
He Was Happy


He was happy.

Well, he was supposed to be happy. This was a joyous celebration after all. And no one would want to see him sulking or sad. It would ruin everything and would affect everyone else. And what’s worse is, he would be doing it alone. No one would be there to comfort him.

He would be the only one weeping amidst all the happy souls in that place.

And so, he forced himself he was happy. That was how it should be.

It was only a minute ago when he was in with his best friend, Jungkook. He gave the lad a pat on the back and congratulated him. That was the only thing he could do during that moment; words seemed to be stuck inside his mouth. He was afraid he’d say something that would ruin the happy mood of his best friend.

Jungkook smiled at him, the happiest smile he’s ever seen his best friend did, and hugged him. “Thanks Taehyung. Thank you for being here. You know how much this means to me.”

And he did. He knew how important this was to Jungkook and how it would crush him if he didn’t come. He knew everything else didn’t matter to his best friend now; what other people would say, whatever happened, not even how he felt.

He chewed the inside of his lip and grimaced as he remembered. That thing he’s not supposed to have.


How did he feel? Was he still happy, standing where he is right now?


He’s hurt.

He looked around him and saw all smiles, as they focused their attention to the girl walking gracefully down the aisle. The girl he was with since childhood. The girl he later on realized he loved.

And he felt stupid, for realizing that too late. He was too late.

He was always by her side. When she cried, he was with her to wipe her tears. He was always there to catch her when she falls.

When she laughed, he laughed along with her.  When she smiled, his day immediately brightens up.

Oh how he loved that smile.

And right now, she was wearing that very same smile. But it hurt him, because he knows that smile wasn’t for him.


It didn’t occur to him that she was already there right in front of him, smiling.

That very same smile.

“Thank you for coming. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

She pulled him into a hug and he smiled. “I know. Be happy.”

Be happy, because he wouldn’t be there for you anymore. He wouldn’t be able to wipe every teardrop. He wouldn’t be able to laugh with her and see that smile every day. There’s someone else that would be doing all those things for him.

And it hurt him.

And do you know what hurt him more? The fact that the person that would be replacing him was someone he couldn’t hate, because he was someone that would love her more than he would.

He couldn’t accept it. But he had to accept him. No matter how painful it is.

But still, standing there watching his two favorite people in the world wearing the biggest smiles on their faces was a reward as much as it is a punishment.

She was happy. And that’s all that matters.

Pushing every thought of her, every feeling of her somewhere deep and hidden inside of him, he smiled. He can finally smile. He can finally let go. He finally came to a conclusion.

He was happy.

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