you against his chest.




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chexkana #1
Chapter 1: Why did it end like this??????